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Rosina Girones Llop
  • Orcid 0000-0002-1097-6395
  • Categoria Catedràtic d'Universitat
  • Departament Departament de Genètica, Microbiologia i Estadística
  • Facultat Facultat de Biologia

Participacions a Congressos de Rosina Girones Llop (229)

S'han trobat 229 resultats

Girones, R (2015)
18th International Symposium on health-related water Microbiology
Lisboa, PRT
Girones R; Fernandez-Cassi X; Timoneda N; Rusiñol N; Abril J; Guerrero L; Hundesa A; Gonzales-Gustavson E; Bofill-Mas S (2015)

Nuevas técnicas Moleculares y de Metagenómica para el control de la contaminación del agua.

Vanguardias en Ciencia y Tecnología para la Innovación en la Gestión del Agua
Madrid, ESP
Girones R; Fernandez-Cassi X; Timoneda N; Rusiñol N; Hundesa A; Gustavson E; Bofill-Mas S; Abril J. (2015)

Metagenomics for the study of viruses in water and food

18th International Symposium on health-related water Microbiology
Lisboa, PRT
Girones R; Bofill-Mas S; Fernandez-Cassi X; Timoneda N; Rusiñol N; Guerrero L; Hundesa A; Gustavson E; Abril J. (2015)

Nuevas Tecnologías en el estudio de los contaminantes microbianos en aguas subterráneas

III Jornada de Puertas Abiertas de la Fundación Centro Internacional de Hidrología Subterránea (FCIHS)
Barcelona, ESP
Fernandez-Cassi, X.; Rusiñol, M.; Timoneda, N.; Bartolomé, R.; Bofill-Mas, S.; Abril, J.F.; Girones, R. (2015)

Human virus in fecally contaminated water, the virome of urban sewage and clinical gastroenteritis fecal samples

XIII Congreso Nacional Virología
Madrid, ESP
Rusiñol, M.; Fernández-Cassi, X., Timoneda, N.; Abril, J.F.; Bofill-Mas, S.; Girones, R. (2015)

Dissemination of viral pathogens in a Mediterranean climate region

XIII Congreso Nacional Virología
Madrid, ESP
Carratalà A; Rusiñol M; Hundesa A; Rodríguez-Manzano J; Girones R; Bofill-Mas S (2014)

Avian parvoviruses as markers for environmental contamination

XXV Brazilian Congress of Virology & IX Mercosur Meeting of Virology
Ribeirão Preto, BRA
Rosina Girones (2015)

Water and sustainable development: from vision to action

International Annual UN-Water Zaragoza Conference 2015
Zaragoza, ESP
Girones R; Bofill-Mas S; Fernandez-Cassi X; Guerrero L; Hundesa A; Rusiñol M; Timoneda N; Abril J. (2014)

Viruses in water and food, new techniques and emerging pathogens

4th Joint Conference of the German Society for Hygiene and Microbiology (DGHM) and the Association for General and Applied Microbiology (VAAM)
Dresden, DEU
Girones R; Fernández-Cassi X; Rusiñol M; Hundesa A; Carratalà A; Bofill-Mas S. (2014)

Reasons to think on viruses as MST tools

4th International Conference on Food and Environmental Virology
Corfu, GRC
Rusiñol M; Moriarty E; Susan L; Gilpin B; Girones R; Bofill-Mas S (2014)

Ovine- and bovine-specific viral tools to discriminate between major ruminant sources

4th International Conference on Food and Environmental Virology
Corfu, GRC
Fernandez-Cassi X; Sales-Ortells H; Timoneda N; Rusiñol M; Hundesa ; Silvera C; Figueres MJ; Bofill S; Durig W; Medema G; Girones R. (2014)

Viral pathogens in reclaimed water used for irrigation of food crops

4th International Conference on Food and Environmental Virology
Corfu, GRC
Bofill-Mas S; Fernández-Cassi X; Rusiñol M; Timoneda N; Hundesa A; Abril J; Girones R. (2014)

Emergent viruses as potential contaminants of water or food

4th International Conference on Food and Environmental Virology
Corfu, GRC
Carratalà A; Rodriguez-Manzano J; Rusiñol M; Kohn T; Girones R. (2013)

Temperature and uv radiation as environmental challenges to viral dissemination and emergence

71st Annual Congress of the Swiss Society for Microbiology
Interlaken, CHE
Rusiñol, M.; Bofill-Mas, S.; Hundesa, A.; Guerrero-Latorre, L.; Fernández-Cassi, X.; Fresno, S.; Aguado, D.; Figuerola, N.; Gonzales, E.; Girones, E. (2014)

Traçar l'origen de la contaminació a l'aigua de pou

III Jornada Ambiental sobre contaminació d'aigua de subsol
Barcelona, ESP
Rusiñol, M.; Fernandez-Cassi, X.; Hundesa, A.; Baur, C.; Kern, A.; Erikson, I.; Ziros, P.; Miagostovich, M.; Vargha, M.; Allard, A.; Vantarakis, A.; Wyn-Jones, P.; Bofill-Mas, S.; Kay, D.; Girones, R. (2013)

Application Of Human And Animal Viral MST Tools To The Study Of The Environmental Fecal Contamination In In Five Different Geographical Areas

17th International Symposium on Health-Related Water Microbiology
Florianopolis, BRA
Rusiñol, M.; Carratala, A.; Hundesa, A.; Bach, A.; Kern, A.; Vantarakis, A.; Moriarty, E.; Gilpin, B.; Girones, R.; Bofill-Mas, S. (2013)

A Novel tool to identify and quantify ovine fecal pollution in the environment

17th International Symposium on Health-Related Water Microbiology
Florianopolis, BRA
Rusiñol, M.; Fernandez-Cassi, X.; Hundesa, A.; Baur, C.; Kern, A.; Erikson, I.; Ziros, P.; Kay, D.; Miagostovich, M.; Vargha, M.; Allard, A.; Vantarakis, A.; Wyn-Jones, P.; Bofill-Mas, S.; Girones, R. (2013)

Applicability of the human and animal viral microbial source tracking tools in fresh and marine waters from five geographical areas

16th Biennial seminar on Water Resources and Environmental Management: Towards a Sustainable Future
Tarragona, ESP
Bofill-Mas, S.; Rusiñol, M.; Fernandez-Cassi, X.; Girones, R. (2013)

Potential risk of MCPyV infection through water

5th International Conference on Polyomaviruses and Human Diseases: Basic and Clinical Perspectives
Stressa, ITA
Girones, R. (2013)

Microbial source tracking

II Simposio Latinoamericano de Virología Ambiental
Salto, URY