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Lothar Schulte
  • Orcid 0000-0001-5829-3166
  • Categoría Catedràtic d'Universitat
  • Departamento Departament de Geografia
  • Facultad Facultat de Geografia i Història

Publicaciones en revistas de Lothar Schulte (71)

Se han encontrado 71 resultados

Peña, J.C.; Balasch, J.C., Pino, D., Schulte, L., Barriendos, M., Ruiz-Bellet, J.L., Prohom, M.; Tuset, J.; Mazon, J; Castelltort, X. (2022)

Low-frequency atmospheric variability patterns and synoptic types linked to large floods in the lower Ebro River basin

Journal of Climate
35 , 8, pp. 2351 - 2371
Carvalho, F.; Schulte, L. (2021)

Reconstruction of mining activities in the Western Alps during the past 2500 years from natural archives

Science of the Total Environment
750 (2021) , 141208, pp. 1 - 16
Blöschl, G.; Kiss, A.; Viglione, A.; Barriendos, M.M.; Böhm, O.; Brázdil, R.; C¿ur, D.; Demarée, G.; Llasat, M.C.; Macdonald, N.; Retsö, D.; Roald, L.; Schmocker-Fackel, P.; Amorim, I.; B?linová, M.; Benito, G.; Bertolin, Ch.; Camuffo, D.; Cornel, D.; Dok (2020)

Current European flood-rich period exceptional compared with past 500 years

583, pp. 560 - 566
Schulte, L.; Schillereff, D.; Santisteban, J.I.; Marret-Davies, F. (2020)

Special Issue Global and Planetary Change: Pluridisciplinary analysis and multi-archive reconstruction of paleofloods

Global and Planetary Change
Schulte, L.; Schillereff, D.; Santisteban, J.I., Marret-Davies, F. (2020)

Pluridisciplinary analysis and multi-archive reconstruction of paleofloods

Global and Planetary Change
Ballesteros Canovas, J.A.; Schulte, L.; Corella, J.P.; Wilhelm, B. (2020)

Floods in a warmer world: Insights from paleohydrology

Past Global Changes Magazine
28 , 1, pp. 31 - 31
Lüning, S.; Schulte, L.; Garcés-Pastor, S.; Danladi, I.B.; Ga?ka, M. (2019)

The Medieval Climate Anomaly in the Mediterranean region

Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology
34, pp. 1625 - 1649
Sánchez-García, C.; Schulte, L.; Carvalho, F.; Peña, J.C. (2019)

500-year flood history in the arid environments of south-eastern Spain. The case of the Almanzora River

Global and Planetary Change
Peña, J.C.; Schulte, L. (2020)

Simulated and reconstructed atmospheric variability and their relation with large Pre-industrial summer floods in the Hasli-Aare catchment (Swiss Alps) since 1300 CE

Global and Planetary Change
190 , 103191
Schulte, L.; Schillereff, D.; Santisteban, J.I. (2019)

Pluridisciplinary analysis and multi-archive reconstruction of paleofloods: societal demand, challenges and progress

Global and Planetary Change
177, pp. 225 - 238
Schulte, L.; Oliver Wetter, O.; Wilhelm, B.; Peña, J.C.; Amann, B.; Wirth S.B.; Carvalho, F.; Gómez-Bolea, A. (2019)

Integration of multi-archive datasets towards the development of a four-dimensional paleoflood model in alpine catchments

Global and Planetary Change
180, pp. 66 - 88
Wilhelm B.; Ballesteros Canovas J.A.; Macdonald N.; Toonen W.; Baker V.; Barriendos M.; Benito G.; Brauer A.; Corella Aznar J.P.; Denniston R.; Glaser R.; Ionita M.; Kahle M.; Liu T.; Luetscher M.; Macklin M.; Mudelsee M.; Munoz S.; Schulte L.; St George (2018)

Interpreting historical, botanical, and geological evidence to aid preparations for future floods

WIREs Water
6 , 1
Sánchez-García, C.; Peña, J.C.; Schulte, L.; Carvalho, F. (2018)

Historical floods and climate forcing in the semi-arid catchments of south-eastern Iberian Peninsula

Geophysical Research Abstracts
20 , EGU2018-8139
Schulte, L.; Peña, J.C.; Wetter, O.; Wilhelm, B.; Amann, B.; Wirth, S.; Glur, L.; Carvalho, F. (2018)

Integration of multi-archive datasets and paleoclimate modelling of past flood extremes in the Swiss Alps

Geophysical Research Abstracts
20 , EGU2018-2061-1
Elsie Jones, E.J.; Burjachs, F.; Ferrer-García, C.; Giralt, S.; Schulte, L.; Fernández-López de Pablo, J. (2018)

A multi-proxy approach to understanding complex responses of saltlake catchments to climate variability and human pressure: A Late Quaternary case study from south-eastern, Spain

Quaternary Science Reviews
184, pp. 201 - 223
Barbería, L.; Schulte, L.; Carvalho, F.; Peña, J.P. (2017)

Point pattern analysis applied to flood and landslide damage events in Switzerland (1972-2009)

Geophysical Research Abstracts
19 , EGU2017-14154
Carvalho, F.; Schulte, L. (2017)

Evidence of historical mining inferred from metal concentration of alluvial sediments in the Bernese Alps

Geophysical Research Abstracts
19 , EGU2017-15077
Llorca, J.; Schulte, L.; Carvalho, F. (2016)

Spatial and temporal modelling of fluvial aggradation in the Hasli Valley (Swiss Alps) during the last 1300 years

Geophysical Research Abstracts
18 , EGU2016-8543
Monterrubio, G.; Schulte, L. (2016)

Historical flood analysis of the Eistlenbach and Farnigraben torrents in the Hasli Valley (Bernese Alps) inferred from sedimentary records, historical maps and remote sensing

Geophysical Research Abstracts
18 , EGU2016-11515
Cabrera-Medin, P.; Schulte, L.; Carvalho, F.; Peña, J.C.; García, C. (2016)

The influence of snow cover on alpine floods reconstructed from the analysis of satellite images. The case of the Hasli-Aare river basin, Berner Oberland (1987-2012)

Geophysical Research Abstracts
18 , EGU2016-9751