Personal details
Current and recent academic posts and professional functions
Academic publications
Chapters in Books and/or Conferences proceedings
Booklets and brochures
Articles in scholarly Journals
Review Essays, Book Reviews and Papers

Personal details

Dept. of History
Université de Montréal
C.P. 6128, Succ. Centre-ville
Montréal, QC.
H3C 3J7 Canada

Fax: (514) 343- 2483.

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Current and recent academic posts and professional functions

Professeur titulaire, Dép. d'histoire, Université de Montréal (since 1989)

Directeur, Programme des études italiennes,Université de Montréal (1990-95).

International contributing editor, The Journal of American History.

Member, Editorial Board, Altreitalie.

Member, Editorial Board, The Journal of American Ethnic History.

Directeur d'études associé, École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris, March 1994

Professeur invité: École normale supérieure, Paris, March 1995

Jean Monnet Fellow, European University Institute, Florence, Sept. 1997-June 1998.

Invited Professor, Università di Firenze, March 1998.

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Academic publications


- Gisela Bock, Paolo Carpignano, Bruno Ramirez, La formazione dell'operaio massa negli USA,l898-l922. (Milan; Feltrinelli, l976), 239 pp.

- Bruno Ramirez, When Workers Fight: The Politics of Industrial Relations in the Progressive Era, l898-l9l6 (Westport, Conn.; Greenwood Press, l978), 241 pp.

Italian edition: Capitale e sindacato nell'America progressista (Milan; Franco Angeli Editore,l985).

- Bruno Ramirez, Les premiers Italiens de Montreal: l'origine de la Petite Italie du Québec. (Montréal; Boréal Express, l984), l40 pp.

- Bruno Ramirez, La vida social en angloamerica , Vol. 30 of Historia general de América(Caracas; Instituto Panamericano de Geografia e Historia; Caracas, 1988), 220 pp.

(MS written in english)

- Bruno Ramirez, On The Move: French-Canadian and Italian Migrants in the North Atlantic Economy, 1861-1914, (Toronto;McClelland and Stewart Publishing Co., 1991), 174 pp.

French edition: Par monts et par vaux (Montréal, Les Editions du Boréal, l992).

- Pierre Anctil and Bruno Ramirez, eds., If One Were to Write a History...: Selected Writings of Robert F. Harney (Toronto: MHSO, 1991), 290 pp.

- George Pozzetta and Bruno Ramirez, eds., The Italian Diaspora: Migration Across the Globe. (Toronto: The Multicultural History Society of Ontario, l992), 211 pp.

- Bruno Ramirez et Paul Tana, La Sarrasine, Scénario. (Montréal, Boréal, 1992), 151 pp.

-Bruno Ramirez, with Yves Otis, Crossing the 49th Parallel: Emigration from Canada to the USA,1900-1930. (Cornell University Press. Forthcoming)

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Booklets and brochures

- Bruno Ramirez and Michael Del Balso, The Italian of Montreal: From Sojourning to Settlement, 1900-1920 (Montreal, Les Éditions du Courant, 1980), 54 pp.

- Bruno Ramirez, The Italians in Canada (Ottawa, Canadian Historical Society, l990), 27 pp. (published also in French version)

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Chapters in Books and/or Conferences proceedings

- "Collective Bargaining, the State, and the Public Interest in North America", in John Redekop, ed., Labor Problems in a Christian Perspective (Gran Rapids; W.R. Eerdman, l972),226-47.

- with Gerry Hunnius, "Possibilities and Limitations in Managerial Practice and Workers' Self-Management: the Yugoslav and North American Experiences", in R. P. Mohan,ed., Management and Complex Organizations in Comparative Perspective. (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, l979), 5l-60.

- with Michael Del Balso, "The Italians of Montreal: From Sojourning to Settlement, l900-l92l", in Robert Harney and Jean Scarpaci, eds., Little Italies in North America (Toronto; The Multicultural History Society of Ontario, l98l), 63-84.

- "Notes sur la recomposition de classe en Amérique du Nord", in Marie-Blanche Tahon et André Corten, eds., L'Italie, le philosophe et le gendarme:classe ouvriére, Etat, autonomie. (Montréal; VLB éditeur, l986), 33-39.

- "U.S. Industrialism and the Internationalisation of Labor: Two Case Studies", in Robert Weible, ed., The World of the Industrial Revolution: Comparative and International Aspects of Industrialisation (Lowell, Mass., l986), 127-144. Reproduced in John Potestio and Antonio Pucci, eds., The Italian Immigrant Experience (Thunder Bay, l988).

