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Nuria Serrano Plana
  • Orcid 0000-0001-5951-1823
  • Categoría Contractat
  • Departamento Departament d'Enginyeria Química i Química Analítica
  • Facultad Facultat de Química

Publicaciones en revistas de Nuria Serrano Plana (114)

Se han encontrado 114 resultados

Serrano, N.; Díaz-Cruz, J.M.; Ariño, C.; Esteban, M. (2015)

Recent contributions to the study of phytochelatins with an analytical approach

Trac-Trends in Analytical Chemistry
73, pp. 129 - 145
Serrano, N.; González-Calabuig, A.; Del Valle, M. (2015)

Crown ether-modified electrodes for the simultaneous stripping voltammetric determination of Cd(II), Pb(II) and Cu(II)

138, pp. 130 - 137
Pérez-Ràfols, C.; Serrano, N.; Díaz-Cruz, J.M.; Ariño, C.; Esteban, M. (2015)

Mercury films on commercial carbon screen-printed devices for the analysis of heavy metal ions: a critical evaluation

27 , 6, pp. 1345 - 1349
Sosa, V.; Barceló, C.; Serrano, N.; Ariño, C.; Díaz-Cruz, J.M.; Esteban, M. (2015)

Antimony film screen-printed carbon electrode for stripping analysis of Cd(II), Pb(II), and Cu(II) in natural samples

Analytica Chimica Acta
855, pp. 34 - 40
Sosa, V.; Serrano, N.; Ariño, C.; Díaz-Cruz, J.M.; Esteban, M. (2014)

Voltammetric Determination of Pb(II) and Cd(II) Ions in Well Water Using a Sputtered Bismuth Screen-Printed Electrode

26 , 10, pp. 2168 - 2172
Serrano, N.; Prieto-Simón, B.; Cetó, X.; Del Valle, M. (2014)

Array of peptide-modified electrodes for the simultaneous determination of Pb(II),Cd(II) and Zn(II)

125, pp. 159 - 166
Cavanillas, S.; Serrano, N.; Díaz Cruz, J.M.; Ariño, C.; Esteban, M. (2014)

Commercial screen-printed gold electrodes for the detection and quantification of aminothiols in human plasma by liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection

26 , 3, pp. 581 - 587
Alberich, A.; Serrano, N.; Díaz-Cruz, J.M.; Ariño, C.; Esteban, M. (2013)

Substitution of Mercury Electrodes by Bismuth-Coated Screen-Printed Electrodes in the Determination of Quinine in Tonic Water

Journal of Chemical Education
90 , 12, pp. 1681 - 1684
Sosa, V.; Serrano, N.; Ariño, C.; Díaz-Cruz, J.M.; Esteban, M. (2014)

Sputtered bismuth screen-printed electrode: a promising alternative to other bismuth modifications in the voltammetric determination of Cd(II) and Pb(II) - ions in groundwater

119, pp. 348 - 352
Serrano, N.; Alberich, A.;Martín, N.; Díaz-Cruz, J.M.; Ariño, C.; Esteban, M. (2008)

Signal splitting in the stripping analysis of havy metal ions and metal-phthalate systems using bismuth film electrode

Chemicke Listy
102, pp. 139 - 140
Alberich, A.; Serrano, N.; Ariño, C.; Díaz-Cruz, J.M.; Esteban, M. (2008)

Study of metal complexation by thiol-rich peptides using bismuth film electrodes

Chemicke Listy
102, pp. 62 - 63
Serrano, N.; Klosova, K.; Trnkova, L. (2009)

Evls as a novel and promissing mathematical approach in voltammetric methods

Chemicke Listy
103, pp. 278 - 278
Sosa, V.; Serrano, N.; Ariño, C.; Díaz-Cruz, J.M.; Esteban, M. (2013)

Can bismuth film screen printed carbon electrodes be used to study complexation?

107, pp. 356 - 360
Serrano, N.; Alberich, A.; Díaz-Cruz, J.M.; Ariño, C.; Esteban, M. (2013)

Coating methods, modifiers and applications of bismuth screen-printed electrodes

Trac-Trends in Analytical Chemistry
46, pp. 15 - 29
Cavanillas, S.; Serrano, N.; Díaz-Cruz, J.M.; Ariño, C.; Esteban, M. (2013)

Parametric signal fitting by gaussian peak adjustment: implementation of 2D transversal constraints and its application for the determination of pKa and complexation constants by differential pulse voltammetry

138 , 7, pp. 2171 - 2180
Cavanillas, S.; Alberich, A.; Serrano, N.; Díaz-Cruz, J.M.; Ariño, C.; Esteban, M. (2012)

Application of different chemometric strategies to voltammetric and UV-vis spectroscopic data to obtain a complexation model: study of the Cu(II) binding with the phytohormone 6-benzylaminopurine

137 , 22, pp. 5420 - 5427
Serrano, N.; Alberich, A.; Trnkova, L. (2012)

Oxidation of 6-benzylaminopurine-copper (I) complex on pencil graphite electrode

24 , 4, pp. 955 - 960
Klosova, K.; Serrano, N.; Salyk, O.; Trnkova, L. (2011)

Template-assisted fabrication and characterization of nanostructured copper electrode for adenine detection

Current Nanoscience
7, pp. 984 - 994
Serrano, N.; Holubova, S.; Trnkova, L. (2011)

Acid-base equilibrium of 6-benzylaminopurine and its 4-chloro and 4-methoxy derivatives in water-ethanol solutions studied by voltammetry and spectrophotometry

23, pp. 2217 - 2225
Gilsanz, C.; Gusmao, R.; Chekmeneva, E.; Serrano, N.; Díaz-Cruz, J.M.; Ariño, C.; Esteban, M. (2011)

Electroanalysis of the binding and adsorption of Hg(II) with seleno aminoacids by differential pulse and elimination voltammetry at the au-disk electrode

Electrochimica Acta
56 , 17, pp. 5988 - 5992