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Javier Romero

Departament de Biologia Evolutiva, Ecologia i Ciències Ambientals

Edifici Ramon Margalef
Facultat de Biologia
Universitat de Barcelona

Avinguda Diagonal 643
08028 Barcelona

imatge de maquetació
imatge de maquetació
  Publicaciones imatge de maquetació


SanchezVidal, A.; Canals, M.; de Haan, W.P.; Romero, J.; Veny, M. 2021. Seagrasses provide a novel ecosystem service by trapping marine plastics. Scientific Reports, 11:254. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-79370-3

• Buñuel, X; Alcoverro, T; Romero, J; Arthur, R; Ruiz, JM; Pérez, M; Ontoria, Y; Raventós, N; Macpherson, E; Torrado, H; Pagès, JF. 2021. Warming intensifies the interaction between the temperate seagrass Posidonia oceanica and its dominant fish herbivore Sarpa salpa. Marine Environmental Research 165: 105237

• Christianen, MJA; van Katwijk, MM; van Tussenbroek, BI: Pagès, J; Ballorain, K; Kelkar, N; Arthur, R; Alcoverro, T. 2021. A dynamic view of seagrass meadows in the wake of successful green turtle conservation. Nature Ecology and Evolution. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41559-021-01433-z

• Sanmartí, N; Ricart, AM; Ontoria, Y; Pérez, M; Romero, J. 2021. Recovery of a fast-growing seagrass from small-scale mechanical disturbances: Effects of intensity, size and seasonal timing. Marine Pollution Bulletin 162:111873



• Camps-Castellà, J; Romero, J; Prado, P. 2020. Trophic plasticity in the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus, as a function of resource availability and habitat features. Marine Ecology Progress Series 637: 71–85

• Buñuel, X; Alcoverro, T; Pagès, JF; Romero, J; Ruiz, JM; Arthur, R. 2020. The dominant seagrass herbivore Sarpa salpa shifts its shoaling and feeding strategies as they grow. Scientific Reports 10:10622. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-67498-1

• Masó, A; Romero, J; Baixeras, J. 2020. How many scales on the wings? A case study based on Colias crocea (Geoffroy, 1785) (Hexapoda: Lepidoptera, Pieridae). Arthropod Structure & Development 57 : 100947 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asd.2020.100947

• Ontoria, Y; Webster, C; Said, N; Ruiz, JM; Pérez, M; Romero, J; McMahon, K. 2020. Positive effects of high salinity can buffer the negative effects of experimental warming on functional traits of the seagrass Halophila ovalis. Marine Pollution Bulletin 158:111404. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2020.111404

• Alcoverro, T; Marco-Méndez, C; Minguito, M; Boada, J; Prado, P; Sanmartí, N; Muñoz-Ramos, G; Pagès, JF; Garcia, M; Pérez, M; Seglar, X; Romero, J. 2020. Efectes del temporal Gloria en els ecosistemes de Posidonia oceanica al llarg de la costa catalana. In: Canals, M. i Miranda, J. Sobre el temporal Gloria (19-23.01.20), els seus efectes sobre el país i el que se’n deriva. Report de Resposta Ràpida (R3). Institut d’Estudis Catalans. Secció de Ciències i Tecnología. Pp. 93-101. ISBN 9788499655529

• McKinley, E; Pagès, JF; Ballinger, RC; Beaumont, N. 2020. Forgotten landscapes: Public attitudes and perceptions of coastal saltmarshes. Ocean Coast Manag 187

• McKinley, E; Pagès, JF; Alexander, M; Burdon, D; Martino, S. 2020. Uses and management of saltmarshes: A global survey. Estuar Coast Shelf Sci 243:106840

• Duggan‐Edwards, MF; Pagès, JF; Jenkins, SR; Bouma, TJ; Skov, MW. 2020. External conditions drive optimal planting configurations for salt marsh restoration. J Appl Ecol 57:619–629



• de los Santos, CB; Krause-Jensen, D; Alcoverro, T; Marbà, N; Duarte, CM; van Katwijk, MM; Pérez, M;  Romero, J; Sánchez-Lizaso, JL: Roca, G; Jankowska, E; Pérez-Lloréns, JL; Fournier, J; Montefalcone, M;  Pergent, G; Ruiz, JM; Cabaço, S; Cook, K; Wilkes, RJ; Frithjof EM; Muñoz-Ramos, G; Seglar-Arañó, X; de Jong, DJ; Fernández-Torquemada, Y; Auby, I; Vergara, JJ; Santos, R. 2019. Recent trend reversal for declining European seagrass meadows. Nature Communications, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-019-11340-4

• Ontoria, Y; Cuesta-Gracia, A; Ruiz, JM; Romero, J; Pérez, M. 2019. The negative effects of short-term extreme thermal events on the seagrass Posidonia oceanica are exacerbated by ammonium additions   PLoS One 14(9): e0222798. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0222798

• Ontoria, Y; González-Guedes, E; Sanmartí, N; Bernardeau-Esteller, J; Ruiz, JM; Romero, J; Pérez, M. 2019. Interactive effects of global warming and eutrophication on a fast-growing Mediterranean seagrass. Marine Environmental Research 145:27-38. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marenvres.2019.02.002

• Pessarrodona, A; Boada, J; Pagès, J F; Arthur, R; Alcoverro, T. 2019. Consumptive and non-consumptive effects of predators vary with the ontogeny of their prey. Ecology 00(00):e02649. 10.1002/ecy.2649.

