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Publication of 'Rosalía feminista'


The anthology Rosalía feminista (Xerais, 2019), edited by Helena González Fernández (ADHUC–Universitat de Barcelona), has been published. At a moment when Rosalian Studies are facing a deep critical, historiographical, and biographical revision, this book brings Rosalian poetry close to the contemporary feminist debate, highlighting the many female figures who are portrayed in the poems, and who stand out by their age, by their relationships, or by their vital and emotional condition. The structure of this anthology issues from the connections of Rosalía de Castro's poetics with women writers and thinkers such as Ana Romaní, María Xosé Queizán, Xohana Torres, Maria-Mercè Marçal, Hélène Cixous, María Xosé Agra, Judith Butler, Fina Birulés or Eva Illouz.