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Research group Women's Creation and Thought (SGR2005/00246)

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AGAUR - Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca, Generalitat de Catalunya
Research groups
Principal Investigator(s)
Marta Segarra
(Centre Dona i Literatura-Universitat de Barcelona)
Research Team
Rodrigo Andrés
(Centre Dona i Literatura-Universitat de Barcelona; investigador en formació postdoctoral)
Fina Birulés
(Seminari Filosofia i Gènere-Universitat de Barcelona)
Àngels Carabí
(Centre Dona i Literatura-Universitat de Barcelona)
Neus Carbonell
(Centre Dona i Literatura-Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)
Nora Catelli
(Centre Dona i Literatura-Universitat de Barcelona)
Helena González
(Centre Dona i Literatura-Universitat de Barcelona)
Rafael M. Mérida
(Centre Dona i Literatura-Universitat de Lleida)
Annalisa Mirizio
(Centre Dona i Literatura-Universitat de Barcelona; inv. coordinadora en formació postdoctoral)
Dolors Molas
(Tàcita Muta-Universitat de Barcelona)
Ana Moya
(Universitat de Barcelona)
Carmen Revilla
(Seminari Filosofia i Gènere-Universitat de Barcelona)
Rosa Rius
(Seminari Filosofia i Gènere-Universitat de Barcelona)
Joana Zaragoza
(Tàcita Muta-Universitat Rovira i Virgili)
Predoctoral research staff in training
Cristina Alsina
(Centre Dona i Literatura-Universitat de Barcelona)
À. Lorena Fuster
(Seminari Filosofia i Gènere-Universitat de Barcelona)
Sonia Guerra
(Universitat de Barcelona)
Carlota Oliveras
(Centre Dona i Literatura-Universitat de Barcelona)
Anne Marie Poelen
(Centre Dona i Literatura-Universitat de Barcelona)
Collaborating staff
Mercè Otero

Three groups with a long trajectory of women's and gender studies: the Centre Dona i Literatura (Gènere, sexualitats, crítica de la cultura) [Center for Women and Literature. Gender, sexualities and cultural criticism], the Seminari Filosofia i Gènere and Tàcita Muta (Grup d'Estudis de Dones i Gènere a l'Antiguitat) of the Universitat de Barcelona, joined to enhance the interdisciplinarity of their research, dedicated to the study of women's creations in the fields of literature, cinema, fine arts, philosophy and history, from Antiquity to the 21st century, with the goal of analyzing representations of gender in texts and cultural practices. Marta Segarra Montaner was the PI until September 2015.



Centre Dona i Literatura

The Centre Dona i Literatura was founded by Àngels Carabí and Marta Segarra and started its activities in 1990 as the Seminari de literatura feta per dones, which was consolidated as a research center recognized by the Instituto de la Mujer in 1994. Marta Segarra was the director between 2003 and 2012. It is located at the Faculty of Philology of the Universitat de Barcelona. It is the headquarters of the UNESCO Chair for Women, development and cultures since January 2004, together with the Universitat de Vic. It was the main group of the Xarxa Temàtica Dones i cultures of the Pla de Recerca of the Generalitat de Catalunya (D.O.G.P. December 30, 1997), renewed in 1999, 2001 and 2004.

The centre edits the academic essay collection Mujeres y culturas, published by Icaria Editorial (Barcelona) and directed by À. Carabí and M. Segarra, as well as the annual journal Lectora. Revista de dones i textualitat (nº 1: 1995 ...) (indexed in group B by the Generalitat de Catalunya). Researchers A. Mirizio (co-director of the magazine), A. Carabí, H. González and M. Segarra are part of its editorial board.

We also hold research and teaching exchanges with various Gender Studies research centres around the world, including the Centre de recherche en études feminines et en études de genre of the Université Paris 8.


Seminari Filosofia i Gènere

"Filosofia i Gènere" is a seminar about the women philosophers and their thought created in November 1990 at the Universitat de Barcelona by professors and researchers from the Departments of History of Philosophy, Aesthetics and Philosophy of Culture (Faculty of Philosophy) and Greek Philology (Faculty of Philology).

The Seminari Filosofia i Gènere has established a close relationship with the Seminario María Zambrano of the Universitat de Barcelona, directed by Carmen Revilla. They have carried out several joint publications, including the dossier "Las mujeres y las ideas" coordinated by Rosa Rius and Fina Birulés and included in Lectora. Revista de dones i textualitat n. 9 (2003). F. Birulés and R. Rius are part of the editorial board of the jounal. In 2002 it organized the 10th International Symposium of Women Philosophers (IAPh) at the CCCB under the title "La passió per la llibertat", the proceedings of which were published.

It has also established fruitful exchanges with several universities, both in Spain (Granada, Málaga, Sevilla and the Aula Interdisciplinar Isabel Torres de Estudios de las Mujeres y del Género of the Universidad de Cantabria) and internationally ( Florence, Siena, Verona, Padua, Salerno, Toulouse-Le Mirail), as well as with foreign research centres (CNRS, New School University of New York and associations such as the IAPh).


Tàcita muta 

Created in 1998 by Maria Dolors Molas i Font, the main objective of the "Tàcita Muta" research group is to promote and develop scientific and cultural activities related to women's history and archeology, and thus to contribute to the dissemination of thought and research about our shared and specific historical past.

Since 2003, Tàcita Muta has organized the "Jornades sobre la violència de gènere. Novembre 25", which aims to analyze why patriarchal violence has been perpetuated throughout history. It has also developed several joint publications and organized seminars and university extension courses.



  1. To analyze and review the Humanities, Social Sciences and Philosophical Hermeneutics from the perspectives of gender, race and sexual orientation: Multiculturalism and postcolonialism. Gender and cultural minorities. Cultural studies: women's literature, cinema and society / history. Analysis of masculinity in literature and cinema. Gender and sexual options.
  2. To recover and study texts by women from Antiquity to the present, from philosophical production to literary, cinematographic and artistic, paying particular attention to "peripheric" cultures. 
  3. To intervene in the contemporary debate on feminist theory and the role of gender difference in the construction of the subject and the inscription of the subject in the text: The deconstruction of literary, filmic and mediatic discourse. The deconstruction of the subject in the text (psychoanalysis, queer studies...). The desire of / in writing.
  4. To analyze the historical and symbolic origins of patriarchal violence, from Antiquity to today, as well as their representations in literature, cinema, the arts and philosophical discourse.