• Ford, H; Garbutt, A; Duggan-Edwards, M; Pagès, J F; Harvey, R; Ladd, C; Skov, M W. 2019. Large-scale predictions of salt-marsh carbon stock based on simple observations of plant community and soil type. Biogeosciences, 16(2):425–436. https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-16-425-2019

• Zhu, Y; Zhong, Z; Pagès, J F; Finke, D; Wang, D; Ma, Q; Hassan, N; Zhu, H; Wang, L. 2019. Negative effects of vertebrate on invertebrate herbivores mediated by enhanced plant nitrogen content. Journal of Ecology, 107(2):901–912. https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2745.13100

• McKinley, E; Pagès, J F; Wyles, K J; Beaumont, N. 2019. Ecosystem services: A bridge or barrier for UK marine stakeholders? Ecosystem Services, 37:100922. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoser.2019.100922

• Pagès, J F; Jenkins, S R; Bouma, T J; Sharps, E; Skov, M W. 2019. Opposing Indirect Effects of Domestic Herbivores on Saltmarsh Erosion. Ecosystems, 22(5):1055-1068. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10021-018-0322-5



• Sanmartí N, Solé L, Romero J, Pérez M. 2018. Seagrass-bivalve facilitative interactions: trait mediated effects along an environmental gradient. Marine Environmental Research, 133:99-104. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marenvres.2017.12.002

• Farina, S; Oltra, A; Boada, J; Bartumeus, F; Romero, J; Alcoverro, T. 2018. Generation and maintenance of predation hotspots of a functionally important herbivore in a patchy habitat mosaic. Functional Ecology 32 (2): 556–565. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2435.12985 

• Ruiz, JM ; Marín-Guirao, L; García-Muñoz, R; Ramos-Segura, A; Bernardeau-Esteller, J; Pérez, M; Sanmartí, N; Ontoria, Y; Romero, J; Arthur, R; Alcoverro, T; Procaccini, G. 2018. Experimental evidence of warming-induced flowering in the Mediterranean seagrass Posidonia oceanica. Marine Pollution Bulletin 134 : 49-54. 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2017.10.037

• Pagès JF; Smith TM; Tomas F; Sanmartí N; Boada J; De Bari H; Pérez M; Romero J; Arthurc R; Alcoverro T. 2018. Contrasting effects of ocean warming on different components of plant-herbivore interactions. Marine Pollution Bulletin 134: 55-65 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2017.10.036 

• Boada, J; Farina, S; Arthur, R; Romero, J; Prado, P; Alcoverro, T. 2018. Herbivore control in connected seascapes: habitat determines when population regulation occurs in the life history of a key herbivore. Oikos 127(8): 1195-1204.

• Ricart, AM; Sanmarti, N; Perez, M; Romero, J. 2018. Multilevel assessments reveal spatially scaled landscape patterns driving coastal fish assemblages. Marine Environmental Research 140: 210-220. DOI: 10.1016/j.marenvres.2018.06.015

• Marin-Guirao, L; Bernardeau-Esteller, J; Garcia-Munoz, R; Ramos, A; Ontoria, Y; Romero, J; Perez, M; Ruiz, JM; Procaccini, G.  2018. Carbon economy of Mediterranean seagrasses in response to thermal stress. Marine Pollution Bulletin 135: 617-629. DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2018.07.050

• Boada, J; Pages, JF; Gera, A; Macpherson, E; Santana, Y ; Romero, J; Alcoverro, T  2018 The richness of small pockets: Decapod species peak in small seagrass patches where fish predators are absent. Marine Environmental Research 142: 1-6. DOI: 10.1016/j.marenvres.2018.09.012

• Ulate K; Alcoverro T; Arthur R; Aburto-Oropeza O; Sánchez C; Huato-Soberanis L. 2018. Conventional MPAs are not as effective as community co-managed areas in conserving top-down control in the Gulf of California. Biological Conservation. 228: 100–109.

• Yadav S; Alcoverro T; Arthur R. 2018. Coral reefs respond to repeated ENSO events with increasing resistance but reduced recovery capacities in the Lakshadweep archipelago. Coral Reefs. DOI: 10.1007/s00338-018-1735-5.

• Hays G.; Alcoverro T; Christianen MJA; Duarte CM; Hamann M; Macreadie PI; Marsh H; Rasheed MA; Thums M; Unsworth RKF; York PH; Esteban N. 2018. New tools to identify the location of seagrass meadows: marine grazers as habitat indicators. Frontiers in Marine Science (4): 9. DOI:10.3389/fmars.2018.00009.



• Vázquez-Luis M; Álvarez E; Barrajón A; Garcia March JR; Grau A;  Hendriks IE; Jiménez S; Kersting D; Moreno D; Pérez M; Ruiz  JM; Sanchez J; Villalba A; Deudero S. 2017. S.O.S. Pinna nobilis: a mass mortality event in western Mediterranean Sea. Frontiers in Marine Science 4: 220. Doi:10.3389/fmars.2017.00220

• Boada, J; Arthur, R; Alonso, D; Pagès, JF; Pessarrodona, A; Oliva, S; Ceccherelli, G; Piazzi, L; Romero, J;  Alcoverro, T. 2017. Immanent conditions determine imminent collapses: nutrient regimes define the resilience of macroalgal communities. Proc. R. Soc. B 284: 20162814. http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2016.2814

• Roca, G; Romero, J; Farina, S; Martínez-Crego, B; Alcoverro, T. 2017. Using seagrasses to identify local and large-scale trends of metals in the Mediterranean Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin 123: 83–91. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2017.09.021

• Karkarey R; Alcoverro T; Kumar S; Arthur R. 2017. Coping with catastrophe: foraging plasticity enables a benthic predator to survive in rapidly degrading coral reefs. Animal Behaviour: 131 (2017) 13-22 doi.org: 10.1016/j.anbehav.2017.07.010. IF: 3.16.

