18. Lleure


amic, amiga
dance (to)
bar musical
music bar
have tea (to)
celebrate (to)
group of friends
know (to)
have lunch (to)
talk to (to)
fall in love (to)
have breakfast (to)
love (to)
study (to)
play (to)
talk (to)
go for a walk (to)
swimming pool
make an appointment (to)
give a present (to)
have supper (to)
go out (to)
work (to)
meet (to)
call (to)

Relacionar-se amb els companys i companyes

Establishing new relationships

Bon dia
Good morning
Bona tarda
Good afternoon
Bona nit
Good evening/night
Com et dius?
What is your name?
Em dic
- Antoni
- Antònia
My name is
- Antoni
- Antònia
Com estàs?
How are you?
D'on ets?
Where are you from?
- de França
- d'Alemanya
- de Geòrgia
I am
- from France
- from Germany
- italià
- italiana
- suec
- sueca
- georgià
- georgiana
I am
- Italian
- Italian
- Swedish
- Swedish
Quant fa que ets
- a Barcelona?
- a Lleida?
How long have you been
- in Barcelona?
- in Lleida?
On vius?
Where do you live?
Visc a
- Girona
- Granollers
I live
- in Girona
- in Granollers
- al carrer Muntaner
- a la plaça Joanic
I live
- in Carrer Muntaner
- in Plaça Joanic
Què estudies?
What are you studying?
- Matemàtiques
- a la Facultat de Filologia
I study
- Maths
- in the Faculty of Philology
Quin curs fas?
What year are you in?
- tercer curs
- quart curs
I'm in
- my third year
- my fourth year
Faig el projecte
I'm doing my thesis
T'estaràs molt temps a Barcelona?
Will you be in Barcelona for long?
Podríem trobar-nos a classe?
Could we meet in class?
Et van bé les classes?
How are you doing in class?
Em costa una mica l'idioma
I find the language a bit difficult
Podries deixar-me els apunts, sisplau?
Please could you lend me your notes?
Podré fotocopiar els teus apunts?
May I photocopy your notes?
Tens telèfon?
Do you have a telephone?
El meu telèfon és el...
My telephone number is...
Et trucaré
- aquest matí
- aquest migdia
- aquesta tarda
- aquesta nit
I will call you
- this morning
- at midday
- this afternoon
- tonight
Call me
No truquis
- gaire tard
- gaire d'hora
Do not phone me
- very late
- very early
Coneixes algú més, a Barcelona?
Do you know any more people in Barcelona?
No conec ningú més a Barcelona
I do not know anybody else in Barcelona
Vols que ens trobem demà?
Do you want to meet tomorrow?
Podem dinar o passejar?
We could have lunch or go for a walk...
A quina hora
- esmorzes?
- dines?
- berenes?
- sopes?
What time do you
- have breakfast?
- have lunch?
- have tea?
- have dinner?
Esmorzo a les 8 (vuit)
I have breakfast at 8
Dino a les 12 (dotze)
I have lunch at 12
Bereno a les 5 (cinc)
I have tea at 5
Sopo a les 9 (nou)
I have dinner at 9
A quina hora voldràs dinar?
What time would you like to have lunch?
Vull dinar a les dotze
I want to have lunch at 12
És molt
- d'hora!
- tard!
It's very
- early!
- late!
On treballes?
Where do you work?
Quina feina fas?
What do you do?
- algun vespre?
- alguna nit?
- algun cap de setmana?
Do you go out
- at night?
- in the evening?
- on weekends?
Vols sortir algun vespre?
Do you feel like going out one night?
M'agradaria venir
- amb tu
- amb la teva colla
I would like to go
- with you
- with your group of friends
Ja quedarem
We'll arrange to meet
- la música?
- el cinema?
- el teatre?
- el futbol?
- l'excursionisme?
- la platja?
Do you like
- music?
- the cinema?
- the theatre?
- football?
- hiking?
- going to the beach?
Quin tipus de música t'agrada?
What kind of music do you like?
Quines pel·lícules prefereixes?
What kind of films do you prefer?
Practiques algun esport?
Do you play any sport?
- al gimnàs?
- a la piscina?
Do you go
- to the gym?
- to the swimming pool?
- Quin esport
- Quins esports
- What sport
- What sports
do you do?
Què fas els caps de setmana?
What do you do on weekends?
Què fas els estius?
What do you do in summer?
T'agrada viatjar?
Do you like to travel?
Has estat mai
- a Itàlia?
- a Alemanya?
- a França?
Have you ever been
- to Italy?
- to Germany?
- to France?
Quins països coneixes?
What countries have you been to?
Quines ciutats coneixes?
What cities have you been to?
Ens tornarem a veure?
Will we see each other again?
Fins aviat!
See you soon!
Fins demà!
See you tomorrow!
A reveure!
So long!

