La differece of being woman

Research and Teaching of History

Area: Documents

Buena dama, tan querida me sois (Good lady, you are so beloved to me)Troubadour that we call Anonymous 2.

Excerpt form the tensón

Angelica Rieger, Trobairitz. Der Beitrag der Frau in der altokzitanischen höfischen Lyrik. Gesamtkorpus. Tübingen, Max Niemeyer, 1981.

Marirì Martinengo, Las trovadoras. Poetisas del amor cortés. (Textos provenzales con traducción castellana), trans. by María-Milagros Rivera Garretas and Ana Mañeru Méndez, Madrid, horas y HORAS, 1997.

The troubadour or trobairitz that we call Anonymous 2, because her name has not been conserved, relates, in the form of a dialogue between a married lady and a single girl, a crisis in a love story between that lady and a gentleman, who has been abandoned by her because of his offensive behaviour. The girl intercedes on his behalf.

“Let us speak quietly, lady, so that nobody hears us;
Now you say that he has erred towards you
And in order to please you he surrenders
His humble heart to your proud one
I want you to tell me, lady,
What you might do to not feel compassion
Because he breathes a thousand anguished breaths a day;
You do not deign to forgive him with just one.

If he wants me to give him back my love, young maid
He must needs be courteous and brave
Sincere and humble, entering into contest with nobody,
And being kind to all;
Because I am not pleased by a man who is wicked and proud
Through whom my value might fall or diminish,
But rather sincere and faithful, discrete and enamoured:
If he wishes me to be merciful to him, let him listen to me.”


“Süau parlem, domna, qu’om entenda,
ara digatz, que forfaitz es vas vos,
mais que per far vostres plazers se renda,
son cor umil contra.l vostr’ ergulhos.
Vuelh que.m digatz, domna, per cals razos
poiretz estar que merces non vo’n prenda,
que mil sospirs ne fa.l jorn angoissos,
don per un sol no.l denhatz far esmenda.

Si m’amor vol, na donzela, que renda,
ben li er obs que sia gais e pros,
francs et umils, qu’ab nulh om no.s contenda
e a cascun sia de bel respos;
qu’a me non tanh om fel ni ergulhos
per que mon pretz dechaja ni dissenda,
mas francs e fis, celans et amoros,
s’el vol que.l don lezer que mi entenda.”

© 2004-2008 Duoda, Women Research Center. University of Barcelona. All rights reserved. Credits. Legal note.

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