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Fco. Javier Martin Vide
  • Orcid 0000-0002-1179-7380
  • Categoría Catedràtic d'Universitat
  • Departamento Departament de Geografia
  • Facultad Facultat de Geografia i Història

Publicaciones en revistas de Fco. Javier Martin Vide (174)

Se han encontrado 174 resultados

Peña-Angulo, D.; Gonzalez-Hidalgo, J.C.; Sandonís, L.; Begueria, S.; Tomas-Burguera, M.; Lopez-Bustins, J.A.; Lemus, M.; Martin-Vide, J. (2021)

Seasonal temperature trends on the Spanish mainland: a secular study (1916-2015)

International Journal of Climatology
41 , 5, pp. 3071 - 3084
Peñuelas, J.; Germain, J.; Álvarez, E.; Aparicio, E.; Arús, P.; Basnou, C.; Blanché, C.; Bonada, N.; Canals, P.; Capodiferro, M.; Carceller, X.; Casademunt, A.; Casals, J.; Casals, P.; Casañas, F.; Catalán, J.; Checa, J.; Cordero, P.J.; Corominas, J.; de (2021)

Impacts of Use and Abuse of Nature in Catalonia with Proposals for Sustainable Management

10(2) , 144, pp. 1 - 53
Monjo, R.; Royé, D.; Martin-Vide, J. (2020)

Meteorological drought Lacunarity around the world and its classification

Earth System Science Data
12 , 1, pp. 741 - 752
Martín-Vide, J.; Moreno-García, Mª C.; López-Bustins, J. (2021)

Synoptic causes of Torrential rainfall in South-eastern Spain (1941-2017)

Cuadernos de Investigación Geográfica
47(1), pp. 143 - 162
Royé, D.; Tedim, F.; Martin-Vide, J.; Salis, M.; Vendrell, J.; Lovreglio, R.; Bouillon, CH.; Leone, V. (2020)

Wildfire burnt area patterns and trends in western mediterranean Europe via the application of a concentration index

Land Degradation & Development
31(3), pp. 311 - 324
Miro, J.R.; Pepin, N.; Pena, J.C; Martin-Vide, J. (2020)

Daily atmospheric circulation patterns for catalonia (northeast iberian peninsula) using a modified version of Jenkinson and collison method

Atmospheric Research
231 , UNSP 104674
Salhi, A; Benabdelouahab, T.; Martin-Vide, J.; Okacha, A.; El Hasnaoui, M.; El Mousaoui, M.; El Morabit, K.; Himi, M.; Benabdelouahab, S.; Lebrini, Y.; Boudhar, A.; Casas ,A. (2020)

Bridging the gap of perception is the only way to align soil protection actions

Science of the Total Environment
718, p. 137421
Mathbout, S.; Lopez-Bustins, J.A.; Royé, D.; Martin-Vide, J.; Benhamrouche, A. (2020)

Spatiotemporal variability of daily precipitation concentration and its relationship to teleconnection patterns over the Mediterranean during 1975-2015

International Journal of Climatology
40, pp. 1435 - 1455
Lemus-Canovas, Marc; Lopez-Bustins, Joan A.; Martin-Vide, Javier; Roye, Dominic (2019)

synoptReg: An R package for computing a synoptic climate classification and a spatial regionalization of environmental data

Environmental Modelling & Software
118, pp. 114 - 119
Martin-Vide, J.; Moreno-García, M.C.; (2020)

Probability values for the Intensity of Barcelona's Urban Heat Island (Spain)

Atmospheric Research
Martínez-González, J.L.; Suriñach, J.; Jover, G. Martín-Vide, J.; Barriendos-Vallvé, M.; Tello, E. (2020)

Assessing climate impacts on English economic growth (1645-1740): an econometric approach

Climatic Change
160, pp. 233 - 249
Lemus-Canovas, M.; Martin-Vide, J.; Moreno-Garcia, M.C.; Lopez-Bustins, J.A. (2020)

Estimating Barcelona's metropolitan daytime hot and cold poles using Landsat-8 land surface temperature

Science of the Total Environment
699 , 134307
Salhi, A.; Martin?Vide, J.; Benhamrouche, A.; Benabdelouahab, S.; Himi, M.; Benabdelouahab, T.; Casas Ponsati, A. (2019)

Rainfall distribution and trends of the daily precipitation concentration index in northern Morocco: a need for an adaptive environmental policy

Pollack Periodica
1 , 277
Lemus-Canovas, M.; Lopez-Bustins, J.A.; Trapero, L.; Martin-Vide, J. (2019)

Combining circulation weather types and daily precipitation modelling to derive climatic precipitation regions in the Pyrenees

Atmospheric Research
220, pp. 181 - 193
Vélez, A.; Martin-Vide, J.; Royé, D.; Santaella, O. (2018)

Spatial analysis of daily precipitation concentration in Puerto Rico

Theoretical and Applied Climatology
Royé, D.; Lorenzo, N.; Martin-Vide, J. (2018)

Spatial-temporal patterns of cloud-to-ground Lightning over the northwest Iberian Peninsula during the period 2010-2015

Natural Hazards
92 , 2, pp. 857 - 884
Meseguer-Ruiz, O.; Osborn, T.J.; Sarricolea, P.; Jones, Ph.D.; Olcina Cantos, J.; Serrano-Notivoli, R.; Martin-Vide, J. (2018)

Definition of a temporal distribution index for high temporal resolution Precipitation data over Peninsular Spain and the Balearic Islands: the fractal dimension; and its synoptic implications

Climate Dynamics
52 , 1-2, pp. 439 - 456
Bessaklia, H.; Ghenim A.N.; Megnounif A.; Martin-Vide, J. (2018)

Spatial variability of concentration and aggressiveness of Precipitation in north-east of Algeria

Journal of Water and Land Development
36, pp. 3 - 15
Benhamrouche, A.; Martin-Vide, J. (2017)

Évolutions de la Concentration des précipitations journalières sur les littoraux du bassin méditerranéen occidental (1951-2010)

Physio-Géo Géographie Physique et Environnement
11, pp. 107 - 127
Martín-Vide, J.; Díaz-Álvarez, A. (2016)

L'Aigua en els grans objectius mundials. Els objectius de desenvolupament del mil·lenni i el objectius de desenvolupament sostenible

Revista Econòmica de Catalunya
73, pp. 85 - 95