- "L'immigration, l'ethnicité et l'avenir interculturel du Québec", in Conseil de la langue française, Le Québec français et l'école à clientèle pluriethnique (Québec, l987), 94-122.

- with Sylvie Taschereau, "Les minorités: le multiculturalisme appliqué", in D. Brunelle et Y. Bélanger, eds., L'ère des libéraux. (Montréal, l989),

- "Migration and Regional Labour Markets: The Quebec Case, l870-l915", in D. Hopkin and G. Kealey, eds., Class, Community and Culture: Wales and Canada l870-1930. (Aberystwyth and St. John's, l989), 119-133.

- "Ethnicity on Trial: Montreal's Italians and the Second World War", in Norman Hillmer, ed.,Ethnicity, the State and War: Canada and its Ethnic Minorities, l939-45". (Ottawa, l989),71-84.

- with Donald Avery, "Immigration and Ethnic Studies", in A. Artibise, ed., A Thematic Guide to Canadian Studies (Montreal; McGill-Queen's University Press, 1990), 77-116.

- "Immigrants or Ethnics ? : Una impasse concettuale nella storiografia nord-americana", in C. Pitto, ed., Per una storia della memoria: antropologia e storia dei processi migratori (Cassano Jonio; Jonica Editrice, l990), 53-62.

-"The Perils of Assimilation: Toward a Comparative Analysis of Immigration, Ethnicity and National Identity in North America", in V. Gennaro Lerda, ed., From Melting Pot to Multiculturalism (Rome, 1990): 143-167.

- "The Crossroad Province: Quebec's Place in International Migrations, l870-l9l5", in Rudolph Vecoli and S. M. Sinke, eds., A Century of European Migrations , 1830-1930.(Urbana: University of Illinois Press, l99l): 243-260.

- "L'historien et le minorités ethnoculturelles", in Jacques Mathieu, ed., Les dynamismes de la recherche au Québec (Sainte-Foy; Les Presses de l'Université Laval, l991), 215-221.

- "Émigration et Franco-Américanie. Bilan des recherches historiques", in Dean Lauder, ed., Le Québec et les francophones de la Nouvelle-Angleterre (Sainte-Foy: Les Presses de l'Université Laval, 1991), 3-12.

- "The Making of an Ethnoculture: Robert Harney's Contribution", in Jean Burnet et al, eds., Migration and the Transformation of Cultures (Toronto: Multicultural History Society of Ontario, l992), 91-100.

-"History, Immigration and Cinema: The Case of Montréal's Italians", in Lydio F. Tomasi, ed., The Columbus People: Perspectives in Italian Immigration to the Americas and Australia (New York, 1994): 381-390.

- (with Donald Avery) "European Immigrant Workers in Canada: Ethnicity, Militancy, and State Repression", in Dirk Hoerder, ed., Roots of the Transplanted, Vol. II (New York, 1994): 411-440.

- "Emigration and Development in a Quebec Rural County", in Chad Gaffield, ed., Constructing Modern Canada (Toronto, 1994): 128-154.

-"L'émigration des Canadiens Français aux États-Unis", dans Le Québec contemporain. Entretiens avec l'histoire (dir. André Champagne), Vol. II (Septentrion/Société Radio Canada, 1995): pp. 9-23.

-"L'émigration des Canadiens français aux États-Unis dans les années 1920", dans Yves Landry et al, dirs., Les chemins de la migration en Belgique et au Québec, XVIIe - XXe siècles. (Louvain-la Neuve, 1995): pp. 233-246.

-"L'émigration canadienne vers les États-Unis: perspective continentale et comparative", dans Amérique sans frontières. Les États-Unis dans l'espace nord-américain (sous la direction de Catherine Collomp et Mario Menéndez), Presses Universitaires de Vincennes, 1995) : pp. 91-113.

-"Histoire et histoires dans la métropole pluriethnique: le cas de Côte-des-Neiges" , dans, Côte-des Neiges. Étude de quartier. Dir. Victor Piché et al. (Paris, L'Harmattan, 1998)

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Articles in scholarly Journals

- "La sinistra americana di fronte ai sindacati", La Critica Sociologica, 20 (Winter l97l-72),l90-97.

- "Le tensioni ideologiche nella storiografia del progressismo nord-americano", La Critica Sociologica, 23 (Autumn l972), 62-90.