• Ricart AM, Pérez M, Romero J. 2017. Landscape configuration modulates carbon storage in seagrass sediments. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 185:69-76. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecss.2016.12.011



• Roca, G; Alcoverro, T; Krause-Jensen, D; Balsby, TJS; van Katwijk, MM; Marba, N; Santos, R; Arthur, R; Mascaro, O; Fernandez-Torquemada, Y; Pérez, M; Duarte, CM; Romero, J. 2016. Response of seagrass indicators to shifts in environmental stressors: A global review and management synthesis. Ecological Indicators, 63: 310-323. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2015.12.007

Llagostera, I; Cervantes, D; Sanmarti, N; Romero, J; Pérez, M. 2016.  Effects of copper exposure on photosynthesis and growth of the seagrass Cymodocea nodosa: an experimental assessment. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 97(3): 374-379. DOI: 10.1007/s00128-016-1863-y

• Patankar, V., D’souza, E., Alcoverro, T, Arthur, R.. 2016. For traditional island communities in the Nicobar Archipelago, complete no-go areas are the most effective form of marine management. Ocean & Coastal Management. IF: 1.7.

• Yadav, S., Rathod, P., Alcoverro, T., Arthur, R. (2016) “Choice" and destiny: the substrate composition and mechanical stability of settlement structures can mediate coral recruit fate in post-bleached reefs. Coral Reefs. 35: 211:222.

• Bakker, L., Pagès, J., Arthur, R., Alcoverro, T. (2016). Assessing the role of large herbivores in the structuring and functioning of freshwater and marine angiosperm ecosystems. Ecography. 39: 162-179. doi: 10.1111/ecog.01651.



• Roca, G; Alcoverro, T.; de Torres, M.; Manzanera, M.; Martínez-Crego, B.; Bennett, S.; Farina, S.; Pérez, M.; Romero, J. 2015. Detecting water quality improvement along the Catalan coast (Spain) using stress-specific biochemical seagrass indicators. Ecological Indicators, 54: 161–170. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2015.02.031

• Boada,  J; Sanmarti,  N; Selden, RL; Lucas,  A; Pérez, M ; Alcoverro, T ; Romero, J. 2015. Evaluating potential artifacts of tethering techniques to estimate predation on sea urchins. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 471: 17-22. DOI: 10.1016/j.jembe.2015.05.011

• Ricart, AM; Dalmau, A; Pérez, M; Romero, J. 2015. Effects of landscape configuration on the exchange of materials in seagrass ecosystems. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 532: 89-100. DOI: 10.3354/meps11384

• Ricart, AM; York, PH; Rasheed,  MA; Pérez, M; Romero, J; Bryant, CV; Macreadie, PI 2015. Variability of sedimentary organic carbon in patchy seagrass landscapes. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 100(1): 476–482.  doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2015.09.032

• Boada, J; Arthur, R.; Farina, S.; Santana, Y.; Mascaró, O.; Romero, J.; Alcoverro, T. 2015. Hotspots of predation persist outside marine reserves in the historically fished Mediterranean Sea. Biological Conservation, 191:  67–74.

• Romero, J; Alcoverro, T; Roca, G; Pérez, M. 2015.  Bioindicators, Monitoring, and Management. Using Mediterranean Seagrasses: What Have We Learned from the Implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive? In: A. Munné et al. (eds.), Experiences from Ground, Coastal and Transitional Water Quality Monitoring: The EU Water Framework Directive Implementation in the Catalan River Basin District (Part II), Hdb Env Chem, DOI 10.1007/698_2015_437,  Springer International Publishing, Switzerland. ISBN 978-3-319-23903-3.

• D’souza, E., Patankar, V., Arthur, R., Marbà, N. and Alcoverro, T. (2015) Seagrass herbivory levels sustain site-fidelity in a remnant dugong population. PLoS One. 10(10). Article number e0141224. IF: 3.27.

• Patankar, V., D’souza, E., Alcoverro, T. and Arthur, R. (2015) Erosion of traditional marine management systems in the face of disturbances in the Nicobar archipelago, India. Human Ecology. 43 (5): 697-707. IF: 1.84

• Jahnke M., Pagès, J., Alcoverro, T., Lavery P., Mcmahon K.M., Procaccini, G. (2015). Should we sync? Seascape-level genetic and ecological factors determine seagrass flowering patterns. Journal of Ecology. doi.org/10.1111/1365-2745.12470. IF: 5.52.

• Alonso, D., Pinyol-Gallemí, A., Alcoverro, T., Arthur, R. (2015). Fish community reassembly after a coral mass mortality: Higher trophic groups are subjected to increased rates of extinction. Ecology Letters. 18(5): 451-461. doi: 10.1111/ele.12426. IF: 10.69.



• Farina, S; Arthur, R ; Pages, JF ; Prado, P; Romero, J ; Verges, A; Hyndes, G; Heck, KL; Glenos, S; Alcoverro, T. 2014. Differences in predator composition alter the direction of structure-mediated predation risk in macrophyte communities. Oikos, 123(11): 1311-1322. DOI: 10.1111/oik.01382

• Mascaró, O; Romero J; Pérez M. 2014.  Seasonal uncoupling of demographic processes in a marine clonal plant. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 142: 23-31. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecss.2014.03.011

Manzanera, M; Alcoverro, T; Jimenez, JA; Romero, J. 2014 The large penumbra: Long-distance effects of artificial beach nourishment on Posidonia oceanica meadows. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 86 (1-2):129-137. DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2014.07.033.

• Roca, G.; Romero, J.; Columbu, S.; Farina, S.; Pages, JF ; Gera, A ; Inglis, G ; Alcoverro, T. 2014. Detecting the impacts of harbour construction on a seagrass habitat and its subsequent recovery. Ecological indicators, 45:9-17. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2014.03.020.

