Abarca, E., J. Carrera, X. Sánchez-Vila, M. Dentz, 2007. Anisotropic dispersive Henry problem, Advances in Water Resources, 30 (4), 913-926.

Abarca, E., Carrera, J., Sánchez-Vila, X., Voss, C.I., 2007. Quast-horizontal circulation cells in 3D seawater intrusion. Journal of Hydrology,339 (3-4), 118-129.

Albà, D.M., Galindo, J., Casanovas-Vilar, Isaac, Robles, J.M., Moyà-Solà, S., Köhler, M., Garcés, M., Cabrera, Ll., Almecija, S., Rotgers, Ch., Furió, M.,  Angelone, Ch. (2007). La intervenció paleontològica a la nova fase del dipòsit controlat de Can Mata (Els Hostalets de Pierola, Anoia): campanyes 2002-2003, 2004-2005. Tribuna d’Arqueologia 2006, pp 7-33. Generalitat de Catalunya. Servei d’Arqueologia i Paleontologia. Departament de Cultura i Mitjans de Comunicació. Direcció General del Patrimoni Cultural. Barcelona.

Amilibia, A., Sàbat, F., McClay, K.R., Muñoz, J.A., Roca, E., Chong, G., 2007?. Structural style and tectonic evolution of the Cordillera de Domeyko, North Chilean Pecordillera. Submitted to Journal of Structural Geology.

Bolster, D., D. M. Tartakovsky, M. Dentz, 2007. Analytical models of contaminant transport in coastal aquifers. Advances in Water Resources Volume 30, Issue 9, 1962-1972.

Carrera, N., Muñoz, J.A. (in press). Thrusting evolution in the southern Cordillera Oriental (northern Argentine Andes): constraints from growth strata. Tectonophysics, (accepted).

Carrera, N., Muñoz, J.A., Roca, E. 3D reconstruction of geological surfaces by the equivalent dip-domain method: an example from field data of the Cerro Bayo Anticline (Cordillera Oriental, NW Argentinean Andes). Journal of Structural Geology (submitted).

Coll, M., López-Blanco, M., Marcuello, A., 2007. Resultados preliminares en la caracterización geométrica 3D de un litosoma arenoso de progradación deltaica mediante georadar (GPR) (Fm. Arenisca de Roda, Eoceno, Cuenca de Graus-Tremp). Geogaceta, 41, 51-54.

Corominas, J., Moya, J. (in press). A review of assessing landslide frequency for hazard zoning purposes. Engineering Geology (accepted)

Corominas, J. (in press). Experience on landslide risk management in the Eastern Pyrenees (Spain and Andorra): achievements and challenges International Forum on Landslide Disaster Management. Hong Kong (accepted).

Corominas, J., Martín, R., Vàzquez-Suñé, E., (in press). Hydrological modelling of the Vallcebre landslide. X International Symposium on Landslides. Xian. China (accepted)

Dentz, M., Carrera, J., 2007. Mixing and spreading in stratified flow. Physics of fluids, 19 (1), Art. 017107, Jan 2007.

De Simoni, M., Sánchez-Vila, X., Carrera, J., Saaltink, M.W., 2007. A mixing ratios-based formulation for multicomponent reactive transport.Water resources research, 43 (7), Art. W07419.

De Vries L.M., Carrera J., Falivene O., Gratacos O., Slooten L.J. Application of Multiple Point Geostatistics to Non-Stationary Images. En arbritaje en Matematical Geology.

Falivene, O., Cabrera, Ll., Sáez, A., (2007). Optimum and robust 3D facies interpolation strategies in a heterogeneous coal zone (Tertiary As Pontes basin, NW Spain). International Journal of Coal Geology, 71, 185-208.

Falivene, O., Cabrera, Ll., Muñoz, J.A., Arbués, P., Fernández, O., Sáez, A., 2007. Statistical grid-based facies reconstruction and modelling for sedimentary bodies. Alluvial-palustrine and turbiditic examples. Geologica Acta, 5(3), 199-230.

Falivene, O., Cabrera, Ll., Sáez, A., (2007). Large to intermediate-scale aquifer heterogeneity in fine-grain dominated alluvial fans (Cenozoic As Pontes basin, NW Spain): Insight based on 3D geostatistical reconstruction. Hydrogeology Journal, 15, 861-876.

Falivene, O., (2007). Testing three-dimensional facies reconstruction and modelling techniques applied to cored and outcropping analogues. Examples from swamp coal zones to alluvial fans and marine turbidite sequences. Tesis Doctoral dirigida por los Doctores Josep Anton Muñoz de la Fuente y Lluis Cabrera Perez. Universidad de Barcelona. Departament d' Estratigrafia, Paleontologia i Geociencies Marines y Departament de Geodinamica i Geofisica. 377pp.

Falivene, O., Cabrera, L., Tolosana-Delgado, R., Saez, A. (en prensa). The role of smoothing effect in interpolation algorithm ranking using cross-validation error. A coal zone example. Terra Nova (submitted).

Falgàs, E., Ledo, J.,Benjumea, B., Queralt P., Marcuello, A.,Teixidó, T., and Martí A. (in press, 2007). Integrating geophysical methods for the characterization of a deltaic aquifer system. Journal of Applied Geophysics (submitted).

Fernández-Garcia, J.J. Gómez-Hernández, (2007). Imapct of upscaling on solute transport: Traveltimes, scale dependence of dispersivity, and propagation of uncertainty. Water Resources Research, 43 Art. No. W02423

Fernández-Garcia, D., J.J. Gómez-Hernández, J-C. Mayor, (2007). Estimating hydraulic conductivity of the Opalinus Clay at the regional scale: Combined effect of the desaturation and EDZ. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 32, pp. 639-64.

