Co-teaching and the EFL Classroom: co-teachers and language assistants

Estado matrícula
Matrícula tancada
Idioma actividad
Formació a distància

Description: Informació inscripcions

  •  Do you know how to unlock all the potential a Language assistant can bring to the classroom? Do you share your classes with a colleague and need guidance on how to take full advantage of this situation? Have you been trained in different Co-teaching models? Do you want to make the most of sharing the learning space?
  • This course opens the door to a new way of teaching and provides you with a variety of co-teaching models that you’ll be able to apply with your colleagues and language assistants.
  • 100% online course
  •  Duration: 5 months


  • To discover and make the most of the potential of the Co-teaching method with a language assistant.
  • To learn how to work cooperatively to achieve positive pedagogical outcomes in the classroom.
  • To learn how to use the different models of Co-teaching.
  • To take full advantage of the abilities and personal skills of language assistant.
  • To maximise exposure to and increase effective interaction in the foreign language.


  • Contexts and benefits of the Co-teaching models.
  • Different models of Co-teaching and how to implement them.
  • Co-teaching and the Language assistant.
  • Collaboration between co-teachers.
  • Productive conversations between co-teachers.
  • Evaluation of Language Assistants Programmes: objectives and strategies.
  • Checklists and rubrics for assessment.


  • 100% online course. No tutor. Multimedia content and activities organised into modules.

This course is for:

  • Primary and Secondary teachers. Mininum level of English: B1+ CEFR.

Trainer proposal:

  • Self-study course. Content supervised by OUPE.

Calendar and timetable:

  • Start: 3rd February 2020. End: 3rd July 2020.  24h Access during this period.


  • 30 hours

Certification requirements:

  • 75% of auto-corrected activities passed.

Licences: Limited

Venue: OUPE Moodle platform


  • El professorat del Departament d’Educació de la Generalitat de Catalunya: 65 €
    (Aquesta vinculació s’haurà d’acreditar documentalment)
  • Resta de professorat: 75 €

Període d’inscripció: del 10 de desembre de 2019 al 24 de gener de 2020

Inscripció per Internet: Matrícula tancada

Informació i/o consultes
Telèfon: 934 021 024

Les activitats organitzades per l’IDP-ICE tenen els mateixos efectes per al professorat que les activitats incloses en el Pla de formació permanent del Departament d’Educació.

Els certificats d’aquests cursos s’incorporen directament a l’expedient de formació del professor/a (XTEC) i es poden utilitzar com a acreditació per participar en els diferents concursos o convocatòries del Departament d’Educació de la Generalitat de Catalunya, amb els termes que indiqui cada convocatòria.
Per iniciar aquesta activitat cal que hi hagi un nombre mínim de persones inscrites.