Aplicaciones Industriales del Álgebra Computacional
AICA 2019
Santander (Spain)
Friday February 8th 2019

Industrial workshop organized by Red-EACA, a Network of Excellence partialy financed by the Spanish Ministery of Science, Innovation and Universities (MTM2016-81932-REDT)

This is going to be the fourth workshop, after those organized in Granada (2011), Madrid (2013), and Logroño (2016).
AICA is a short industrial workshop focused on transfering knowledge from mathematical areas related to the EACA network to the industrial world.
AICA 2019 will be held at the Sala de Grados in the Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Cantabria, in the afternoon of Friday February 8th 2019.
It will be a satellite event of the Congreso Bienal de la Real Sociedad Matemática Española.
This event is sponsored by Suomitech Soluciones Innovadoras.

Invited speakers