• Gera, A; Pages, JF; Arthur, R; Farina, S; Roca, G; Romero, J; Alcoverro, T. 2014. The effect of a centenary storm on the long-lived seagrass Posidonia oceanica. Limnology and Oceanography, 59(6): 1910-1918. DOI: 10.4319/lo.2014.59.6.1910

• Pages, JF; Gera, A; Romero, J; Alcoverro, T. 2014. Matrix composition and patch edges influence plant-herbivore interactions in marine landscapes. Functional Ecology, 28(6): 1440-1448. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2435.12286.

• Oliva, S; Romero, J; Pérez, M; Manent, P; Mascaro, O; Serrao, EA; Coelho, N; Alberto, F. 2014. Reproductive strategies and isolation-by-demography in a marine clonal plant along an eutrophication gradient. Molecular Ecology, 23(23): 5698-5711. DOI: 10.1111/mec.12973

• Sanmarti, N; Saiz, L; Llagostera, I; Pérez, M; Romero, J. 2014. Tolerance responses to simulated herbivory in the seagrass Cymodocea nodosa. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 517: 159-169. DOI: 10.3354/meps11084

• Heithaus, M.R., Alcoverro, T., Arthur, R., Burkholder, D., Coates K.A., Christianen M., Kelkar, N., Manuel, S.A., Wirsing, A. Fourqurean J.A. (2014). Seagrasses in the Age of Sea Turtle Conservation and Shark Overfishing. Frontiers in Marine Science: 1:28. doi: 10.3389/fmars. 2014.00028.

• Marbà, N., Arthur, R., Alcoverro, T. (2014). Getting turfed: The population and hábitat impacts of Lophocladia lallemandii invasions on endemic Posidonia oceanica meadows. Aquatic Botany. 116: 76-82.  IF: 1.6.

• Karkarey, R., Kelkar, N., Lobo, A., Alcoverro, T., Arthur, R. (2014). Long-lived benthic predators are driven by habitat stability rather than the recovery potential of coral reefs. Coral Reefs. DOI 10.1007/s00338-013-1117-y. IF: 3.32.

• D’souza, E., Patankar, V., Arthur, R., Alcoverro, T., Kelkar, N. (2013). Habitat persistence and human-induced mortality drive long-term occupancy dynamics of an endangered dugong population. PlosOne. 8 (10) art. no. e76181.  IF: 3.27.



• Mascaro, O.; Alcoverro, T.; Dencheva, K..; Diez, I.; Gorostiaga, JM.; Krause-Jensen, D.; Balsby, TJS. Thorsten, J. S.; Marba, N.; Muxika, I.; Neto, JM.; Nikolic, V. ; Orfanidis, S.; Pedersen, A.; Pérez, M. ; Romero, J. 2013. Exploring the robustness of macrophyte-based classification methods to assess the ecological status of coastal and transitional ecosystems under the Water Framework Directive. Hydrobiologia, 74(1): 279-291. DOI: 10.1007/s10750-012-1426-0  

• Pages, JF; Gera, A; Romero, J; Farina, S; Garcia-Rubies, A; Hereu, B; Alcoverro, T. 2013. The Mediterranean Benthic Herbivores Show Diverse Responses to Extreme Storm Disturbances. PLoS One, 8 (5). DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0062719  

• Gera, A; Pages, JF; Romero, J; Alcoverro, T. 2013. Combined effects of fragmentation and herbivory on Posidonia oceanica seagrass ecosystems. Journal of Ecology, 101 (4): 1053-1061.  DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.12109

• Cabaco, S; Apostolaki, ET; Garcia-Marin, P; Gruber, R ;; Hernandez, I;  Martinez-Crego, B; Mascaro, O; Pérez, M; Prathep, A; Robinson, C; Romero, J ; Schmidt, AL; Short, FT; van Tussenbroek, BI. ; Santos, R. 2013. Effects of nutrient enrichment on seagrass population dynamics: evidence and synthesis from the biomass-density relationships. Journal of Ecology, 101 (6): 1552-1562.  DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.12134

• Pagès, JF; Bartumeus, F; Hereu, B; López-Sanz, A; Romero, J; Alcoverro, T. 2013. Evaluating a key herbivorous fish as a mobile link: a Brownian bridge approach. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 492: 199–210. doi: 10.3354/meps10494

• Arthur, R., Kelkar, N., Alcoverro, T., Madhusudan M.D. (2013). Complex ecological pathways underlie perceptions of conflict between turtles and fishers in the Lakshadweep Islands. Biological Conservation. 167: 25-34. IF: 3.76.

• Kelkar, N., Arthur, R., Marbà, N., Alcoverro, T. (2013). Sustained Green turtle herbivory can modify seagrass primary production pathways. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 485: 235-243. IF: 2.6.
• Kelkar, N., Arthur, R., Marbà, N., Alcoverro, T. (2013). Greener pastures? High-density feeding aggregations of green turtles precipitate species shifts in seagrass meadows. J. Ecology. 101(5): 1158-1168. IF: 5.52.

• Marbà, N., Krause-Jensen, D., Alcoverro, T., Birk, S., Pedersen, A. Neto, J.J., Orfanidies, S., Garmendia, J.M., Muxika, I., Borja, A., Dencheva, K., Duarte, C.M. (2013) Diversity of European seagrass indicators: Patterns within and across regions. Hydrobiologia. 704 (1):265-278. IF: 2.27.

• Grignon-Dubois, M., Rezzoico, B., Alcoverro, T. (2012). Regional scale patterns in seagrass defences: phenolic acid content in Zostera noltii. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Sciences. 114: 18-22. IF: 2.0.



