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Helena González, appointed Académica Correspondente de la Academia Galega


The researcher Helena González Fernández, director of the Research Center ADHUC-Theory, Gender, Sexuality and professor of Galician and Portuguese Studies at the Universitat de Barcelona, has been appointed Académica Correspondente by the Academia Galega for her research on the study of Galician literature and culture through feminism and gender. Five more scholars were appointed by the very same plenary, namely, Olga Castro (Aston University), Kirsty Hooper (University of Warrick), Marina Mayoral (Universidad Complutense de Madrid and writer), Helena Villar Janeiro (writer), and Helena Zernova (University of Saint Petersburg).

Helena González has authored many books about Galician literature, contemporary popular culture and Gender Studies, and she has edited monographies such as Canon y subversión. La obra narrativa de Rosalía de Castro (with M.C. Rábade; Icaria, 2012), Máxima audiencia. Cultura popular y género (with Isabel Clúa; Icaria, 2011) or the essays Género y nación. La construcción de un espacio literario (Icaria, 2009) and Elas e o paraugas totalizador. Escritoras, xénero e nación (Xerais, 2005). She coordinates, together with Mariam Mariño, the digital archive A Saia. Publicacions periódicas feministas (Consello da Cultura Galega, 2014-), and, together with M.X. Lama, the digital letters Rosalía de Castro (Consello da Cultura Galega, 2014-). She is also the director of the journal Abriu: estudos de textualidade do Brasil, Galicia e Portugal, and is part of the editorial board of Lectora: revista de Dones i Textualitat.