Assessment in centres of education

Field: Education modalities and routes

Former: Montserrat Ventura Robira. Barcelona University . Pedagogy Faculty. Didactics and Educational Management Department.


The advisement is based on the teaching staff demand which is related to the worries in the ways of improvement of the ways of teaching. Therefore it is wanted to understand the processes of change which will take place at schools and set out new education routes which may help the teachers to re-think on their ways of teaching.

The advisement bears in mind the centre's reality, helps the teaching staff to establish their priorities by creating a collaborative working context which promotes educational changes.

The advisement is based on teachers' accompaniment listening their voices, researching on the teaching aims, analysing their practices and setting up proposals which promote new practices.

Workshop aims:

To built up a understandable framework which allows to go into the advisement meaning in depth, from the practice, theory and research through experiences and examples.


•  To analyse the teaching staff demand function, how is allocated within the institution and how is related to the history of the centre.

•  To set up the creation of new communication guidelines in the team in order to assume the diversity of changes which have been thought by teachers.

•  To promote collaboration strategies, implication and commitment with the teaching staff team.

To guide and escort the processes of change which are created in school centres.


* Approach to the theoretical and practical perspective of the advisement .
* Work in group through the interchange of experiences.

Brief curriculum of the former:

Montserrat Ventura Robira (CV)

Teacher at the Didactics and Educational Management Department (DOE) and consultant for schools centres of ICE, Barcelona University .
She has different publications related to the school centres consultancy:

  • L'assessorament educatiu en la cruïlla de la formació del professorat ” (2006) a Temps d'Educació, 30, pages. 77-91;
  • Asesorar es acompañar (2008) Profesorado. Revista de currículum y formación del profesorado, Vol 12, number. 2.
  • C ontexto educativo, contexto relacional. El asesoramiento en la escuela . Clínica e investigación relacional. Revista electrónica de psicoterapia. Vol. 3 (3). October 2009. pp. 673-683

She has participated in Congress, Seminars, Courses, Conferences in Catalonia and different Autonomic Communities of Spain, and also in Latin America (Brasil, México , El Salvador and Colombia ).
Montserrat is a member of the group, FODIP and DOE of Barcelona University .