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Joan Mata Alvarez
  • Orcid 0000-0002-4570-7152
  • Categoria Contractat
  • Departament Departament d'Enginyeria Química i Química Analítica
  • Facultat Facultat de Química

Publicacions en revistes de Joan Mata Alvarez (249)

S'han trobat 249 resultats

Sans , C.; Mata Alvarez, J.; Cecchi, F.; Pavan, P. (1995)

Volatile fatty acids production by mesophilic fermentation of mechanically-sorted urban organic waste in a plug-flow reactor

Bioresource Technology
51, pp. 89 - 96
Mata Alvarez, J.; Sans, C.; Cecchi, F.; Pavan, P. (1994)

Modelling of a plug-flow pilot reactor producing VFA by anaerobic fermentation of municipal solid wastes.

Water Science and Technology
30 , 12, pp. 125 - 132
Cecchi, F.; Battistoni, P.; Pavan, P.; Fava, G.; Mata Alvarez, J. (1994)

Anaerobic digestion of OFMSW and BNR processes - a possible integration: preliminary results

Water Science and Technology
30 , 8, pp. 65 - 72
Mtz. Viturtia, A.; Mata Alvarez, J.; Cecchi, F. (1995)

Two-phase continuous anaerobic digestion of fruit and vegetable wastes.

Resources Conservation and Recycling
13, pp. 257 - 267
Mata Alvarez J.; Llabrés, P. (1993)

Tendencias en el proceso de compostaje de la fracción orgánica de los residuos sólidos urbanos

Revista Técnica Residuos
3 , 4, pp. 14 - 18
Mata Alvarez J.; Mtz.-Viturtia, A.; Llabrés-Luengo, P.; Cechi, F. (1993)

Kinetic and performance study of a batch two-phase anaerobic digestion of fruit and vegetable wastes

Biomass & Bioenergy
5 , 6, pp. 481 - 488
Mata Alvarez J. (1993)

La minización de residuos: Un objetivo tecnológico de los años 2000

Ingenieria Quimica
294 , 9, pp. 257 - 261
Mata, J.; Cecchi, F.; Pavan, P.; Fazzini, G. (1993)

Moving from mesophilic (37°C) to thermophilic (55°C) conditions digesting organic fraction of municipal solid waste

Waste Management and Research
Mata Alvarez, J.; Cecchi, J.; Pavan, P.; Sans, C. (1991)

High-rate biotreatment of MSW.

Izquierdo, J.F.; Mata, J. (1993)

Métodos secuenciales de optimación experimental: Estudio de su eficacia relativa

134, pp. 40 - 43
Mata Alvarez, J.; Cecchi, F.; Pavan, P.; Bassetti, A. (1993)

Semi-dry thermophilic anaerobic digestion of fresch and pre-composted organic fraction of MSE. Digester performance

Water Science and Technology
27 , 2, pp. 87 - 96
Vallini, G.; Cecchi, F.; Pavan, P., Pera, A., Mata Alvarez, J.; Bassetti, A. (1993)

Recovery and disposal of the organic fraction of municipal solid waste (MSE) by means of combined anaerobic and aerobic bio-treatments

Water Science and Technology
27 , 2, pp. 121 - 132
Cecchi, F.; Vallini, G.; Pavan, P.; Bassetti, A.; Mata Alvarez, J. (1993)

Management of macroalgae from venice lagoon through anaerobic co-digestion and co-composting with MSW

Water Science and Technology
27 , 2, pp. 159 - 168
Mata Alvarez, J.; Mateu, A., Pares, R. (1992)

Enterobacterial and viral decay experimental models for anaerobic digestion of piggery waste

Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
38 , 2, pp. 291 - 296
Mata Alvarez, J. (1992)

Els residus dels laboratoris

Notícies per a Químics
24 , 344, pp. 4 - 5
Bernal, O.; Llabrés, P.; Cecchi, F.; Mata Alvarez, J. (1992)

A comparative study of the thermophilic biomethanization of putrescible organic wastes

Odpadní vody/Wastewaters
1 , 1, pp. 197 - 206
Cecchi, F.; Mata Alvarez, J.; Pavan, P.; Sans, C. (1992)

Semi-dry anaerobic digestion of municipal solid waste: Influence of process parameters on the substrate utilization model.

Water Science and Technology
25 , 7, pp. 83 - 92
Cecchi, F.; Pavan, P.; Musacco, A.; Mata Alvarez, J.; Sans, C.; Ballin, e. (1992)

Comparison between thermophilic and mesophilic anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge coming from urban wastewater treatment plants

Ing. Sanit.
40 , 3, pp. 25 - 32
Cecchi, F.; Pavan, P.; Musacco, A.; Mata Alvarez, J.; Sans, C. (1992)

Comparison between thermophilic and mesophilic anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge coming from urban wastewater treatment plants

Water Science and Technology
26 , 9, pp. 2409 - 2412
Rolz, C.; Mata Alvarez, J. (1992)

Use of the golden section search method to estimate the parameters of the Monod model employing spreadsheets

World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
8, pp. 439 - 445