Research Group
in Analytic Philosophy

Perspectival Thoughts and Facts: New Issues

Duration: 2017 - 2020

Code: FFI2016-81858-REDC

All researchers

Manuel Pérez Otero (U. Barcelona)
Esa Díaz-León (U. Barcelona)
Carl Hoefer (ICREA-UB)
Sven Rosenkranz (ICREA-UB)
Josefa Toribio (ICREA-UB)


Against the common preconception that philosophy is an activity to be carried out by isolated individuals, in fact it has been repeatedly established that it improves exponentially when carried out in collaborative environments. In them researchers meet regularly to discuss the state of the art in their subdisciplines (examining work-in-progress produced by themselves or by other researchers with common interests), attend presentations of original material by researchers on any philosophical topic, attend and organize focused workshops aimed at appraising topics of current interest, host visits by significant researchers in other institutions, and make use of such an environment to jointly train for the next generation well-selected early stage researchers. The groups that obtained the only philosophy project among the 72 awarded in the unfortunately terminated CONSOLIDER-INGENIO framework, PERSP (CSD2009-0056), were already well established at the time of the application. In part this was thanks to the Catalan institution ICREA, which allowed them to incorporate top international researchers. However, the synergies facilitated by the project have taken their outputs several steps forward, in accordance with the pattern just described. The main goal of this application is to keep these highly successful synergies operating at base level, while a new opportunity for obtaining a substantive amount of funding like that provided by the previous project shows itself, and identifying a new topic of research in anticipation of such an eventuality.


  • Manuel Pérez Otero. 2022

    Williamson on Defining Knowledge

    Episteme. A Journal of Individual and Social Epistemology 19/22, pp. 286-302. DOI: 10.1017/epi.2020.27. (URL: Published online by Cambridge University Press: 20 July 2020.     



  • Manuel Pérez Otero. 2021

    Prospects for non-negationist regulative epistemology

    Metascience 30/2, pp. 223-226. DOI: 10.1007/s11016-021-00623-6. (URL:



  • Manuel Pérez Otero. 2021

    Epistemología de virtudes y concepciones del análisis filosófico

    M. Gómez-Alonso y D. Pérez Chico (coordinadores), Ernesto Sosa. Conocimiento y virtud, Zaragoza: Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza, pp. 43-61.

  • Manuel Pérez Otero. 2021

    Referencia singular en Bertrand Russell

    Joan Gimeno-Simó, Víctor J. Luque y Saúl Pérez-González (eds.) Bertrand Russell: Herencia y actualidad, Valencia: Tirant Humanidades, pp. 45-62.

  • Carl Hoefer. 2020

    Scientific Realism Without the Quantum

    Scientific Realism and the Quantum, ed. Steven French & Juha Saatsi, Oxford University Press 2020

  • Carl Hoefer, Genoveva Martí. 2020

    Realism, Reference & Perspective

    European Journal for Philosophy of Science 10:3, 2020

  • Manuel Pérez Otero. 2020

    Sobre el alcance del anti-realismo de Wittgenstein

    Análisis Filosófico40/2, pp. 273-286. DOI: 10.36446/af.2020.337.

  • Manuel Pérez Otero. 2020

    Externismo semántico

    Enciclopedia de la Sociedad Española de Filosofía Analítica (URL:

  • Carl Hoefer, Genoveva Martí. 2019

    Water Has a Microstructural Essence After All

     European Journal for Philosophy of Science, 9:12 (2019).

  • Manuel Pérez Otero. 2019

    An Epistemic Puzzle about Knowledge and Rational Credence

    International Studies in the Philosophy of Science, 32/3-4, pp. 195-206. DOI: 10.1080/02698595.2019.1704615. (URL    

  • Manuel Pérez Otero. 2019

    Intuiciones, simplicidad y extrapolación de conceptos

    Crítica. Revista Hispanoamericana de Filosofía 51/152, pp. 33-59. DOI: 10.22201/iifs.18704905e.2019.08.    

  • Manuel Pérez Otero. 2018

    Cogency, Warrant Transmission-Increase and Non-Ideal Thinkers

    Pacific Philosophical Quarterly99/S1.   DOI: 10.1111/papq.12211 

  • Manuel Pérez Otero. 2018

    La comicidad como perjuicio de sujetos intencionales

    Crítica. Revista Hispanoamericana de Filosofía, 50/150, pp. 43-63.

    DOI: 10.22201/iifs.18704905e.2018.15    

  • Manuel Pérez Otero. 2018

    Dos versiones de la contraposición entre naturaleza y libre albedrío    

    Manuscrito. International Journal of Philosophy 41/2, pp. 89-110.

  • Manuel Pérez Otero. 2018

    Vericuetos de la filosofía de Wittgenstein en torno al lenguaje y el seguimiento de reglas

    Zaragoza: Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza.

  • Manuel Pérez Otero. 2018

    ¿Existe conocimiento epistémicamente irracional?    

    Principia: an international journal of epistemology 22/2, pp. 229-249 .

  • Manuel Pérez Otero. 2018

    Relevancia epistémica de las intuiciones

    Cristian Saborido, Sergi Oms y Javier González de Prado (eds.), Proceedings of the IX Conference of the Spanish Society of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Madrid, pp. 251-255. (Publicación en CD.) ISBN: 978-84-09-06054-2.

  • Manuel Pérez Otero. 2017

    La justificación de algunas teorías relativistas contemporáneas

    Teorema 36/2, pp. 105-122.

  • Manuel Pérez Otero. 2017

    Ensayos filosóficos sobre el conocimiento y el escepticismo epistémico

    Saarbrücken: Editorial Académica Española

  • Manuel Pérez Otero. 2017

    Teorías de la referencia, “filosofía experimental” y calibración de intuiciones    

    Theoria, vol. 32/1, pp. 41-62.    

  • Manuel Pérez Otero. 2017

    El problema Wittgenstein-Kripke sobre seguimiento de reglas desde una perspectiva teleológica

    Manuel Berrón, Griselda Parera y María Sol Yuan (compiladores) Actas del XVII Congreso de AFRA (Asociación Filosófica Argentina, 2015), Santa Fe: Universidad Nacional del Litoral, pp. 362-368. Libro digital. ISBN 978-987-692-149-7.