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Consolidated Research Group Women's Creation and Thought (SGR2009/647)

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AGAUR - Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca, Generalitat de Catalunya
Suport als Grups de Recerca
Research groups
Principal Investigator(s)
Marta Segarra
(Centre Dona i Literatura-Universitat de Barcelona)
Research Team
Cristina Alsina
(Centre Dona i Literatura-Universitat de Barcelona)
Rodrigo Andrés
(Centre Dona i Literatura-Universitat de Barcelona)
Fina Birulés
(Seminari Filosofia i Gènere-Universitat de Barcelona)
Marie-France Borot
(Universitat de Barcelona)
Àngels Carabí
(Centre Dona i Literatura-Universitat de Barcelona)
Nora Catelli
(Centre Dona i Literatura-Universitat de Barcelona)
À. Lorena Fuster
(Seminari Filosofia i Gènere-Universitat de Barcelona)
Helena González
(Centre Dona i Literatura-Universitat de Barcelona)
Elena Laurenzi
(Seminari Filosofia i Gènere-Università degli studi di Firenze)
Elena Losada
(Centre Dona i Literatura-Universitat de Barcelona)
Joana Masó
(Centre Dona i Literatura-Universitat de Barcelona)
Rafael M. Mérida
(Centre Dona i Literatura-Universitat de Lleida)
Maria Dolors Molas Font
(Tàcita Muta-Universitat de Barcelona)
Ana Moya
(Universitat de Barcelona)
Carmen Revilla
(Seminari Filosofia i Gènere-Universitat de Barcelona)
Rosa Rius
(Seminari Filosofia i Gènere-Universitat de Barcelona)
Joana Sabadell
(Centre Dona i Literatura-State University of New York at Albany)
Joana Zaragoza
(Tàcita Muta-Universitat Rovira i Virgili)
Predoctoral research staff in training
Anabella Di Tullio
(Seminari Filosofia i Gènere-Universitat de Barcelona)
Víctor Escudero
(Centre Dona i Literatura-Universitat de Barcelona)
Marta Font
(Centre Dona i Literatura-Universitat de Barcelona)
Paula Juanpere
(Centre Dona i Literatura-Universitat de Barcelona)
Blanca Llorca
(Seminari Filosofia i Gènere-Universitat de Barcelona)
Maria Antònia Massanet
(Centre Dona i Literatura-Universitat de Barcelona)
Katarzyna Paszkiewicz
(Centre Dona i Literatura-Universitat de Barcelona)
Anne Marie Poelen
(Centre Dona i Literatura-Universitat de Barcelona)
Georgina G. Rabassó
(Seminari Filosofia i Gènere-Universitat de Barcelona)
María Teresa Vera-Rojas
(Centre Dona i Literatura-Universitat de Barcelona)

Three groups with a long trajectory of women's and gender studies: the Centre Dona i Literatura (Gènere, sexualitats, crítica de la cultura) [Center for Women and Literature. Gender, sexualities and cultural criticism], the Seminari Filosofia i Gènere and Tàcita Muta (Grup d'Estudis de Dones i Gènere a l'Antiguitat) of the Universitat de Barcelona, joined to enhance the interdisciplinarity of their research, dedicated to the study of women's creations in the fields of literature, cinema, fine arts, philosophy and history, from Antiquity to the 21st century, with the goal of analyzing representations of gender in texts and cultural practices. Marta Segarra Montaner was the PR until September 2015.

Centre Dona i Literatura. Gènere, sexualitats, crítica de la cultura

The Centre Dona i Literatura [Center for Women and Literature. Gender, sexualities and cultural criticism], directed by Helena González Fernández since 2013, was founded by Àngels Carabí and Marta Segarra and began its activities in 1990 as the Seminar on Literature by Women, and was consolidated as a Research Centre in 1994. It is located in the Facultat de Filologia at the Universitat de Barcelona. It was directed by Marta Segarra from 2003 to 2012. It is the headquarters of the UNESCO Chair Women, development and cultures since January 2004 with the Universitat de Vic. The Centre edits the academic essay series Mujeres y culturas published by Icaria Editorial (Barcelona) as well as the journal Lectora. Revista de dones i textualitat (nº 1: 1995...). It is also the editorial office of the international journal Expressions maghrébines, published with the support of Florida State University (USA). It maintains research and teaching exchanges with gender studies centers around the world: University of Leeds, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Universität Leipzig, etc. Worth highlighting is the close collaboration with the Centre de recherche en études féminines et en études de genre at the Université Paris 8. It was the principal group of the Xarxa Temàtica Dones i cultures [Thematic Network Women and Cultures] of the Research Plan of the Government of Catalonia (D.O.G.C. December 30, 1997), renewed in 1999, 2001 and 2004.