Suggerir activitats de lleure

Suggesting leisure activities

Podríem anar
- a fer un cafè
- a fer una copa
- a fer un entrepà
- a fer un gelat
- a algun restaurant
We could go
- to have a cup of coffee
- for a drink
- to have a sandwich
- to have an ice cream
- to a restaurant
Per què no anem
- al cine?
- al teatre?
- a la discoteca?
- al futbol?
Why don't we go
- to the cinema?
- to the theatre?
- to the discotheque?
- to a football match?
Tinc ganes
- d'anar a passejar
- d'anar a la platja
- d'anar a comprar
I feel like
- going for a walk
- going to the beach
- going shopping
- sortir de marxa
- anar al port
- sortir fora de la ciutat
- fer alguna excursió
- anar a Port Aventura
- poder veure el Barça
- fer una ruta pel Pirineu
- córrer la marató
I would like
- to go out on the town
- to go to the port
- to go out of the city
- to go on a trip
- to go to Port Aventura
- to be able to see Barça
- to travel through the Pyrenees
- to run the marathon
Quins bars estan de moda?
What bars are trendy?
Coneixeu algun bar on hi hagi
- música en directe?
- actuacions?
Do you know
- any bars with live music?
- any bars with entertainment?
Hi ha algun local
- d'ambient gai?
- d'ambient lèsbic?
Are there any
- gay
- lesbian
Quins restaurants hi ha en aquest barri?
What restaurants are there in this neighbourhood?
Hi ha algun restaurant de cuina catalana?
Are there any restaurants with Catalan food?
On es pot menjar bé de preu?
Where can I find a cheap restaurant?
A quin cine fan la pel·lícula...?
In which cinema is the film... being shown?
On podem trobar informació
- sobre espectacles?
- sobre concerts?
Where can we find some information
- about shows?
- about concerts?
On es compren les entrades
- per al teatre?
- per al concert de...?
Where can I buy some tickets
- for the theatre?
- for the... concert?

Felicitar pel sant o l'aniversari

Wishing somebody a happy Saint's day or Birthday

Per molts anys!
Happy Birthday!
Moltes felicitats!
T'he portat un regal
I have brought you a present
Com has passat el dia del
- teu sant?
- teu aniversari?
Did you enjoy
- your saint's day?
- your birthday?
T'han fet regals?
Did you get any presents?
Què t'han regalat?
What did you get?
Com has celebrat
- el sant?
- l'aniversari?
How did you celebrate
- your saint's day?
- your birthday?


