Exhibition:  “Quan no n’hi ha prou per repartir. Pensar matemàticament”

By 21 mayo, 2019News
Opening: Tuesday May 21st 2019 
Pati de Ciències (1r pis), Edifici Històric de la Universitat de Barcelona.
6.30 P.M

The exhibition opening will take place on Tuesday May 21 at 6.30 pm, Pati de Ciències (1st floor) of the Historic Building at University of Barcelona.

The exhibition can be visited from May 15 to June 21. It is coordinated by professor Javier Martínez de Albéniz, together with other members from the consolidated research group Teoria de Jocs i Mercats d’Assignació, and funded by the FECYT project Estrategia, cooperación y justicia: matemáticas para la sociedad.

The exhibition analyzes the distribution problems for different types of resources and explains to the public how they can be formalized in a very simple mathematical way, by means of different distribution rules and procedures that respond to efficiency and distributive justice criteria.


Author BEAT

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