Helsinki-Tallinn 2006


Themes / Papers

The influence of dominating trends connecting to local cultures and communities: problems of center, periphery and province. Have peripheries been able to innovate and have provinces just been submissive regarding centers?

Connecting interventions and policies of public and private nature to the local infraestructures of design and craft – have these actions produced change, positive or negative?

The professionalisation in design and craft – connecting this to the multitude of different national, economical and cultural settings with varying velocities of development.

The historiography of design: how has it been and is connected to local traditions of philosophy, scholarship and educational structures

How have we been seen and received – and what have we given to the rest of the world? This theme explores the reception of Nordic/Scandinavian design, its possible influence in other cultural spheres, both the everyday and strategic uses of the outcomes of the phenomena emanating from this region. At the same time we want Nordic speakers to present how they see the contribution of their own contexts, the strategies of exporting both goods and know-how and the connecting role of concerted efforts in producing this evolved.


Check the full list of papers in the abstracts book:

[PDF] ICDHS Helsinki-Tallinn 2005: Connecting. Abstracts