Presentation | Committee | Programme | Workshops | Papers| Registration | Accommodation | More Information

Dates | How to participate? | Features of abstracts | Features of final papers | Note on oral presentation | Note on poster presentation | Note on audiovisual presentation | Sending of abstracts


Dates and papers tasks


1st February
8st May'11

8 nd May
20 th May'11

21 st May
3 rd June'11

3 rd June
25 th July'11

Sending of abstracts

Evaluation of papers

Notification of the accepted papers
Sending of the complete text of the accepted papers
Scientific Committee
Congress' secretariat

How to participate?

It will be possible to participate in the congress as an attendant or as an author of a paper which can be presented on oral, poster or audiovisual format (acceptance and final decision of the modality of oral or poster presentation belongs to the Scientific Committee). In case of not being able to assist to the congress, an audiovisual presentation format can be presented; and it should be indicated during the submission process of the abstract. The number of places for presenting papers in audiovisual format is limited (maximum 100).

The online abstracts and final papers submissions (presented in all formats) will be done through this website in which the technical characteristics of the different presentations are specified.


Features of abstracts

Sending of the abstracts presented in all formats will be from 1 st February until 8 st May 2011.

In this link, there is a form in which the main author and co-authors personal details are requested, and also the abstracts.

The main author and contact personnel have to introduce the following details:

• DNI/NIE/ or any other identity document.
• Name and surname
• Telephone number
• Institution / University
• Country

The form of the abstracts should include:

• Presentation modality (Oral, Audiovisual or Poster)
• Field / topic:

1. Continuous training and Information & Knowledge Society
2. Management and planning of policies and processes for continuous training for teachers.
3. Evaluation of continuous training for teachers
4. Planning and management of teaching teachers
5. Institutional models of continuous training.
6. Categories and educational routes
7. Teaching professionalization:
       Teaching identity
       Teachers' professional knowledge
       Ethics and deontology
8. Reflective learning and continuous training for teachers.

• Paper title
• Summary (max. 1200 block letters, spaces included)
• Key words (3 key words separated by comma)
• Development (between 7000 to 8000 block letters, spaces included). It should be divided into three sections: a) Objectives, b) Work description and c) Results and/or conclusions.
• Bibliographic references (following APA regulations. Max. 1200 block letters)

Below you will find details to be included by co-authors:

- Name and surname
- Email address
- Institution / University

Features of final papers

From 3 rd June until 25 th July 2011 complete version of the accepted works should be sent (oral, posters or audiovisual presentation). The complete sent version will be included in the CD-ROM. It is recommended that the extension of the text does not exceed 10.000 words (about 20 pages in Times New Roman 12pt. single spaced, not indented and doubled spaced paragraphs).

All papers orals, audiovisuals and posters, should be structured as below:

TITLE: bold type capital letters
Authors / Institution and email address: bold type lower case
T hree key words: normal text
Summary: normal text (max. 15 lines)
Development: normal text (Max. 10000 words). It should be divided into these sections:

• Objectives
• Work description
• Results and / or Conclusions
Bibliography (following APA regulations)

Papers which do not fulfil the requirements established by the Congress are not guaranteed to be published .

Note on oral presentation

Each paper will dispose of 10 minutes for its presentation and 5 minutes for its discussion.

(Once the papers are evaluated, the Committee will inform you through the website any changes related to the organisation of the presentations)

The oral paper presentation can be supported by different media such as Power Point, paper documentation, etc.

The oral presentations of the paper will take place in rooms which will be equipped with computers, projectors and internet connexion.

Authors will be able to save their Power Point presentation in the room computer 10 minutes before the beginning.

There will be sessions of oral presentations on different days and times (you can check it on the programme section):

Note on poster presentation

The final decision of the presentation format (oral or poster) will be taken by the Scientific Committee.

Papers in poster format are to be exhibited on the afternoon of the 6 th September and on the morning of the 7 th September. Poster sessions will all be at the same time. In the space where the posters' presentation will be held, there will be a moderator of the Scientific Committee who will do a summary of all posters presented in its session. The authors will be present to encourage interaction with the assistants.

The poster format should have a maximum extension of 120cm (long) by 80cm (wide). These are the measures which will be reserved to each poster. Authors should allocate their posters at the first hour of the assigned day.


Note on audiovisual presentation

Those who are not able to attend the congress will be able to present the papers accepted by the scientific committee on audiovisual format. In this case, it will be necessary to make a short video to present the papers, which has to follow the technical requirements noted below:

•  The video should not be longer than 5 minutes.
•  It will have to be handed in a flash or mp4 format file.
•  The flash or mp4 file should be a maximum of 15MB.
•  The authors should upload the video to an online proper space and share the URL address with the congress committee by sending an email to: , between the 1 st and the 8 th July 2011.

All audiovisual productions should fulfil the requirements below:

•  It has to contain the congress' logotype. You can find it on the Congress website:

•  The video of the presentation has to contain the aims, description and results or conclusions of the presented work.

•  It has to have all image rights of the underage who may appear on images and also themselves.

•  It has to have a section of credits containing:

•  Paper title.
•  Authors' names.
•  The institution / University which the authors belong to.

All papers, regardless of the presentation format (oral, poster or audiovisual), will be accredited by a presentation certificate and its final version will be published.


Sending of final papers (Closed)