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Jose Luis Araus Ortega
  • Orcid 0000-0002-8866-2388
  • Categoria Catedràtic d'Universitat
  • Departament Departament de Biologia Evolutiva, Ecologia i Ciències Ambientals
  • Facultat Facultat de Biologia

Altres publicacions de Jose Luis Araus Ortega (75)

S'han trobat 75 resultats

Araus J.L.,Febrero, A., Bort J., Ferrio J.P., Voltas J., Buxo, R. (2001)

Técnicas de reconstrucción paleoambiental.

Volum. 213 , Número. 216, pp. 213 - 216
Araus JL, Casadesús J, Bort J, Machit MM, Villegas D, Aparicio N, Royo C. (2000)

Some remarks on ecophysiological traits for breeding. Durum Wheat improvement in the Mediterranean region: New Challenges

Volum. 57 , Número. 62, pp. 57 - 62
Bort, J., Casadesus, J., Araus, J.L., Grando, S. and Ceccarelli, S. (2002)

Spectral vegetation indices as non-destructive indicators of barley yield in mediterranean rainfed conditions.

Volum. 387 , Número. 411, pp. 387 - 411
Araus, J.L. (2001)

Physiological basis of the processes determining barley yield under potencial and stress conditions: current research trends on carbon assimilation

Volum. 269 , Número. 306, pp. 269 - 306
Araus, J.L., Casadesús, J., Bort, J. (2001)

Recent tools for the screening of physiological traits determining yield

Volum. 59 , Número. 77, pp. 59 - 77
Burjachs, F., Febrero, A., Rodriguez-Ariza, M.O., Buxo, R., Araus, J.L., Julia, R. (2000)

Holocene pollen sequences and carbon isotope discrimination op plant remains in Spain: Evidences of a progresive increase in aridity

Volum. 11 , Número. 20, pp. 11 - 20
Slafer, G., Araus, J.L., Richards, R.A. (1999)

Physiological traits that increase the yield potential of wheat

Volum. 379 , Número. 415, pp. 379 - 415
Araus, J.L., Ali Dib, T., Nachit, M. (1998)

Some insights about morphophysiological traits associated with cereal yield increases in mediterranean environments

Volum. 139 , Número. 158, pp. 139 - 158
Araus, J.L., Febrero, A., Catala, M., Molist, M., Voltas, J., Romagosa, I. (1998)

Crop water availability from a pre-pottery neolithic site on the Euphrates, determinated by carbon isotope discrimination of seeds

Volum. 178 , Número. 187, pp. 178 - 187
Rekika, D., Havaux, M., Araus, J.L., Monneveux, P. (1998)

Variation for physiological traits related to abiotic stress tolerance in Aegilops species

Aparicio, N., Araus, J.L., Villegas, D, Casadesus, J., Royo C. (1998)

Spectral reflectance vegetation indices for assessing durum wheat biomass

Volum. 140 , Número. 143, pp. 140 - 143
Slafer, G.A.; Araus, J.L. (1998)

Keynote address: Improving wheat responses to abiotic stresses

Volum. 201 , Número. 213, pp. 201 - 213
Baum, M., Sayet, H., Araus, J.L., Grando, S., Ceccarelli, S., Vacker, C., Moher, V., Jahoori, A., Fischbeck (1996)

QTL analysis of agronomic important characters for dryland conditions in barley by using molecular markers

Volum. 241 , Número. 243, pp. 241 - 243
Voltas, J., Romagosa, I., Lafarga, A, Armesto, F, Lasa, J.L., Sombrero, A., Araus, J.L. (1996)

Assesing relations between yield and carbon isotope discrimination for barley across a wide range of rainfed mediterranean environments

Volum. 682 , Número. 684, pp. 682 - 684
Araus, J.L. (1996)

Integrative physiological criteria associated with yield potential

Volum. 150 , Número. 166, pp. 150 - 166
Romagosa, I., Araus, J.L. (1991)

Genotype environment interaction for grain yield and 13C discrimination in barley

Volum. 563 , Número. 567, pp. 563 - 567
Romagosa, I., Araus, J.L. (1990)

Acciones mitigantes de la sequía en la agricultura: la mejora genética vegetal

Volum. 142 , Número. 162, pp. 142 - 162
Araus, J.L. (1981)

Efecto de la intensidad luminosa en la actividad fotosintética

Número. 123 pp., p. 123 pp.
Araus, J.L. (1982)

Efectos ínter e intravarietales de la época y lugar de siembra sobre ciertos componentes de la producción en cereales

Número. 308 pp., p. 308 pp.
Nogués, S.; Tambussi, E.; Araus, J.L. (2005)

Adaptation to water stress: Methodologies for the study of the Photosynthetic Response
