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Economic Studies


Construction of a tool that allows the calculation of business demography indicators in Catalonia

Department of Business and Employment of the Generalitat of Catalonia
2009 / 2010 / 2012
Principal investigator Manuel Artís
Investigative team Manuel Artís / Jordi Suriñach / Juan Carlos Duque / José Ramón García
Objective Building the necessary processes in a data processing statistical package in order to facilitate to the “Departament de Treball ” to calculate the relevant Catalan business demography and structure indicators (business births and deads). Providing progress on the evolution of quarterly Catalan business activity Calculation of risk functions and business survival. Re-estimation of time series and annual business births and deads, making them compatible with DIRCE
Methodology Getting a weight at the sectoral level and for each variable of tabulation (firm size and legal form). Applying this weight to the number of companies, calculated from Social Security registrations. Including sectoril results to obtain the totals. Conciliation with DIRCE, on a regional level (provinces - Catalonia) and between the size of company and legal form.
Reference: Theme: Regional and Urban Strategic indicators Ambit: Regional