
MCP Lab offers a predoctoral contract associated with a project of the AGAUR Program “Indústria del Coneixement”

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20/1/2024 - Send CV and motivation letter

ENDED- Call for 6 research initiation grants 2023-2024

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3 d'octubre 2023. Més informació: Convocatòria:

FINAL resolution published – Call for 6 research initiation grants 2022-2023

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13/10 to 26/10 - General terms: a) To be in a position to enroll in doctoral studies in the 2022-2023 academic year. b) Proof of affiliation with an IBUB research group - Information and application by Seu Electrònica UB. Final resolution:

Resolució definitiva: Borsa de viatges IBUB: 12th Summer School on Medicines (SSM12)

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20/5/2022 - L'UB, a través de l'IBUB com a una de les institucions organitzadores, ofereix 8 borses de viatge, amb un valor de 600€ cadascuna. Podran participar-hi investigadors pre-docs i post-docs que formin part d’un grup de recerca de l’IBUB. Resolució definitiva:

2021 CLOSED (2022 soon) – Call for 6 research initiation grants

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30/06/2021 - General terms: a) To be in a position to enroll in doctoral studies and to apply for pre-doctoral grants (FI, FPU, others) in the 2021-2022 academic year. b) Proof of affiliation with an IBUB research group. Only one application per IBUB group will be accepted. -->Interested, ask for information

Junior post-doc position at the Molecular Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics laboratory, Institute of Biomedicine University of Barcelona (IBUB).

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9 November 2020 - CV, References and motivation letter to Dr. Sandra Pérez-Torras (

Postdoctoral Fellow Position MICINN – Reacciones multicomponente: descubrimiento, desarrollo y aplicaciones en biomedicina

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15 Oct. 2020 - CV to Dr. Rodolfo Lavilla ( or Dra. Carmen Escolano (

Postdoctoral Fellow Position MICINN – Evaluación de nuevas actividades de vesículas secretadas por probióticos y microbiota intestinal y su potencial en salud humana

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27 Oct. 2020 - CV to Dra. Laura Baldomà (

Convocatòria de 6 ajuts d’iniciació a la recerca

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Sol·licituds fins el 7 de juliol

Postdoctoral Fellow Positions in Computational Biology, Macromolecular Structure Determination, and Drug Design