Garcés, M., Gee, J., (2007). Paleomagnetic evidence of large footwall rotations associated with low-angle faults at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge,Geology, 35 (3), p. 270-273.

Gómez-Paccard, M., Beamud, E., (in press). Recent achievements in archaeomagnetic dating in the Iberian Peninsula: Application to Roman and Mediaeval Spanish structures. Journal of Archaeological Science.

González, D.A., Corominas, J. Ledesma, A.,Moya, J. y Gili, J.A. (2007). Continuous control of slow movements in landslides. General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union, Vienna, Austria.

González, D.A., Ledesma, A., Corominas, J. y Moya, J. (2007). Respuesta del deslizamiento de Vallcebre ante eventos de lluvia. XIII Conferencia Panamericana de Mecánica de Suelos e Ingeniería Geotécnica, Isla de Margarita, Venezuela.

González, D.A., Ledesma, A., and Corominas, J. (in press). The viscous component in slow moving landslides. A practical case. X International Symposium on Landslides. Xian. China (accepted)

Gratacós, O; Bitzer, K; Cabrera, Ll; Roca, E. SIMSAFADIM-CLASTIC: a new approach to 3D forward mathematical simulation model for clastic and carbonate sedimentation. Geologica Acta (submitted).

Hardy, S. and Finch, E. (2007) Mechanical stratigraphy and the transition from trishear to kink-band fault-propagation fold forms above blind basement thrust faults: a discrete element study, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 42, 75-90.

Hardy, S., McClay, K.R. and Muñoz, J.A. (in press, 2007). Deformation and fault activity in space and time in high-resolution numerical models of doubly-vergent wedges. Marine and Petroleum Geology.

Hidalgo, J.J., L. J. Slooten, J. Carrera, (2007). Simulación y calibración de problemas de intrusión marina: hipótesis básicas e implicaciones.Boletín Geológico y Minero, V. 118. Número especial, 577-592.

X. Moreno, E. Masana, E. Gràcia, R. Pallàs, P. Ruano, M. Coll, P. Tepancíková, P. Santanach (2007). Primeras evidencias de paleoterremotos en la falla de Carboneras: estudio paleosismológico en el segmento de La Serrata. Geogaceta, 41, 135-138.

Ortuño, M., Queralt, P., Martí A., Ledo, J., Masana, E., Perea, H., Santanach, P. (in press, 2007). The North Maladeta fault (Spanish Central Pyrenees) as the Vielha 1923 earthquake seismic source: Recent activity revealed by geomorphological and geophysical research.Tectonophysics, (accepted)

Queralt, P., B. Benjumea, J. Ledo, M. Garreta, M. Coll, A. Martí, E. Masana, X. Morena, H. Perea, M. Ortuño, P. Santanach. (2007). Imaging active faults in slow deformation zone by geoelectromagnetic methods. Journal of Applied Geophysics (in press).

Queralt, P., A. G. Jones, J. Ledo, (2007). Electromagnetic imaging of a complex ore body: 3D forward modeling, sensitivity tests, and down-mine measurements. Geophysics, 72, F85.

Luo, J., M. Dentz, O.A. Cirpka, P.K. Kitanidis, (2007). Breakthrough curve tailing in a dipole flow field. Water Resources Research, 43 (9): Art. No. W09403

Pool, M., E. Abarca, J. Carrera, (2007). Simplificaciones en la modelación de la intrusión marina: validez y alcance. Boletín Geológico y Minero, V. 118. Número especial, 593-6

Sáez, A.; Anadón, P.; Herrero, M.J.; Moscariello, A. (2007). Variable style of transition between Palaeogene fluvial fan and lacustrine systems, Southern Pyrenean Foreland, NE Spain. Sedimentology, Vol. 54, no. 2, 367-390.

Salamon, P., D. Fernández-Garcia, J.J. Gómez-Hernández, (2007). Modeling tracer transport at the MADE site: The importance of heterogeneity. Water Resources Research, 43, (8)

Sánchez-Vila, X., M. Dentz, L. D. Donado, (2007). Transport-controlled reaction rates under local non-equilibrium conditions. Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 34, L10404

Sánchez-Vila, X., D.M. Tartakovsky, (2007). Ergodicity of pumping tests. Water Resources Research, 43 (3). Art. No. W034141

Soriano, C; Beamud, E; Garcés, M. (2007). Dike intrussion under shear stress: effects on magnetic and vesicle fabrics in dikes from rift zones of Tenerife (Canary Islands). Journal of Structural Geology.

Snidero, M., Amilibia. A, Muñoz, J.A. 3D Reconstruction of geological structures based on remote sensing data: Example from Anaran anticline, Lurestan province, Zagros Fold and Thrust belt (to be submitted to AAPG bulletin).

Vàzquez-Suñé, E., Capino, B., Abarca, E., Carrera, J. (2007). Estimation of Recharge from Floods in Disconnected Stream-Aquifer Systems, Ground Water, V. 15, number 45, sep - oct 2007, 579-589.

Willmann, M., J. Carrera, X. Sánchez Vila, E. Vázquez Suñé, (2007). On the meaning of transmissivity values obtained from recovery tests.Hydrogeology Journal, V. 15, number 5, 833-842.

Zavala-Sánchez, V., Dentz, M., and Sánchez-Vila, X., (2007). Effective dispersion in a chemically heterogeneous medium under temporally fluctuating flow conditions. Advances in Water Resources, 30 1342-1345.

