Iria SanMiguel joins the Brainlab to lead the motor-sensory interactions research line

We are very happy to welcome Iria SanMiguel back to Brainlab. After obtaining her PhD with us in 2008 with the thesis “Working memory influences on auditory novelty processing in the human brain”, Iria held a post-doctoral position at the University of Leipzig (Germany) to work in the Reinhart-Koselleck project “Predictive Modelling in Audition”. During the five years she worked on that project, she was also a visiting scientist in Montréal (Canada) at the BRAMS – International Laboratory for Brain, Music and Sound Research, and in Budapest (Hungary) at the Cognitive Development Center.

In June 2014 Iria won one of the only four competitive Ramón y Cajal positions opened in Psychology of that year’s call in Spain. In January 2015, she returned as a independent senior researcher (under the Ramón y Cajal tenure-track position) to Brainlab, to lead the motor-sensory interactions research line.

We wish you a great success in your new position, Iria!

Iria SanMiguel