Research Group
in Analytic Philosophy

Modal Aspects of Materialist Realism

Duration: 2007 - 2010

Code: HUM2007-61108

Principal Investigator

Joan Pagès (

All researchers

Marc Artiga (U. Valencia)
Joan Pagès (U. Girona)
David Pineda (U. Girona)
Josep-Lluís Prades (U. Girona)

Marc Artiga (Universitat de Girona)

Fernando Broncano (Universitat de Girona)

Fabrice Correia (University of Geneva)

Antoni Defez (Universitat de Girona)

Jordi Fernández (University of Adelaida)

Felipe Gallardo (Universitat de Girona)

Sanna Hirvonen (Universitat de Girona)

Mireia López (Universitat de Girona)

Joan Pagès (Universitat de Girona)

Mirja Pérez de Calleja (Universitat de Girona)

David Pineda (Universitat de Girona)

Josep Lluis Prades (Universitat de Girona)

Pablo Rychter (MIT)

Constantine Sandis (Oxford Brookes)

Jörg Zimmer (Universitat de Girona)


The purpose of this project is to investigate the nature and typology of those modal notions that are required by a materialist conception of the world. The starting point is the hypothesis that we need modal concepts of metaphysical character

(i) to account for the notion of truth that is needed to ground such a conception,


(ii) to provide a satisfactory explanation of the relations between mental properties and the physical properties the realise them, and


(iii) to understand the link between secondary and intentional properties and our perceptions of them.


  •  . 2013

    Lies and Deception: A Failed Reconciliation

    Logos & Episteme: An International Journal of Epistemology, 4 (2), 227-230.


  • Marc Artiga. 2011

    Re-Organizing Organizational Accounts of Function 

    Applied Ontology, Vol. 6, p. 105–124

  • Marc Artiga. 2010

    Teleosemantics and the Indeterminacy Problem

    Proceedings of the VI Conference of the Spanish Society for Analytic Philosophy, Tenerife, Universidad de la Laguna, pp.29-30

  • Marc Artiga. 2010

    Learning and Selection Processes

    Theoria: An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations for Science, Vol. 25:2, p. 197-210

  • Marc Artiga. 2009

    Against Original Intentionality

    Preceedings of the VI Conference of the Spanish Society of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science 

  • David Pineda. 2006

    A mereological Characterization of Physicalism

    International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 20: 243-66

  • David Pineda. 2005

    Causal Exclusion and Causal Homogeneity

    Dialectica 59: 63-66

  • David Pineda. 2003

    Synchronous events in By-Sentences

    Theoria 18: 351-57.

  • David Pineda. 2002

    The Causal Exclusion Puzzle

    European Journal of Philosophy 10: 26-42