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Catalina Mir has been awarded a grant by Fundació Mercè Rodoreda


Catalina Mir Jaume, predoctoral researcher at ADHUCCentre de Recerca Teoria, Gènere, Sexualitat at Universitat de Barcelona, has been awarded a grant by Fundació Mercè Rodoreda for the expansion of her work “Vint-i-dues aproximacions a la traïció com a tema literari. Vint-i-dos contes de Mercè Rodoreda”. This research examines the stories that make up the collection Vint-i-dos contes (1958), traditionally considered unrelated and varied, with the aim of emphasizing its reading as a collection of chapters that belong to the same story: that of betrayal.


The Fundació Mercè Rodoreda announces the call for four research grants every year, which are awarded by the Comissió Tècnica. The grant-giving ceremony took place at the 88th Premis Sant Jordi, organized by the Institut d'Estudis Catalans.