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Joan Mata Alvarez
  • Orcid 0000-0002-4570-7152
  • Categoria Contractat
  • Departament Departament d'Enginyeria Química i Química Analítica
  • Facultat Facultat de Química

Participacions a Congressos de Joan Mata Alvarez (473)

S'han trobat 473 resultats

Cecchi, F.; Mata Alvarez, J. (1990)

Is the Anaerobic Digestion of Municipal Solid Waste a process applicable at the full scale level?.

In Proc. of the Anaerobic Digestion Workshop. Eureka Euroenviron. ETSU, Biological Processes
pp: 85-86, D.L.:
Oxford, GBR
Mata Alvarez, J. (1990)

Possibilites d'application et de developpement de pre-traitement anaerobic des eaux residuaires urbaines.

Journées sur les Traitements des eaux residuaires
pp: 54-70, D.L.:
Narbonne, FRA
Mata, J.; Cecchi, F. (1990)

Wastes from the Central Food Market in Barcelona: Approaches for their disposal para la hidrólisis de alil-ésteres.

Trattamento e Smaltimentto dei Rifiuti Urbani Scientifico Internazionales
Milán, ITA
Mata, J.; Valencia, G. (1989)

Aplicaciones de los enzimas a la síntesis de péptidos. Utilización de proteasas para la hidrólisis de alil-ésteres. Estudio cinético y mecanística

III Jornadas de Aplicaciones Industriales de las Enzimas
Barcelona, ESP
Cecchi, F.; Pavan, P.; Mata, J.; Basetti, A.; Farnetti, A. (1989)

Analysis of the thermophilic semi-dry anaerobic fermentation ot the organic fraction of the municipal solid waste sorted by plant

6th Int. Recycl. Congr. and Exhibition
Berlín, DEU
Cecchi, F.; Vallini, G.; Ganapini, W.; Vianelli, L.; Mata, J. (1989)

Energy recovery from municipal solid waste and sludges coming from domestic, industrial and joint wastewater treatment works: Strategy for Research and Development

Energy and Environment, Comission of European Communities
París, FRA
Costa, J.; Mata, J. (1989)

Plant design engineering education in Spain

XVI Convegno Nazionale di Impiantistica Industriale. ANIMP
Milán, ITA
Vallini, G.; Cecchi, F.; Pera, A.; Mata, J. (1989)

Co-compositing ultimate stpe for reclaiming digested organic fraction of municipal solid waste as agricultural fertilizer

International Sympossium Compost Recycling of Wastes
Atenas, GRC
Cecchi, F.; Vallini, G.; Mata, J. (1989)

Anaerobic digestion and composting in an integrated strategy for managing vegetable residues from agro-industries or sorted organic fraction of municipal solid waste

International Sympossium on Waste Management Problems in Agro-Industries
Estambul, TUR
Cecchi, F.; Mata, J. (1989)

Biodegradation of solid waste by anaerobic digestion: a developing technology in Europe

International Workshop on Biotechnology and Biodegradation
Vale de Lobos, PRT
Mata, J.; Cecchi, F. (1989)

A review of kinetik models applied to the anaerobic biodegradation of complex organic matter. Kinetics of the biomethanization of the organic fraction of municipal solid waste

International Workshop on Biotechnology and Biodegradation
Vale de Lobos, PRT
Mata, J.; Cecchi, F. (1989)

Joint anaerobic digestion of sewage sludege and sorted organic fraction of municipal solid waste to attain the energetic autonomy in wastewater treatment plants

Workshop of the FAO-CNRE: Biogas Production Technologies
Zaragoza, ESP
Fazzini, G.; Mata, J. (1989)

Monitoring and control of the OFMSW anaerobic digestion process

Workshop Rifiuti Urbani e Industriali. Trattamento esmaltimento, sviluppi, normativi e tecnologici
pp: 143-150
Milán, ITA
Cecchi, F.; Mata, J.; Medici, F.; Fazzini, G.; Traverso, P.G. (1988)

Nuovo approccio alla modellizzazione di processi anaerobici di trattamento della frazione organica di RSU

Convenio Biennale A.N.D.I.S.
Roma, ITA
Mata, J.; Serraleiro, L.; Cabral, J.M.S.; Clapés, P.; Valencia, G.; Xaus, N.; García, J.M.; Reig, F. (1988)

Kinetically controlled synthesis of Ac-Phe-Leu-NH2. An optimization and kinetic study

IV Congreso Nacional de Biotecnología
N: BSO-2
Coimbra, PRT
Cecchi, F.; Mata, J. (1988)

The anaerobic digestion of municipal solid waste

Int. Conference on Landfill Gas and Anaerobic Digestion of Solid Waste
pp: 550-557
Chester, GBR
Cecchi, F.; Traverso, P.G.; Mata, J.; Llabrés, P. (1988)

The anaerobic digestion of municipal solid waste

Environmental Contamination
pp: 411-413
Venecia, ITA
Mata, J.; Llabrés, P. (1988)

Hojas electrónicas de cálculo en la enseñanza de la Ingeniería Química

I Simposio sobre enseñanza de la Ingeniería Química. SEIQ '88
Oviedo, ESP
Clpaés, P.; Mata, J.; García, J.; Reig, F.; Valencia, G. (1988)

Enzymatic synthesis of z-kyotorphinamide

20th European Peptide Symposium
Tübingen, DEU
Clapés, P.; Mata, J.; García, J.; Reig, F.; Valencia, G. (1988)

Enzymatic synthesis of kyotorphin using solid supported ?-chymotrypsin

8th Biotechnology Symposium
N: D-136, pp: 304
París, FRA