Xerrada del Dr. Carles Escera a la Casa Golferichs

MÚSICA I CERVELL: ONES, RITMES I HARMONIES COMPARTIDES Impartida per Carles Escera Centre Cívic Casa Golferichs Dimarts 05/03/2024 19:00 En aquesta xerrada, el Dr. Carles Escera ens parlarà de quins poden ser els motius per a que la música tingui un impacte tant profund en la ment humana. La música, considerada la més evocativa de totes les […]

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Great success of the Brainlab at the International Multi-Brain Barcelona Congress

Congratulations to Brainlab members Natàlia Gorina-Careta, Siham Ijjou-Kadiri and Stefanie Sturm on their winning of several awards for their contributions to the congress. The International Multi-Brain Barcelona Congress – Healthy, Pathological and Artificial Brain, was a scientific international event organized by the María de Maeztu Excellence Unit Institute of Neuroscience of the University of Barcelona (UBneuro) […]

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Carles Escera gives a keynote lecture at the 9th Mismatch Negativity Conference (MMN2022)

The 9th Mismatch Negativity Conference was organized by Prof. Hirooki Yabe in Fukushima (Japan). The conference took place on September 21-23rd, 2022, and included 49 oral presentations arranged in 12 symposia, 42 poster presentations, and three keynote speeches. The keynote speakers were Prof. Patricia Michie (University of Newcastle, Australia), Prof. Claude Alain (University of Toronto, […]

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The IV FFR Workshop was a great successs

After a forced worldwide break for in-person conferences and workshops due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have had the opportunity to hold the fourth edition of the Frequency-Following Response (FFR) Workshop on 8th-10th June at the University of Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain). With the aim of bringing the FFR community together and discussing on different features […]

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Women in Neuroscience Virtual Symposium

Neuroscience is a girl’s thing, but not a woman’s (yet)   There is a tendency to think that the gap between the number of men and women in science is already closing; however, the statistics provide us with data that indicate the opposite. In fact, nowadays, discrimination and bias against women scientists is more subtle […]

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El Brainlab participa en el Saló de l’Ensenyament / The Brainlab joins the Saló de l’Ensenyament

The Brainlab joins the Saló de l’Ensenyament   Del dimecres 14 al diumenge 18 de març el Recinte Montjuïc acull un any més el Saló de l’Ensenyament. Un espai reservat a l’orientació i informació de les diferents propostes educatives existents en l’actualitat a Catalunya: batxillerat, graus universitaris, estudis superiors, complementaris, de formació, professional, art i […]

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