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Symposium 2011 "Singularities in Wastewater Reuse"


The Water Research Institute of the University of Barcelona organizes annually a Symposium on water-related items since the year 2007. In the year 2011, Watewater Reuse is the subject which will be considered from different points of view considering that the Institute is multidisciplinary since it was founded by the University of Barcelona, gathering researchers from 8 faculties. Several approaches to reuse are to be discussed from the juridical, economical or scientific points of view. Health considerations as well as the opinions of the International Agencies and the Administration will be exposed. Technicians —Microbiology, Wastewater Treatment— and end-users —farmers, gardeners— will also expose their ideas. All together would offer an open panorama on present reuse singularities.


Free admission

Date: October 27th, 2011

Hour: 9:00-18:00

Aula Magna

School of Law, University of Barcelona

Av Diagonal, 684

08034 Barcelona



Symposium Coordinator:



Dr. Miquel Salgot

Dr. Montserrat Folch

Dep. of Natural Products, Plant Biology and Soil Science

School of Pharmacy, University of Barcelona


Symposium Papers:


Economy and reuse: an ignored tool.


Dr. Amelia Díaz

Public, Political and Spanish Economy. Faculty of Economy and Business, and the Water Research Institute, University of Barcelona.

Law and reuse: a limit or a supporting tool.

Dr. Isabel Caro-Patón.

Public Law Department. Faculty of Law, University of Valladolid.

Water reuse financing.

Dr. Susana Sartorio

Financial and Tax Law Department. Faculty of Law, and the Water Research Institute, University of Barcelona.

Health references in reuse: hazars and risks.

The FAO vision: reuse in developing countries.

Mr. Javier Mateo-Sagasta

Associate Professional Officer (Water Quality and Enviromental Aspects of Irrigation). FAO, ONU. Italy.

Reuse in the world. Paradigms and uncertainties.

Dr. Gideon Oron

Enviromental Hydrology and Microbiology Department. Zuckerberg Institute of Water Research. Ben Gurion University of the Negev. Israel.

Reclaimed water reuse in the Balearic Islands.

Mr. Alfredo Barón

Studies and Planning Service. General Direction for Water Resources. Balearic Islands Goverment.


Poster Session:


Wastewater disposal control: a tool for improving reclaimed water.


Mr. Rafael Mantecón

Enviroment Agency. The Greater Barcelona.

GABARDINE project: groundwater recharge.

Dr. Xavier Sánchez-Vila

Geotechnical Engineering and Geo-Sciences Department. School for Civil Engineering. Polytechnic University of Catalonia.

RECLAIMED WATER project: groundwater recharge

Mrs. Rita Hochstrat

Institute for Ecopreneurship. School of Life Sciences.

Northwestern University of Applied Sciences. Switzerland.

MEDIWAT Project: water resources management in Mediterranean Islands.

Dr. Giuseppe Cirelli

Agrofood and Enviroment Systems Management Department. Faculty of Agriculture. University of Catania. Italy.

Water reuse in gardens.

Mrs. Anna Vilarnau


Microbiology and Reuse.

Dr. Francisco Lucena

Microbiology Department. Faculty of Biology and the Water Research Institute. University of Barcelona.

The role of the Department in the reuse permissions.

Mrs. Irene Corbella

Agency for Health Protection. Health Department. Generalitat de Catalunya.

The "Unió de Pagesos" and the reuse.

Mr. Miquel Jose

Unió de Pagesos de Catalunya (Catalonian Farmers Association)

Reclamation treatments using MBR in Spain

Mrs. Raquel Iglesias

CEDEX, Ministry of the Enviroment and Rural and Marine Enviroments, Ministry of Public Works. Spanish Goverment.

La Ramada irrigation district. Bogotá, Colombia: reuse project.

Dr. Claudia Campos

Microbiology Department. Faculty of Sciences. Pontifical Xaverian University. Bogotá. Colombia.

Reclamation technologies.

Dr. Montserrat Folch

Natural Products, Vegetal Biology and Soil Science Department, Faculty of Pharmacy and the Water Research Institute, University of Barcelona.

Reverse Osmosis, boron and reuse.

Mr. Jihad Sasa

National University, Costa Rica.



Tags: Activitats Symposium-2011


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