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Simone Weil: a Political Philosophy Emerged from the Radical Commitment of Not Lying to Oneself

Thesis Laboratory
Tuesday, 17 December, 2019 at 17h30
Seminari María Zambrano, Departament de Filosofia, UB
C/ Montalegre, 6, 4t pis - 08001 Barcelona
Díptic (137.7 KB)

The Filosofia i Gènere—ADHUC Seminar holds the 26th Thesis Laboratory. In this new session, PhD candidate Pau Matheu Ribera (Seminari Filosofia i Gènere—ADHUC, University of Barcelona) will present the research he is carrying out for his thesis project Simone Weil: a Political Philosophy Emerged from the Radical Commitment of Not Lying to Oneself, under Dr. Rosa Rius Gatell's supervision. In this project, Matheu Ribera analyzes Simone Weil's political thought in order to demonstrate that it is a dynamic thought, in constant transformation, that emerges from philosophy's desire to effectively intervene in reality. This desire for intervention is precisely what forced her to constantly revise her political conceptions, contrasting them with the results from a close analysis of the social and political events of her time. Matheu Ribera follows these transformations in an attempt to find the main features of a political thought that escapes prefabricated solutions and abstractions in order to "morder la tierra" ( bite the earth). 


Rosa Rius Gatell,
Georgina Rabassó
Pau Matheu Ribera
Seminari Filosofia i Gènere;
ADHUC—Centre de Recerca Teoria, Gènere, Sexualitat;
VULFIL, PGC2018-094463-B-100 (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE);
GRC Creació i Pensament de les dones (2017 SGR 588);
In collaboration with
Institut Català de les Dones