• Pérez, M.; Ruiz, J.M.; García-Sanz, M; Romero, J. 2012. Aquaculture impacts on mediterranean segrasses: an evaluation of current status and futures prospects. In: Stambler, N. (Ed.), Life in the Mediterranean sea: a look at habitat changes. Pp. 595-616. Nova Science Publisher, New York. ISBN 978-1-61209-644-5

• Romero, J.; Pérez, M.; Alcoverro, T. 2012. L’alguer de Posidonia oceánica de les illes Medes: més de trenta anys d’estudi. In: Hereu, B. & Quintana, X, ed.s, Els fons marins de les illes Medes i el Montgrí. Quatre dècades de recerca poer la coinservació. Pp. 79-100. Càtedra d’ecosstemes litorals mediterranis, Girona. ISBN 2013-5939

• Gera, A.; Alcoverro, T.; Mascaró, O.; Pérez, M. & Romero, J. (2012). Exploring the usefulness of seagrass chlorophyll fluorescence responses to assess concurrent anthropogenic pressures in coastal waters. Environ Monit Assess, 184: 3675-3686.

• Sanchez-Vidal, A.; Canals, M.; Calafat, A.M.; Lastras, G.; Pedrosa-pamies, R.; Menéndez, M.; Medina, R.; Company, J.B. Hereu, B.; Romero, J. & Alcoverro, T. (2012). Impacts on the deep-sea ecosystem by a severe coastal storm. PLoS ONE, 7(1): e30395.

• Gangal, M.; Arthur, R. & Alcoverro, T. (2012). Structure and dynamics of South East Indian seagrass meadows across a sediment gradient. Aquatic Botany, 98: 34-39

• Mascaró, O.; Bennett, S.; Marbà, N.; Nikolik, V.; Romero, J.; Duarte, C.M. & Alcoverro, T. (2012). Uncertainty analysis along the ecological quality status of water bodies: the response of the Posidonia oceanica multivariate index (POMI) in three Mediterranean regions. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 64: 926-931

• Prado, P.; Tomás, F.; Pinna, S.; Farina, S.; Roca, G.; Ceccherelli, G., Romero, J. & Alcoverro, T. (2012). Habitat and scale shape the demographic fate of the keystone sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus in Mediterranean macrophyte communities. PLoS ONE, 7 (4): e35170

• Pagés, F.; Farina, S.; Gera, A.; Romero, J.; Arthur, R. & Alcoverro, T. (2012). Trait-mediated indirect interaction in seagrass communites: fish herbivores increase predation risk by modifying plant traits. Functional Ecology, 25(5): 1015-1023

• Oliva, S.; Mascaró, O.; Llagostera, I.; Pérez, M. & Romero, J. (2012). Selection of metrics based on the seagrass Cymodocea nodosa and development of a biotic index (CYMOX) for assessing ecological status of coastal and transitional waters. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 114:7-17



• Llagostera, I.; Perez, M. & Romero, J. (2011). Heavy metal content in the seagrass Cymodocea nodosa: differential accumulation in plant organs. Aquatic Botany, 95: 124-128.

• Vergés, A.; Alcoverro, T. & Romero, J. (2011).  Plant defences and the role of epibiosis in mediating within-plant feeding choices of seagrass consumers. Oecologia, 166: 381-390.

• Prado, P.; Collier, C.J.; Romero, J. & Alcoverro, T. (2011) Distinctive types of leaf tissue damage influence nutrient supply to growing tissues within seagrass shoots. Marine Biology, 158: 1473–1482.

• Lopez y Royo, C.; Pergent, G.; Alcoverro, T. ; Buia, M.C.; Casazza, G.; Martínez-Crego, B.;  Pérez, M.; Silvestre, F. & Romero, J. (2011). The seagrass Posidonia oceanica as indicator of coastal water quality: Experimental intercalibration of classification systems. Ecological Indicators, 11:557-563.

• Planes, S.; Raventós, N.; Ferrari, B. & Alcoverro, T. (2011) Fish herbivory leads to shifts in seagrass Posidonia oceanica investments in sexual reproduction. Mar Ecol Prog Ser, 431: 205-213.

• Manzanera, M; Alcoverro, T.; Tomas, F. & Romero,J. (2011). Response of Posidonia oceanica to burial dynamics. Mar Ecol Prog Ser, 423: 47-56.

• García-Sanz T.; Ruiz J.M.; Pérez M. & Ruiz M. (2011). Assessment of dissolved nutrients dispersal derived from offshore fish-farm using nitrogen stable isotope ratios (δ15N) in macroalgal bioassays. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 91: 361-370.

• Bennett, S.; Roca G. & Romero J. (2011) Ecological status of seagrass ecosystems: An uncertainty analysis of the meadow classification based on the Posidonia oceanica multivariate index (POMI). Marine Pollution Bulletin, 62(8): 1616-1621.

• Grignon-Dubois, M.; Rezzonico, B. & Alcoverro, T. (2011). Regional scale patterns in seagrass defences: Phenolic acid content in Zostera noltii. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 114:18-22.



• Pagès, J., Pérez M., Romero, J. (2010).Sensitivity of the seagrass Cymodocea nodosa to hypersaline conditions: a microcosm approach. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 386: 34-38.

• Martínez-Crego, B.; Alcoverro, T. & Romero, J.  (2010). Biotic indices for coastal waters quality assessment: a review of strengths and weaknesses. Journal of Environmental Pollution. 12: 1013-1028.

• Martínez-Crego, B.; Prado, P.; Alcoverro, T. & Romero, J.  (2010). Composition of epiphytic leaf community of Posidionia oceanica as a tool for environmental biomonitoring. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 88: 199-208.

• Prado, P.; Romero, J. & Alcoverro, T (2010). Nutrient status, plant availability and seasonal forcing mediate fish herbivory in temperate seagrass bed. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 409: 229-239.

• García, T.; Ruiz, J.M.; Ruiz; M.; Pérez; M.; González, M.N. & García, R. (2010). An evaluation of a macroalgal bioassay tool for assessing the spatial extent of nutrient release from offshore fish farms. Marine Environmental Research, 70: 189-200.

