Carolina Estarellas is postdoctoral researcher of the Department of Nutrition, Food Sciences and Gastronomy from the University of Barcelona. She obtained her chemistry degree in the University of Balearic Islands (UIB) in 2008. After finish the Master degree in 2009, she obtained the Ph.D. in Chemical Science and Technology in 2012 in the same university (UIB), which it was awarded. Her scientific career involves pre-doctoral stays at the University of Sheffield (Prof. C.A. Hunter, 2010, 3 months), in the University of Barcelona (Prof. F.J. Luque, 2011, 4 months) and in the Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ, Prof. P. Ballester, 2011, 3 months). As a postdoctoral researcher spent one year at the Central European Institute of Technology (CEITEC, República Checa, Prof. Jiri Sponer, 2012 – 13 months) and at University College London (UCL, United Kingdom, Prof. F.L. Gervasio, 2015 – 8 months). From 2013 joined to the group leaded by Prof. F. J. Luque, first as associate profesor and then as Juan de la Cierva researcher. Her research lines are centred in the study of reaction mechanisms via quantum mechanics methods and the study of conformational behaviour of protein-ligand complexes for the rational drug design.