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Project "Effects of the Environmental Change on the communities of MEDITERRANEAN Rivers (CARIMED)"



Title: Effects of the Environmental Change on the communities of MEDITERRANEAN Rivers (CARIMED)

Principal Researcher: Narcís Prat

Funding entity: Diputació de Barcelona

Funding amount: 36.888,00 € (2016)

Duration: ongoing since 1994

Participating entities: Agència Catalana de l’Aigua (ACA)

Beneficiaries: Universidad de Barcelona


The ‘Ecological Quality of the Rivers’ is a study program that collects data of the ecological status of the five rivers of the province of Barcelona; ​​Llobregat, Besòs, Foix, Ter and Tordera and the coastal streams of Maresme, in both, the main course and some of its tributaries. Supported by the Area of ​​Natural Spaces of the Diputació de Barcelona and executed by the F.E.M. (Freshwater Ecology and Management) Research Group of the University of Barcelona this program has been ongoing since 1994. This program has included several annual projects that have been varying some of their objectives according on the requests of the moment. However, the main objective has been always to know the ecological status of rivers and to spread the results to the whole citizenship. Called In the early years as ECOBILL (1994-2006), renamed later as ECOSTRIMED + (2007-2012) and since 2013, it has become the CARIMED project or the Effects of Environmental Change on communities of organisms of the Mediterranean rivers. Therefore, in recent years, are also being monitored the effects of environmental change on aquatic ecosystems, focusing on the rivers and streams of the protected areas of the Network of Natural Parks of the Diputació de Barcelona.


Web page of the programme: www.ub.edu/barcelonarius
Web page of the research group: www.ub.edu/fem
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FEM_UB
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Freshwater-Ecology-and-Management/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/GrupFEM

Tags: Investigacio Activitats


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