• Prado, P.; Alcoverro, T. & Romero, J. (2010). Influence of nutrients in the feeding ecology of seagrass (Posidonia oceanica L.) consumers: a stable isotopes approach. Marine Biology 157 (4): 715-724.

• Lal, A.; Arthur, R.; Marbà, N.; Lill, A., & Alcoverro, T. (2010). Implications of conserving an ecosystem modifier: increasing Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas) densities substantially alters seagrass meadow structure and dynamics. Biological Conservation, 43:2730-2738.



• Farina, S.; Tomàs, F.; Prado, P.; Romero, J. & Alcoverro, T. (2009). Seagrass meadow structure alters sea urchin-predator interactions. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 377: 131-137.

• Vergés, A.; Alcoverro, T. & Ballesteros, E. (2009). Role of fish herbivory in structuring the vertical distribution of canopy algae Cystoseira spp. in the Mediterranean Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 375: 1-11.

• Mascaró, O.; Valdemarsen, Holmer, T.; Pérez, M. & Romero, J. (2009). Sulfide intrusion reduces Zostera marina (eelgrass) growth and survival in experimentally organic-enriched sediments. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 373: 26-34.

• Mascaró, O.; Oliva, S.; Pérez, M. & Romero, J. (2009). Spatial variability in ecological attibutes of the seagrass Cymodocea nodosaBotanica marina, 52: 429-458.

• Ruíz, J.M.; Pérez, M.; Romero, J. & Tomas, F. (2009). The importance of herbivory in the decline of seagrass (Posidonia oceanica) meadow near a fish farm: an experimental approach. Botanica marina, 52: 449-458.

• Gambi C., Bianchelli S., Pérez M., Invers O., Ruiz J.M. & Danovaro R. (2009). Biodiversity response to experimental induced hypoxic-anoxic conditions in seagrass sediments. Biodiversity Conservation, 18: 33-54.

• Prado, P.; Romero, J. & Alcoverro, T. (2009). Welcome Mats? The role of seagrass meadow structure in controlling post- settlement survival in a keystone sea-urchin species. Estuarine, Coastal  and Shelf Science, 85(3):.472-478.



• Frederiksen M.S.; Holmer M.; Pérez M., Invers O.; Ruiz J. M., Knudsen B.B. (2008). Effect of increased sediment sulphide concentrations on the composition of stable sulphur isotopes (d 34 S) ans sulphur accumulation in the seagrasses Zostera marina and Posidonia oceanica . Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 358: 98-109.

• Vergés A.; Pérez M. and Alcoverro T. (2008). Compensation and resistance to herbivory in seagrasses: induced responses to simulated consumption by fish. Oecologia, 155: 751-760.

• Pérez M.; García T.; Invers O. and Ruiz J.M. (2008). Physiologial responses on the seagrass Posidonia oceanica as indicators of fish farm impact. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 56: 869-879.

• Holmer, M.; Argyrou, M.; Dalsgaard, T.; Danovaro, R.; Diaz-Almela, E.; Duarte, C.M.; Frederiksen, M.; Grau, A.; Karakassis, I.; Marbà, N.; Mirto, S.; Pérez, M.; Pusceddu, A.; Tsapakis, M. (2008). Effects of fish farm waste on Posidonia oceanica meadows: Synthesis and provision of monitoring and management tools. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 56: 1618-1629.

• Sánchez-Lizaso, J.L.; Romero, J.; Ruiz, J.; Gacia, E.; Buceta, J.L.; Invers, O.; Fernández-Torquemada, Y.; Mas, J.; Ruiz-Mateo, A.; Manzanera, M., (2008). Salinity tolerance of the Mediterranean seagrass Posidonia oceanica : recommendations to minimize the impact of brine discharges from desalination plants. Desalination, 221: 602-607.

• Prado, P.; Alcoverro, T.; Romero, J. (2008). Seasonal response of Posidonia oceanica epiphytic assemblages to nutrient increase. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 359: 89-98.

• Martínez-Crego, B.; Vergés, A.; Romero, J.; Alcoverro, T. (2008). Selection of multiple seagrass indicators for environmental biomonitoring. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 361: 93-109.

• Prado, P., Farina, S., Tomas, F., Romero, J., Alcoverro, T. 2008. Marine protection and meadow size alter fish herbivory in seagrass ecosystems. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 371: 11–21.



• Romero J.; Martínez-Crego B.; Alcoverro T. and Pérez M. (2007). A multivariate index based on the seagrass Posidonia oceanica (POMI) to assess ecological status of coastal waters under the water framework directive (WFD). Marine Pollution Bulletin, 55 :196-204.

• Pérez M.; Invers O.; Ruiz J. M.; Frederiksen M.S. and Holmer M. (2007) . Physiological responses of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica to elevated organic matter content in sediments: an experimental assessment. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 344:149-160 .

 • Prado P.; Alcoverro T.; Martínez-Crego B.; Vergés A.; Pérez M. and Romero J. (2007). Macrograzers strongly influence patterns of epiphytic assemblages in seagrass meadows. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 350: 130-143 .

• Vergés, A.; Becerro, M.; Alcoverro, T.; Romero, J. (2007). Variation in multiple traits of vegetative and reproductive seagrass tissues influences plant-herbivore interactions. Oecologia, 151: 675-686.

• Gacia, E.; Invers, O.; Manzanera, M; Ballesteros, E.; Romero, J. (2007). Impact of the brine from a desalination plant on a shallow seagrass ( Posidonia oceanica) meadow. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 72: 579-590.

• Prado, P.; Tomas, F.; Alcoverro, T.; Romero, J. ( 2007 ). Extensive direct measurements of Posidonia oceanica defoliation confirm the importance of herbivory in temperate seagrass meadows. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 340: 63–71.

• Vergés, A.; Becerro, M.; Alcoverro, T.; Romero, J. (2007). Experimental evidence of chemical deterrence against multiple herbivores in the seagrass Posidonia oceanica. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 343: 107-114.



