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Grrrls! Feminismo y activismo contemporáneos

From April 5 to June 9, 2016, from 19h00 to 20h30
Institut d'Humanitats de Barcelona - CCCB, c/ Montalegre 5 - 08001 Barcelona

Who took to the streets and occupied public squares to resist the logic of war and violence that was bolting down their loved ones? How did they creep into museums to denounce their historical absence and to inscribe it in their own bodies? When did they cry out against the abuse by terrestrial and heavenly authorities and became detached from their environment in order to just be? The course "Grrrls! Feminismo y activismo contemporáneos", coordinated by À. Lorena Fuster, Elena Laurenzi (Seminari Filosofia i Gènere) and Florencia González Brizuela (Universitat de Barcelona) proposes an exploration of some of the practices by radical feminism –from the 1970s to the present– as ingenious and creative ways of bursting into the public space and the symbolic order. A revolution without a recipe to follow, without a Bible or sacred text, in which these women exposed themselves in order to transform the world. Their practices gained preeminence over the theory: they nurtured it, but they also challenged it and transformed it. And throughout the years, they have been a source of inspiration –very often unacknowledged– for the most stimulating movements of renovation of democracy and the political sphere. The course includes sessions by the coordinator as well as by Fina Birulés (Seminari Filosofia i Gènere),  Joana Masó (Centre Dona i Literatura), and specialists and feminist activists such as Montserrat Boix and Lucía Egaña.



- Una revolució sense model. Feminisme i praxis de la transformació (Fina Birulés)
- De la plaça al museu. Feminisme i art (Joana Masó)
- En peu de pau. Feminisme i pacifisme (Montserrat Boix)
- Lubricant l'activisme. Feminisme i pornografia (Lucía Egaña)
- A descolonitzar i despatriarcalitzar. Feminisme i diversitat cultural (Florencia González)
- Derives precàries: la Vaga de totes. Feminisme i economia (À. Lorena Fuster)
- "Només parlem amb dones". Feminisme i autoconsciència (Elena Laurenzi)
- Lectura dramatitzada de manifestos del feminisme (direcció: Carlota Subirós)

À. Lorena Fuster,
Florencia González Brizuela,
Elena Laurenzi
Fina Birulés,
Montserrat Boix,
Lucía Egaña,
Joana Masó
Institut d'Humanitats de Barcelona
In collaboration with
Seminari Filosofia i Gènere;
Institut del Teatre;
Càtedra UNESCO Dones, desenvolupament i cultures;
ADHUC-Centre de Recerca Teoria, Gènere, Sexualitat