Dona i inclusió social

General objectives

  1. To understand the reality of women in contexts of social vulnerability and to know the strategies that they put into practice for the overcoming and the transformation of their situations.
  2. To develop training and sensitizing proposals that lead to greater social awareness of the most vulnerable situations that some women suffer.
  3. To carry out actions to transfer and disseminate the results obtained from the ongoing investigations, as well as contributions to different national and international congresses.



  • Mujer, inmigración y prostitución, elementos para la intervención socioeducativa. MCNN EDU2008-04724-E/EDUC


Ayuste, A.; Gijón, M.; Payá, M.; Rubio, L. (2015). Social work and prostitution: an approach to educational practices. European Journal of Social Work. ISSN: 1369-1457
ico_llibre Ayuste, A.; Payá, M. (2014) La relación educativa con mujeres en contextos de prostitución: la dimensión pedagógica de la intervención en Educación XX1, Vol17, nº 1 291-308.


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