The hunting is one of the free time activities realized in the nature that has a major number of followers. For this motive, and depending on the way in which it is realized, it can manage to have a very direct effect on the fauna and a decisive influence in the structure and the evolution of the natural systems.

Slightly suitable hunting performances (Number of captures superior to the tolerated for the natural populations, contagion of illnesses across repopulations of foreign individuals), can make to diminish in a drastic way the population of certain species and consistently of his direct predators.

This fact is especially relevant for some of the game species preferred in the small game hunting: the rabbit, the partridge or the pigeon, since they are also some of the principal preys of Bonelli's Eagle.

Hunting may be compatible with the conservation of the Eagles (Photo: Albert Tintó)

Rabbits dead for the haemorrhagic virus (Photo: Joan Real)


(Photo: Vicenç Bros)

- The creation of spaces where hunting is not permitted (Natural Reservations of Wild Fauna) in the principal nesting and dispersal nuclei of the young Bonelli's Eagle.

- The application of sustainable hunting plans in the games preserves, which take account of  annual regulation of the hunting pressure according to the plenty and annual production of preys in the territories, the prohibition of repopulations, and an establishment of  hunting calendars that do not interfere with the breeding season (until December 31).

- The disappearance of the small game hunting during the summer closed season.

- The application of indirect measures to increase the prey plenty, by means of plans of improvement of the habitat that contemplate the recovery of crops, the establishment of grasslands, the undergrowth clearings, and the establishments of water points for the fauna.

- The application of a legislation that favours the securing of helps for a hunting correct management in the game preserves.

- To raise public awareness and collaborate with the hunters collective to carry out the previous measures.

Go to "The threats on the habitat"