Chatting up

- una camisa
molt bonica
molt elegant
molt original
- una brusa
molt bonica
molt elegant
molt original
- una samarreta
molt bonica
molt elegant
molt original
- una faldilla
molt bonica
molt elegant
molt original
You are wearing
a very beautiful
a very elegant
a very original
- shirt
a very beautiful
a very elegant
a very original
- blouse
a very beautiful
a very elegant
a very original
- T-shirt
a very beautiful
a very elegant
a very original
- skirt
Et queda molt bé
- aquest pentinat
- aquest abric
- aquesta jaqueta
- This hairstyle
- This coat
- This jacket
really suits you
Et queden molt bé
- aquestes arracades
- aquests pantalons
- aquestes ulleres
- These earrings
- These trousers
- These glasses
really suit you
Parles molt bé
- l'anglès
- l'italià
- l'alemany
- el català
You speak
- English
- Italian
- German
- Catalan
very well
Tens uns ulls molt bonics
You have very beautiful eyes
Vols ballar amb mi?
Do you want to dance
M'agrades (molt)
I like you (very much)
Ets molt
- amable
- simpàtic
- simpàtica
- divertit
- divertida
- atractiu
- atractiva
- carinyós
- carinyosa
- intel·ligent
- very kind
- very nice
- very nice
- very funny
- very funny
- very attractive
- very attractive
- very affectionate
- very affectionate
- very intelligent
Estic molt bé amb tu
I feel very good with you
M'ho passo molt bé quan estic amb tu
I really have a good time when I am with you
M'agrada que m'expliquis coses
II like it when you tell me things
- content
- contenta
d'estar aquí
I am
- happy
- happy
to be here
Tu i jo sempre estem d'acord en tot
You and I always agree
Ens podríem tornar a veure
We could meet some other time
Ens hauríem de veure més sovint
We should meet more often
M'estic enamorant de tu
I am falling in love with you
- enamorat
- enamorada
de tu
- I am in love with you
- I am in love with you
Vols que anem
- a un lloc més tranquil?
- a casa meva?
- a casa teva?
Shall we go
- to a quieter place?
- to my place?
- to your place?
I love you

Comprar entrades

Buying tickets

Voldria dues entrades per a la sessió de...
I would like two tickets for the... show
Per demà, queden entrades?
Are there any tickets left for tomorrow?
Vull tres entrades
- a platea
- al primer pis
- en una llotja
- de pista
I want three tickets
- for the stalls
- for the first floor
- for the box
I want three standing-room tickets
Quin preu tenen?
How much are they?
Les entrades, on les he de recollir?
Where do I go to collect the tickets?
Fins a quina hora puc passar a recollir les entrades?
Until when can I come to pick up my tickets?

Activitats de lleure de la Universitat

Leisure activities at the university

Volia informació de les activitats de l'AEGEE (Associació d'Estudis Generals dels Estats d'Europa)
I would like to have some information on the AEGEE (European General Studies Association) activities
L'associació organitza
- activitats esportives?
- activitats culturals?
- visites a la ciutat?
- anades a espectacles?
Does the association organize
- sports activities?
- cultural activities?
- guided tours of the city?
- evening outings to shows?
Tenen un calendari de les activitats
- d'avui?
- d'aquesta setmana?
- d'aquest mes?
Do you have
- today's
- this week's
- this month's
activity calendar?
En quines dates hi ha
- cap de setmana esportiu?
- recorregut cultural?
- sortida nocturna?
When is
- the sports weekend?
- the cultural sightseeing tour?
- the evening outing?
Quin dia és la festa
- de benvinguda?
- de comiat?
When is
- the welcoming party?
- the farewell party?
On és el punt de trobada?
Where is the meeting point?
A quina hora ens trobem?
What time are we meeting?
A quina hora comença el recorregut de Gaudí?
What time does the Gaudí­ tour begin?
A quina hora acaben les festes del dissabte?
What time do the parties finish on Saturdays?
Quant dura la sortida nocturna?
How long does the evening outing take?
Vull veure la Vila Olímpica i Montjuïc
I want to visit the Olympic Village and Montjuïc
Les activitats, quin preu tenen?
How much are the activities?
Hi ha descomptes o beques?
Are there any discounts or grants?
Hi ha lloguer de disfresses?
Do you rent fancy dress costumes?
On se celebra la festa?
Where does the party takeplace?
Hi haurà transport col·lectiu per anar a...?
Will there be group transport to go to...?
Hi ha transport compartit?
Is there any way to share transport?
D'on surten els cotxes cap a
- Sitges?
- la Molina?
Where do the coaches
- to Sitges
- to la Molina
leave from?
On s'agafen els trens cap a...?
Where can I catch a train to...?
Per tornar de Sitges, com es fa?
How can I come back from Sitges?