- "Industrial Conflict and Industrial Relations in Italy: New Perspectives", Relations Industrielles , XXVIII, 3 (Aug.l973), 617-28.

- "U.S. Responses to the Canadian Industrial Disputes Investigation Act", Relations Industrielles XXIX, 3 (Sept. l974), 541-559.

- with Peter Linebaugh, "Crisis in the Auto Sector", Zerowork l (l975), 61-85

- "L'immigration, la recomposition de classe et la crise du marché du travail au Canada", Les cahiers du socialisme, 6 (Autumn, l980), 84-131.

- "Montreal's Italians and the Socioeconomy of Settlement, l900-l930", Urban History Review X, l (Winter l98l), 38-47.

- "L'immigration italienne: rapports familiaux chez les Italiens du Québec", Critère, 33 (Spring l982), 127-40.

- "La recherche sur les Italiens du Québec, Questions de culture, 2 (l982),102-111.

- "Réflexions sur la nouvelle politique d'immigration", Interventions économiques 11(Autumnl983).

- "French Canadian Immigrants in the New England Cotton Industry: A Socioeconomic Profile", Labour/ Le Travail, 11 (Spring l983), 125-42.

- with Jean Lamarre, "Du Québec vers les Etats-Unis: l'étude des lieux d'origine", Revue d'histoire de l'Amérique française, 38 (Winter l985), 409-22.

- "Operai senza una causa ? I manovali Italiani a Montreal, l900-l930", Studi Emigrazione, XXII (March l985), 98-111.

- " Brief Encounters: Italian Immigrant Workers and the CPR, l900-l930", Labour/Le Travail l7 (Spring l986), 9-27.

- "Ethnic Studies and Working-Class History", Labour/Le Travail, 19 (Spring l987), 45-48.

- "Les études ethniques et le multiculturalisme au Canada: vers des nouvelles perspectives," Revue internationale d'études canadiennes, 3 (Printemps l99l), 171-181.

- "Il Canada, l'immigrazione, e il multiculturalismo. Genesi di una storiografia", Studi Emigrazione, N. l0l (Marzo l991), 49-58.

- "L'immigration au Canada: perspectives historiques", Bulletin de l'ARNA (Université Paris-Nord), N. 2 (1992): 25-34.

- "Shifting Perspectives from the North: Quebec", The Journal of American History, Vol. 79, No. 2 (Sept. l992), 477-84.

- "Clio in Words and in Motion: Pratices of Narrating the Past," The Journal of American History, Vol. 86 (December 1999).

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Review Essays

- "The Capitalist Hegemony in America", Canadian Review of American Studies, IX, I (Spring l978), l06-11.

- "Labour and the Left in America", Labour/Le Travail, 7 (Spring l98l), l65-72.

- "La diaspora québécoise ou le mythe de la tribu perdue", Le Devoir/"culture et société", 4 Dec., l982, p. 24.

-"Toward an Ethnic History of Toronto", Urban History Review, XIII (June l984).

Book Reviews.

27 Book reviews appeared in the United States, Canada, Italy, and France.

Scholarly Papers.

77 papers presented at conferences in the following countries : Canada; United States; Argentina; Venezuela; Australia; Italy; France; United Kingdom; Germany; Spain; The Netherlands.

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- " Italy '76: End of a Democracy ?" (Rome and Toronto, l976; directed by Anita Triantafillidou, l6 mm.; 60 mn., color); aired in part on CTV-W5, l976.

- " La Storia". (Montréal, Radio-Québec, l980; directed by Nicola Zavaglia; Video-docum., 28 mn., color.)

- " Caffé Italia, Montréal" (Montreal, ACPAV and Radio-Canada, l985; directed by Paul Tana, l6 mm., 82 mn., color.). Winner of the l985 Ouimet-Molson Award for the best film produced in Québec in l985.

- with Paul Tana, "La Sarrasine"; feature film, historical drama; 35 mm., 105 mn. color, directed by P. Tana, l992; Winner of the l992 SARDEC prize for best screenplay in Quebec; Winner of prize for best screenplay at the 7e Festival International du cinéma francophone, Namur, Belgique, Oct. l992.

- with Paul Tana, "La déroute"; feature film; 35 mm., 110 mn. directed by Paul Tana, 1998 (ACPAV and Radio-Québec). Social drama on the theme of immigration, identity and inter-generational conflict in Montréal.

- "Été indien", feature film, 1999; in production (Les Productions Télé-Action, (Montréal). A metaphor of immigration.

Montréal, December 1999

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