• Tomas, F.; Álvarez-Cascos, D; Turon, X.; Romero, J. (2006). Differential element assimilation by sea urchins Paracentrotus lividus in seagrass beds: implications for trophic interactions. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 306: 125–131.

• Martínez-Crego, B.; Romero; J.; Alcoverro, T. (2006). The use of surface alkaline phosphatase activity in the seagrass Posidonia oceanica as a biomarker of eutrophication. Marine Ecology-An Evolutionary Perspective 27 (4): 381-387.



• Ballesteros, E.; Cebrián, E.; García-Rubies, A.; Alcoverro, T.; Romero, J. & Font, X. (2005). Pseudovivipary, a new form of asexual reproduction in the seagrass Posidonia oceanica . Botanica Marina , 48: 175-177.

• Tomás, F.; Romero, J. & Turón, X. (2005). Experimental evidence that intra-specific competition in seagrass meadows reduces reproductive potencial in the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus (Lamarck). Scientia Marina, 69(4): 475-484.

• Tomás, F.; Turón, X. & Romero, J. (2005). Effect of herbivores on a Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadow: importante of epiphytes. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 287: 115-125.

• Tomas, F.; Turon, X.; Romero, J. (2005). Seasonal and small-scale spatial variability of herbivory pressure on the temperate seagrass Posidonia oceanica. Marine Ecology Progress Series , 301: 95–107.

• C. Pergent-Martini, V. Leoni, V. Pasqualini, G.D. Ardizzone, E. Balestri, R. Bedini, A. Belluscio, T. Belsher, J. Borg, C.F. Boudouresque, S. Boumaza, J.M. Bouquegnea i , M.C. Buia, S. Calvo, J. Cebrian, E. Charbonnel, F. Cinelli, A. Cossu, G. Di Maida, B. Dural, P. Francour, S. Gobert, G. Lepoint, A. Meinesz, H. Molenaar, H.M. Mansour, P. Panayotidis, A. Peirano, G. Pergent, L. Piazzi, M. Pirrotta, G. Relini, J. Romero, J.L. Sanchez-Lizaso, R. Semroud, P. Shembri, A. Shili, A. Tomasello and Velimirov B. (2005). Descriptors of Posidonia oceanica meadows: Use and application. Ecological Indicators 5 (3): 213-230.



• Invers O.; Kraemer G.P.; Pérez, M. and Romero J. (2004). Effects of nitrogen additions on nitrogen metabolism and carbon reserves in the temperate seagrass Posidonia oceanica. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 303: 94-114.

• Alcoverro T.; Pérez, M. and Romero J. (2004). The importance of within-shoot epiphytes for the carbon budget: the example of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica. Botanica Marina , 47: 307-312.

• Tomás, F.; Romero, J. & Turón, X. (2004). Settlement and recruitment of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus in two contrasting habitats in the Mediterranean . Marine Ecology Progress Series ., 282: 173-184.



• Holmer M., Perez M. and Duarte C.M. (2003). Benthic primary producers- a neglected environmental problem in Mediterranean maricultures? Marine Pollution Bulletin, 46: 1372-1376.

• Ruiz, J. M.; Romero, J. (2003). Effects of disturbances caused by coastal constructions on spatial structure, growth dynamics and photosynthesis of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 46 (12): 1523-1533.

• Mateo M.A.; Sánchez-Lizaso J.L. and Romero J. (2003). Posidonia oceanica 'banquettes': a preliminary assessment of the relevance for meadow carbon and nutrients budget. Estuarine, Coastal, and Shelf Science , 56(1): 85-90.



• Invers, O.; Pérez, M. and Romero, J. (2002). Seasonal nitrogen speciation in the temperate seagrass Posidonia oceanica. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 273: 219-240.

• Invers O., Tomás F., Pérez M. and Romero J. (2002). Potential effect of increased global CO 2 availability on the depth distribution of the seagrass P osidonia oceanica (l.) Delile: a tentative assessment using a carbon balance model. Bulletin of Marine Science, 71(3): 1191-1198.



• Ruiz J.; Pérez, M. and Romero, J. (2001). Effects of fish farm loadings on seagrass ( Posidonia oceanica ) distribution, growth and photosynthesis . Marine Pollution Bulletin, 42(9): 749-760.

• Pérez, M.; Mateo, M.A.; Alcoverro, T. and Romero, J. (2001). Detritus stocks variability in beds of the seagrass Cymodocea nodosa. Botanica marina, 44(6): 523-531.

• Invers, O., Zimmerman, R.C., Alberte, R.S., Pérez, M. and Romero, J. (2001). Inorganic carbon sources for seagrass photosynthesis: an experimental evaluation of bicarbonate use in temperate species. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology , 265(2): 203-217.

• Alcoverro, T., Manzanera, M. , Romero, J. (2001). Annual metabolic carbon balance of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile: the importance of carbohydrate reserves. Marine Ecology Progress Series , 211: 105-116.

• Ruiz, J.M., Romero, J. (2001) Effects of in situ experimental shading on the Mediterranean seagrass Posidonia oceanica (l.) Delile. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 215: 107-120.



• Alcoverro, T., Manzanera, M., Romero, J. (2000). Nutrient mass balance of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile: the importance of nutrient retranslocation. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 194: 13-21.

• Ribes, T., Salvadó, H., Romero, J. Gracia, M.P. (2000). Foraminiferal colonisation on artificial seagrass leaves. Journal of Foraminiferal Research , 30 (3): 192-201.

• van Dalfsen, J.A.; Essink, K.; Toxvig Madsen, H.; Birklund, J.; Romero, J.; Manzanera, M. (2000). Differential response of macrozoobenthos to marine sand extraction in the North Sea and the Western Mediterranean . Journal of Marine Science, 57: 1439-1445.



