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2nd IdRA Young Researchers' Conference

25/05/17 - 26/05/17

After the success of the first edition, the Institute for Water Research (IdRA) is committed to continuing this initiative for another year. On this occasion, the 2nd IdRA Young Researchers' Conference will last two days. The first day will be devoted to presenting the participants' scientific work and the second day will feature a social activity designed to help the young speakers get to know each other better.

The IdRA Young Researchers' Conference aims to provide a forum for scientific exchange for young researchers linked to the IdRA. The goal is to promote the transfer of their work to the wider scientific community while encouraging communication and cooperation between young researchers.

The 2nd IdRA Young Researchers' Conference will take place on 25 and 26 May 2017. Thursday 25th will be dedicated to the research presentations and on Friday morning, we will visit a rainwater and wastewater regulation facility in Barcelona. The location of the visit will be announced soon.

This 2nd IdRA Young Researchers' Conference is aimed at:

•     Master's students

•     PhD students

•     Post-doctoral students (who read their thesis after 2011)

•     Other researchers (up to 35 years of age)

Participants must be linked to an IdRA member, who will have to endorse their participation.
The young researchers will have 10 minutes to present their research, individually or in groups (maximum 3 people), followed by a short 5-minute discussion. The presentations may be in Catalan, Spanish or English. Given that this is an interdisciplinary conference, the work must be concise and informative so that all attendees can understand the presentation.

Interested parties should fill in the registration form and provide a proposal for participating in the conference and a summary of their presentation using the attached template.  The files must be sent with the following nomenclature:

•         Registration form: link here
•         Proposal for participation: “170525_proposta_ponent_jji_cognom1cognom2.pdf
•         Summary: “170525_resum_ponencia_jji_cognom1cognom2.docx
These two documents must be sent to institutaigua@ub.edu by 30 March 2017. This deadline cannot be extended.

Proposals will be evaluated and, where appropriate, accepted by the scientific and organising committee. The authors of the papers will receive a certificate of participation.

The event will be free to attend, although those wishing to receive a certificate of attendance will have to fill in the registration form before 20 April. Attendees will receive a dossier with a summary of the presentations.

Scientific coordinators:

Dr. Laura Sala Comorera
GRC Microbiologia d’Aigües Relacionades amb la Salut
Department of Genetics, Microbiology and Statistics
Faculty of Biology

Julia Martín Díaz
GRC Microbiologia d’Aigües Relacionades amb la Salut
Department of Genetics, Microbiology and Statistics
Faculty of Biology

Scientific tutor:  

Dr. Roser Rubio Rovira
Expertise Board
Governing Board of the IdRA

Organised by:

Water Research Institute (IdRA), UB






2nd IdRA Young Researchers' Conference

Date: 25th May 2017

          26th May 2017   - Activities for speakers

Place: Sala Gran of the Faculty of Geography and History, UB

How to get there?


9.00 h Presentation of the Conference
    Dr. Domènec Espriu, vicerector de Recerca de la UB
    Dr. Javier Martín-Vide, director de IdRA
    Dra. Laura Sala Comorera, comitè científic de la Jornada
    Sra. Julia Martín Díaz, comitè científic de la Jornada

9.15 h Analytical chemistry and chemical engineering (I) -Moderator: Laura Sala Comorera

Removal of contaminants of emerging concern by means of advanced oxidation processes. Alberto Cruz Alcalde and Núria López Vinent. AOP Engineering Group.

Comparació dels processos d’oxidació avançada fenton i foto-fenton en aigua MilliQ i real. Marta Ferreres Valls. AOP Engineering Group.

Degradación del propranolol en agua Milli-Q y agua residual mediante el proceso foto-fenton incluyendo un diseño de experimento 24. Sonia Ordoño Cara. AOP Engineering Group.

Degradación de bezafibrato con procesos de oxidación avanzada. José Miguel Albahaca Oliva. AOP Engineering Group.

Característiques i tendències de la precipitació en la Conca de la Muga en l’oest de la Mar Mediterrània. María José Cordobilla Cascales. Grup de Climatologia.


10.15 h    Analytical chemistry and chemical engineering (II) Moderador: Alberto Cruz Alcalde

Efecto de la adición de H2O2 en la fotocatálisis de degradación de la difenhidramina en agua de red. Rubén Rodríguez Alegre. AOP Engineering Group.

Avaluació del rendiment d’eliminació de microcontaminants emergents en el procés d’electrodiàlisi reversible a l’ETAP Llobregat. Pere Emiliano Estapé. ATLL.

Migration of antimony from polyethylene terephthalate used in mineral water bottles. Sergio Carneado Moreno. Especiació de metalls traça en matrius ambientals i biològiques (Qüestram – M).


11.00 h Coffee break

11.30 h History and Microbiology - Moderator: Miriam Pascual Benito

Petrographic and mineralogical study of hydraulic mortars from the archaeological site of Sela (Tafila, Jordan). Roser Marsal Aguilera. Prehistòria, Història Antiga i Arqueologia.

Development of a MALDI-TOF database for the identification of drinking water bacteria: Drinking water library project. Laura Sala Comorera. MARS.

Estudio de la morfología de los colifagos somáticos resistentes a tratamientos avanzados del agua. Julia Martín Diaz. MARS.


12.15 h Geology and PhysicsModerator: Núria López Vinent

El delta holocè de la Tordera i la plataforma continental adjacent. Isabel Vila Planavila. Grup de Recerca en Geociències Marines.

Analysis of orografic precipitation in Western Mediterranean. Sergi Gonzalez Herrero. Grup de Meteorologia.

Condicions meteorològiques en alçada favorables per a les tempestes tornàdiques a Catalunya. Oriol Rodríguez Ballester. Grup de Meteorologia.


13.00 h Visit to the Institute for Water Research (IdRA) headquarters

13.30 h Break

15.00 h EcologyModerator: Julia Martín Díaz

Predicting future species distribution of odonata in westernmost mediterranean region under climate change. Aida Viza Sánchez. FEM.

Effects of flow intermittency on aquatic hyphomycetes assemblages in leaf litter, decomposition rates and feeding preferences of invertebrate consumers: a microcosm experiment. Rebeca Arias del Real. Forestream.

Eco-hydrological sate of the Pesqueria River (NE, México), a multidimensional way to consider water management. Jaime Daniel Castro López. FEM.

Spatiotemporal variability in dissolved organic matter quality and CO2 fluxes during a severe drought in an intermittent stream. Verónica Granados Pérez. Forestream.


16.00 h GeographyModerator: Roser Marsal Aguilera

Regionalització climàtica dels incendis forestals de Catalunya (1968-2008) amb mètodes estadístics d’ACP i J&C. Ricard Miralles Ortega. Grup de Climatologia.

El paper de la WeMOi a l'ocurrència de pluges torrencials a Catalunya. Laia Arbiol Roca. Grup de Climatologia.

Lightning Jump. Eina de predicció de temps sever a curt termini. Carme Farnell Barqué. Grup de Climatologia.


17.00 h Conclusion

Summary of the day with active participation from the audience and speakers, surprise included. Moderators: Roser Marsal Aguilera and Julia Martín Díaz
Closure of the conference by the director of IdRA


 IdRA Documents 2 - 2nd IdRA Young Researchers' Conference

The second issue of the IdRA Documents collection, which contains the abstracts from the 1st IdRA Young Researchers' Conference, is now available in the UB Digital Repository

Click on the following link to access the document: http://diposit.ub.edu/dspace/handle/2445/113869

Tags: Activitats


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