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Jose Manuel Diaz Cruz
  • Orcid 0000-0001-8241-3463
  • Categoría Catedràtic d'Universitat
  • Departamento Departament d'Enginyeria Química i Química Analítica
  • Facultad Facultat de Química

Publicaciones en revistas de Jose Manuel Diaz Cruz (181)

Se han encontrado 181 resultados

Alberich, A.; Serrano, N.; Díaz-Cruz, J.M.; Ariño, C.; Esteban, M. (2009)

Bismuth film electrodes for the study of metal thiolate complexation: an alternative to mercury electrodes

78, pp. 1017 - 1022
Gusmão, R.; Ariño, C.; Díaz-Cruz, J.M.; Esteban, M. (2009)

Competitive binding of Cadmium by plant thiols: an electrochemical study assisted by Multivariate Curve Resolution

Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry
394 , 4, pp. 1137 - 1145
Chekmeneva, E.; Díaz-Cruz, J.M.; Ariño, C.; Esteban, M. (2009)

A novel differential pulse voltammetric method on rotating Au-disk electrode for the study of Hg(II) binding.

Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry
629 , 1-2, pp. 169 - 179
Serrano, N.; Martín, N.; Díaz-Cruz, J.M.; Ariño, C.; Esteban, M. (2009)

Bismuth film electrode in metal complexation studies: Stripping analysis of the Pb(II)-, Cd(II)- and Zn(II)- binding with phthalate

21 , 3-5, pp. 431 - 438
González-García, O.; Ariño, C., Díaz-Cruz, J.M.; Esteban, M. (2008)

Suitability of gold-array ultramicroelectrodes for electrochemical detection in flow systems.

Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical
135, pp. 381 - 387
Garrigosa, A.M.; Ariño, C., Díaz-Cruz, J.M.; Esteban, M. (2008)

Comparison of differential pulse and alternating current polarography in the soft-modelling study of the complexation of Cd(II) by the fragment Cys-Gly and by the phytochelatin (­?-Glu-Cys)2Gly

Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry
391 , 6, pp. 2209 - 2218
Serrano, N.; Alberich, A.; Díaz-Cruz, J.M.; Ariño, C.; Esteban, M. (2008)

Signal splitting in the stripping analysis of heavy metals using bismuth film electrodes: Influence of concentration range and deposition parameters

Electrochimica Acta
53 , 22, pp. 6616 - 6622
Garrigosa, A.M.; Díaz-Cruz, J.M.; Ariño, C.; Esteban, M. (2008)

Multivariate curve resolution as a tool to minimize the effects of electrodic adsorption in normal pulse polarography.

Electrochimica Acta
53 , 17, pp. 5579 - 5586
Chekmeneva, E.; Prohens, R.; Díaz-Cruz, J.M.; Ariño, C.; Esteban, M. (2008)

Competitive binding of Cd and Zn with the phytochelatin (gamma-Glu-Cys)4-Gly: Comparative study by Mass Spectrometry, Voltammetry-Multivariate Curve Resolution and Isothermal Titration Calorimetry.

Environmental Science & Technology
42 , 8, pp. 2860 - 2866
González-García, O.; Ariño, C.; Díaz-Cruz, J.M.; Esteban, M. (2008)

Possibilities of multivariate curve resolution and partial least squares in the resolution of coeluted peaks in liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection.

Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems
93 , 1, pp. 49 - 57
Alberich, A.; Díaz-Cruz, J.M.; Ariño, C.; Esteban, M. (2008)

Combined use of the potential shift correction and the simultaneous treatment of spectroscopic and electrochemical data by Multivariate Curve Resolution: analysis of a Pb(II)-phytochelatin system.

133 , 4, pp. 470 - 477
Chekmeneva, E.; Prohens, R.; Díaz-Cruz, J.M.; Ariño, C.; Esteban, M. (2008)

Thermodynamics of Cd(II) and Zn(II) binding by the phytochelatin (gamma-Glu-Cys)4-Gly and its precursor glutathione.

Analytical Biochemistry
375, pp. 82 - 89
Alberich, A; Díaz-Cruz, J.M.; Ariño, C.; Esteban, M. (2008)

Potential shift correction in multivariate curve resolution of voltammetric data. General formulation and application to some experimental systems

133, pp. 112 - 125
Garrigosa, A.M.; Ariño, C., Díaz-Cruz, J.M.; Esteban, M. (2008)

Alternating Current Anodic Stripping Voltammetry in the study of cadmium complexation by a reference Suwannee river fulvic acid: a model case with strong electrode adsorption and weak binding

Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry
390, pp. 769 - 776
Garrigosa, A.M.; Gusmao, R.; Ariño, C.; Díaz-Cruz, J.M.; Esteban, M. (2007)

Determination of complex formation constants by Phase Sensitive Alternating Current Polarography: Cadmium - Polymethacrylic Acid and Cadmium - Polygalacturonic Acid.

73, pp. 776 - 782
Serrano, N.; Díaz-Cruz, J.M.; Ariño, C.; Esteban, M. (2007)

Stripping Chronopotentiometry in Environmental Analysis

19 , 19-20, pp. 2039 - 2049
González-García, O.; Ariño, C.; Díaz-Cruz, J.M.; Esteban, M. (2007)

Chronoamperometric and Voltammetric Characterization of Gold Ultramicroelectrode Arrays

19 , 4, pp. 429 - 435
Chekmeneva, E.; Díaz-Cruz, J.M.; Ariño, C.; Esteban, M. (2007)

Binding of Cd(II) and Zn(II) with the phytochelatin (gamma-Glu-Cys)4-Gly: a voltammetric study assisted by Multivariate Curve Resolution and Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry.

19 , 2-3, pp. 310 - 317
Alberich, A.; Ariño, C.; Díaz-Cruz, J.M.; Esteban, M. (2007)

Soft modelling for the resolution of highly overlapped voltammetric peaks: application to some Pb-phytochelatin systems.

71 , 1, pp. 344 - 352
Garrigosa, A.M.; Ariño, C., Díaz-Cruz, J.M.; Esteban, M. (2006)

Minimization of electrode adsorption effects: the cadmium - humic acid system studied by Phase Sensitive Alternating Current Polarography.

18 , 12, pp. 1215 - 1222