• Delgado, O.; Ruiz, J.M.; Pérez, M.; Romero, J. and Ballesteros, E. (1999). Effects of fish farming on seagrass ( Posidonia oceanica ) beds in a Mediterranean bay: seagrass decline after organic matter cessation. Oceanologica Acta, 22(1): 109-117.

• Invers, O.; Pérez, M. and Romero, J. (1999). Bicarbonate utilization in seagrass photosynthesis: role of carbonic anhidrase in Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile and Cymodocea nodosa (Ucria) Ascherson. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 235: 125-133.

• Delgado, O., Ruiz, J., Pérez, M., Romero, J., Ballesteros, E. (1999) Effects of fish farming on seagrass ( Posidonia oceanica ) in a Mediterranean bay: seagrass decline after organic loading cessation. Oceanologica Acta , 22:109-117.



• Manzanera, A., Alcoverro, T. & Romero, J. (1998). The role of the remnant leaf sheaths (scales) attached to the Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile rhizomes. J. Exp. Mar.Biol. Ecol., 223: 257-270.

• López, N.I, Duarte , C.M., Vallespinós, F., Romero, J. & Alcoverro, T. (1998) The effect of nutrient additions on bacterial activity in seagrass ( Posidonia oceanica ) sediments. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology ., 224: 155-166.

• Alcoverro, T., Manzanera, M. & Romero, J. (1998) Seasonal and age-dependent variability of Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile parameters. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology , 230: 1-13.

• Méndez, N., Flos, J. & Romero, J. (1998). Littoral Soft-bottom Polychaete communities in a Pollution gradient in Front of Barcelona (Western Mediterranean, Spain). Bulletin of Marine Science, 63: 167-178.



• Mateo, M.A.; Romero, J.; Pérez, M.; Littler, M. and Littler, D. (1997). Dynamics of millenary organic deposits resulting from the growth of the mediterranean seagrass Posidonia oceanica . Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science , 44: 103-110.

• Invers, O.; Pérez, M. and Romero, J. (1997). Effects of pH on seagrass phothosyntesis: a laboratory and field assesmment. Aquatic Botany, 59: 185:194.

• Alcoverro, T.; Romero, J. & Duarte, C.M. (1997). The influence of herbivores on Posidonia oceanica epiphytes. Aquatic Botany, 56: 93-104.

• Alcoverro, T.; Romero, J.; Duarte , C.M. ; López, N.I. (1997). Spatial and temporal variations in nutrient limitation of seagrass Posidonia oceanica growth in the NW Mediterranean . Ecology Progress Series , 146: 155-161.

• Mateo, M.A. & Romero, J. Necromass dynamics in the seagrass (1997). Posidonia oceanica : elements for an ecosystem carbon and nutrients budget. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 151:43-53.

• Méndez, N., Romero, J. & Flos, J. (1997) Population dynamics and production of the polychaete Capitella capitata in the littoral zone of Barcelona (Spain, NW Mediterranean) J. Exp. Mar.Biol. Ecol ., 218: 263-284.

• Vidal, M., Morguí, J.A., Latasa, M., Romero, J. & Camp, J. (1997) Factors controlling seasonal variability of benthic ammonium release and oxygen uptake in Alfacs Bay (Ebro Delta, NW Mediterranean) Hydrobiologia , 350: 169-178.



• Mateo, M.A. & Romero, J. (1996). Evaluating seagrass leaf litter decomposition: an experimental comparison between litter-bags and oxygen-uptake methods . Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology , 202: 97-104.



• Invers, O.; Pérez, M. and Romero, J. (1995). Alkaline phosphatase activity in Posidonia oceanica as a tool for assesing nutritional conditions. Scientia marina, 59 (Supl.): 41-47.

• López, N.I.; Duarte, C.M.; Vallespinós, F.; Romero, J.; Alcoverro, T. (1995). Bacterial activity in NW Mediterranean seagrass ( Posidonia oceanica ) sediments. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology , 187: 39-49.

• Ledent, G.; Mateo, M.A.; Warnau, M.; Temara, A.; Romero, J.; Dubois, Ph.(1995). Element losses following distilled water rinsing in leaves of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile . Aquatic Botany, 55: 229-235.



• Pérez, M. and Romero, J. (1994). Growth dynamics, production and nutrient status of the seagrass Cymodocea nodosa in a Mediterranean semi-estuarine environment. P.S.Z.N.I. Marine Ecology , 15(1): 51-64.

• Pérez, M.; Duarte , C.M.; Romero, J.; Sand-Jensen, K. and Alcoverro, T. (1994). Growth plasticity in Cymodocea nodosa stands: the importance of nutrient supply. Aquatic Botany , 47: 249-264.

• Romero, J.; Pérez, M.; Mateo, M.A. and Sala, E. 1(994). The belowground organs of the Mediterranean seagrass Posidonia oceanica as a biogeochemical sink. Aquatic Botany , 47: 13-19.



• Pérez, M. and Romero, J., (1993). Preliminary data on alkaline phosphatase activity associated with Mediterranean seagrasses. Botanica Marina, 36: 499-502.



• Pérez, M. and Romero, J., (1992). Photosynthetic response to light and temperature of the seagrass Cymodocea nodosa and the prediction of its seasonality. Aquatic Botany , 43:51-62.

• Romero, J.; Pergent, G.; Pergent, C.; Mateo, M.A.; Régnier, C., (1992). The detritic compartment in a Posidonia oceanica meadow: litter features, decomposition rates, and mineral stocks. Marine Ecology, 13(1):69-83



• Pérez, M.; Romero, J.; Duarte, C:M. and Sand-Jensen, K., (1991). Phosphorus limitation of Cymodocea nodosa growth. Marine Biology, 109: 129-133.


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