Seminari Filosofia i Gènere

Filosofia i Gènere is a study seminar created by Fina Birulés in November 1990. From the beginning, it has worked to recover, analyze and disseminate texts that reflect women's philosophical production from Antiquity to the present. In recent years, without abandoning its research into the previous centuries, it has concentrated more particularly on philosophers of the twentieth century, for example Hannah Arendt, Simone Weil, María Zambrano, Rachel Bespaloff and Jeanne Hersch, among others, and contemporary thinkers like Judith Butler and Martha Nussbaum. The headquarters are located in the Facultat de Filosofia at the Universitat de Barcelona. Since 2005 it has organized the innovative teaching experience Laboratori de Tesi (Thesis Workshop) and since 2011, the Cicles Internacionals de Conferències "Primaveres arendtianes" (International Lectures Cycles "Arendtian Springs"). Since 1997 it has collaborated with the María Zambrano Seminar at the Universitat de Barcelona, as well as in the edition of the journal Aurora. Papeles del "Seminario María Zambrano" (nº 1: 1999…). Fina Birulés and Rosa Rius are part of the editorial board for Lectora. Revista de dones i textualitat, as well as being researchers of the UNESCO Chair Women, development and cultures since its establishment. In terms of international research exchanges, it has established relationships with numerous European and American centers (Hannah Arendt Center of Bard College, Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, Università del Salento, etc.).

Tàcita Muta. Grup d'Estudis de Dones i Gènere a l'Antiguitat

Tàcita Muta (Grup d'Estudis de Dones I Gènere a l'Antiguitat) was formed in 1998 by professors and students of the Universitat de Barcelona. Group members are professors and researchers in History, Philology, Archeology and Law at the Universitat de Barcelona, the Universitat Rovira i Virgili of Tarragona, and the Institut d'Estudis del Pròxim Orient Antic at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (IEPOA) whose research is focused on the ancient societies of Greece, Rome, the Near East and Egypt. From the beginning, the guiding principle for the group's activities has been to combine synergies so as to encourage, develop and disseminate knowledge and research about women and gender relations in the ancient world. Tàcita Muta is, overall, a space for interdisciplinary meeting that permits: making visible the important role of women as subjects in the construction of history; understanding the construction of identities and interrelations of gender in the different cultures of Antiquity; reflecting on the reality of our Western society through research on ancient societies and disseminating the results of the research through the organization and participation in scientific and academic activities and publications. Currently, the group's principle lines of research are: bodies, eroticism and sexuality; the archeology of gender; identity construction; gender and legislation. Tàcita Muta collaborates with other women's and gender studies groups, such as: Contra Taedium (Grup de Recerca en Història Medieval i Innovació Docent), Universitat de Barcelona; Grupo Deméter. Historia, mujeres y género, Universidad de Oviedo; and GREC (Gènere, raça, ètnia i cultura), Universitat Rovira i Virgili.


1 Analyze and review the humanities, social sciences and philosophical hermeneutics from the perspective of gender, culture and sexual orientation: Multiculturalism and postcolonialism. Gender and cultural minorities. Cultural studies: literature and cinema by women, and society/history. Gay, lesbian and queer studies.

2 Recover and study texts which manifest the philosophical production of women from Antiquity to the present, as well as literary, filmic and artistic creation in general, paying special attention to those cultures considered "peripheral".

3 Intervene in contemporary debates on feminist theory and the role of sexual difference in the construction of the subject and the inscription of the subject in the text: The deconstruction of literary, filmic and media discourse through gender. The deconstruction of the subject in the text (psychoanalysis, queer studies…). Desire in/for writing.

4 Analyze the historical and symbolic origins of gender violence, from Antiquity to the present, as well as its representation in literature, cinema, the arts and philosophical discourse.