Projectes i contractes de recerca i transferència de tecnologia i coneixement

Recerca internacional. Projectes i imports concedits en el programa Horizon 2020

Descripcio Nombre de projectes Import (€)
HORIZON 2020. EIT. European Institute of Innovation and Technology. 9 782.474
HORIZON 2020. PILLAR 1-EXCELLENT SCIENCE. ERC. European Research Council. 4 6.654.538
HORIZON 2020. PILLAR 1-EXCELLENT SCIENCE. FET. Future and Emerging Technologies. 1 573.750
HORIZON 2020. PILLAR 1-EXCELLENT SCIENCE. MCA. Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions. 6 972.730
HORIZON 2020. PILLAR 3-SOCIETAL CHALLENGES. SC1-HEALTH. Health, Demographic Change and Wellbeing. 1 186.625
HORIZON 2020. PILLAR 3-SOCIETAL CHALLENGES. SC2-FOOD. Food Security, Sustainable Agriculture and Forestry, Marine, Maritime and Inland Water Research and the Bioeconomy. 2 348.271
Total 23 9.518.387