
The Pasqual Maragall Chair seeks to promote and encourage high quality research in the fields of Applied Economics and Public Policy, particularly in the analysis and evaluation of public policy and throughout the areas in which an interaction between governments and markets exists. The Chair – with obvious roots in the Economics Science – has a clear multidisciplinary vocation and aims to promote research in the different fields related to the study of government intervention. The Chair is established in the University of Barcelona and is leaded and hosted by his Research Group on Governments and Markets (GiM) . Although its link with the economic and social reality of Catalonia and Spain, Pasqual Maragall Chair carries out its mission with a European and universal vocation. For all these reasons we invite you to participate in this project as well as in the various activities organized by the Chair or to disseminate our work. Welcome to our website.

Dr. Germà Bel
Pasqual Maragall Chair Director and Professor of Applied Economics at University of Barcelona

For further information about President Maragall and his activity you can consult his office website at Personal Website


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