Ana Moya



  Ana Moya  

Ana Moya is a senior lecturer (associate professor) in English Literature in the English and German Department at the University of Barcelona (UB). She lectures on the British novel and adaptation studies. Her research interest areas are film studies, adaptation studies and the nineteenth-century British novel. She is now carrying out research in the area of film studies, more specifically in contemporary cosmopolitan cinema.

She is a full member of the SGR “Creació i pensament de les dones” (2014 SGR 44) of the University of Barcelona, and of the research project “De lo transnacional a lo cosmopolita: Metodología para el cine contemporáneo” (FF2013-43968-P), of the University of Zaragoza, a continuation from the project “Humpty Dumpty on the Wall: Transnacionalismo y frontera en el cine contemporáneo” (FFI2010-15312), also of the University of Zaragoza and where she was also a full member. She has also been a full member of other research projects in the past.


She has coordinated a teaching innovation project, the GID INDIGO at the University of Barcelona, where she is now a full member, having participated in a number of teaching innovation projects, the latest one being the sub-project “Portfolio Project: el dossier d’aprenentatge com a mètode d’avaluació”. Within the field of teaching innovation, and among other publications, she has co-edited a critical edition of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice  (2004) and of Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights (2005) and has co-authored the book Literatura Medieval Inglesa (Madrid: Editorial Síntesis (2006).

She is at present Head of Studies at the Faculty of Filology of the University of Barcelona, a position she has occupied for the last eight years, being also the coordinator of the Degree in Modern Languages and Literatures and the Coordinator for the National Student Mobility Program (SICUE). Previous to these positions, and among other positions she has occupied, she was the coordinator of the Degree in English Studies for four years. Within this area, and among other contributions, she has participated in innovation projects such as “Implantació dels títos de grau de Filologia” (2008PID-UB/004) and has co-authored “Diseño de la gestión, tutorización y evaluación del TFG en los grados de la Facultad de Filología (UB)”, published in the Actas del I Congreso Interuniversitario sobre el Trabajo de fin de Grado. Retos y oportunidades del TFG en la sociedad del conocimiento (Servicio Editorial de la UPV/EHU, 2014).

She has supervised two Ph.D. doctoral dissertations and more than a dozen MA theses. She is member of the board of some relevant international journals in the field of English Studies and has published and presented her papers at both national and international forums. Some selected recent publications include:
“Espacios fronterizos aniquiladores en el cine Americano contemporáneo”, in Esther Bautista & José Luis Fecé (eds.) Identidad, diferencia y ciudadanía en el cine transnacional contemporáneo, co-authored with G. López. UOC Press, 2014.
“Neo-Feminism in Between. Female Cosmopolitan Subjects in Contemporary American Film”, n Gwynne Joel Robert & Nadine Muller (eds.) Postfeminism and Contemporary Hollywood Cinema. UK: Palgrave, Macmillan, 2013.

“’I`m a Wild Success’: Postmodern Dickens/Victorian Cuarón”, in John Glavin (ed.) Dickens Adapted, co-authored with G. López. US: Ashgate, 2012.

“Historia(s) de la diferencia: la novela inglesa de mujeres en el siglo XIX”, in Espacio, tiempo y forma. Historia Medieval. Serie V, 2011.

“Eagleton's Wilde Readings in Saint Oscar”, in The Wildean. Journal of Wilde Studies.
January. Oscar Wilde Society (UK), 2011.


“The Politics of Re-presenting Vanity Fair: Mira Nair's Becky Sharp”, in Atlantis. Journal of the Spanish Association of Anglo-American Studies. 32. Asociación Española de Estudios Anglo-Norteamericanos (AEDEAN), 2010.


“I'm a Wild Success': Postmodern Dickens/Victorian Cuaron”, in Dickens Quarterly. 25, co-authored with G. López. Tiger Press (USA), 2008.






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