Alumni UB

Model organitzatiu

Alumni UB is a service of the University de Barcelona addressed to former students and friends of the University (including AdSS and TRS), with the object to permanently link them as members of the UB community. In this way, and taking advantage of the professional and social net which they are part of, University's outreach is boosted beyond the usual working area.

Alumni UB offers consulting in professional careers, professional nets (networking), services on preferential terms and training, informational and dissemination activities (seminars, conferences, meetings, etc.) in all the areas of common interest.


Alumni UB's headquarters, located in Barcelona - c/ Diputació, nº 250 (between Balmes street and Rambla de Catalunya) - is an open space that makes available for its members an individualized attention, as well as meeting rooms, consulting computers and several other useful services.



icona For further information, please visit

  • © University of Barcelona
  • Food and Nutrition Torribera Campus
  • +34 934 031 980
  • Contact