Publicaciones seleccionadas

Ceja, L., & Navarro, J. (2012). Suddenly I Get Into the Zone: Examining Discontinuities and Nonlinear Changes in Flow Experiences at Work. Human Relations, 65, 1101-1127.


Di Masso, A.; Dixon, J., & Pol, E. (2011). On the contested nature of place: 'Figuera's Well', 'The hole of Shame' and the ideological struggle over public space in Barcelona.Journal of Environmental Psychology, 31, 231-244.           


Escartín, J.; Rodríguez-Carballeira, A.; Gómez, J., & Zapf, D. (2010).Development and validation of the workplace bullying scale (EAPA-T). International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 10, 519-539.


Escartín, J.; Ullrich, J.; Zapf, D.; Schlüter, E., & Van Dick, R. (2013). Individual and group level effects of social identification on workplace bullying. European Journal of Work And Organizational Psychology, 22, 182-193.


Feixas, G.; Montebruno, C.; Dada, G.; Del Castillo, M.; Compañ, V. (2010). Self construction, cognitive conflicts and polarization in bulimia nervosa. International Journal of Clinical And Health Psychology, 10, 445-457.


Fernández, J.; Camerino, O.; Anguera, M.T.; Jonsson, G.K. (2009). Identifying and analyzing the construction and effectiveness of offensive plays in basketball by using systematic observation.Behavior Research Methods, 41, 719-730.


Herrera-Guzmán, I.; Gudayol-Ferré, E.; Herrera-Abarca, J.E.; Herrera-Guzmán, D.; Montelongo-Pedraza, P.; Padrós-Blázquez, F.; Peró-Cebollero, M.; Guàrdia-Olmos, J. (2010).Major Depressive Disorder in recovery and neuropsychological fuctioning: effects of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor and dual inhibitor depression treatments on residual cognitive deficits in patients with Major Depressive Disorder in recovery. Journal of Affective Disorders, 123, 341-350.


Solanas, A.; Leiva, D.; Sierra, V. Salafranca, Ll. (2009). Measuring and making decisions for social reciprocity. Behavior Research Methods, 41, 742-754.


Soria, M.A.; Escuder, J.; Armadans, I., & Cobo, J.A. (2011).El médico como testigo-perito: de la citación a la testificacion en el juicio.Medicina Clínica, 137, 464-467.


Villar, F.; Pinazo, S.; Triadó, C.; Celdrán, M., & Solé, C. (2010). Older people's university students in Spain: A comparison of motives and benefits between two models. Ageing & Society, 30, 1357-1372.