VSAC Poster Instructions

The Visual Science of Art Conference

Barcelona 26-28th of August 2016

VSAC 2016 Obra Social "la Caixa"


Poster presentation instructions:

Poster should be presented in portrait orientation. We recommend DIN A0 (1189 x 841 mm or 46.8 x 33.1 in).

Poster printing facilities

We cannot print the posters in situ, but there are many paces where you can print a poster in Barcelona (see some examples below). Please contact them directly.


Address: Via Laietana, 32, 08003 Barcelona

T. +34 932 68 78 57

Web: www.artyplan.com/en/

Can Boada

Address: Moles, 9, 08002 Barcelona

T. +34 933 01 04 75

E.mail: impremtacartelleria@canboada.net

Web: www.can-boada.com


Address: Carrer del Consell de Cent, 315,08007 Barcelona

T. +34 934 87 83 80

Web: www.vilaroprint.com/

Grafic Centre

Address: Carrer de Sicília, 141,08013 Barcelona

T. +34 932 65 32 07

Web: graficcentre.com/

Dos campus d'Excel·lència Internacional