PhD opportunity

The Consolidated research Group on “Computer Vision and Machine Learning at the University of Barcelona” ( opens a new PhD position on “Deep learning applied to food recognition”.

Goal: Today, Deep learning achieved outstanding results surpassing humans in many tasks as object recognition, lip reading, facial recognition, license plate readers, traffic violations detection, or breast tomosynthesis diagnosis. However, the food image analysis field is far unexplored. In this Project, we will develop new Deep learning techniques to process food images and textual data (recipes, comments, etc.) in order to address problems as food recognition and food segmentation. We will explore new techniques for domain adaptation to transfer knowledge from different domains and improve food analysis. The fellowship will be integrated in an European project where we collaborate with several European teams to validate our algorithms in real situation, like analysing nutrition of patients with kidney transplant.

Requirements: Students graduated in Computer science, Informatics, Mathematics, Physics, Electrical engineering, Telecommunications or related careers and possessing the necessary credits to be admitted to a PhD program.

Duration: 12 months renewed until 3 years, in total.

Applications: Interested candidates should send their application, CV and academic transcript to: Petia Radeva, e-mail: