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All workshops will take place at the same time. Each one has limited vacancies. During the enrolment process it is necessary to register in the workshop which you are interested in.

Information Technology applications for continuous training management.
Vicenç Gil

Education models for new teachers at Barcelona University.
Teresa Pagès, Juan Antonio Amador and Mercè Gracenea

Living with emotions in primary school.
Èlia López and Ferran Aquilina

Quality in schools: between the official discourse, innovation and daily issues.
Institute of Teaching Development and Educational Investigation (IDDIE) of Mexico

Teacher as a researcher in their own training.
Institute of Teaching Development and Educational Investigation (IDDIE) of Mexico
Teacher's training: Building up of the professional identity from the groups which we belong to.
Bartomeu Buira Ferrer and Xavier Gimeno Soria

Training methodologies for the development of teacher's reflection:
Àngels Domingo; Mª Victòria Gómez; Olga Esteve; Joan Badia; Àngel Alsina; Jordi Riera

Teaching Beyond Expectations: the contribution of teachers and teaching to high performing schools and systems
Andy Hargreaves