70 years of monitoring the chiropterans of the Daví chasm

Friday 10/05 at 7pm, the Terrassa Excursionist Center hosts "70 years of monitoring chiropterans of the Daví chasm" Presentation of results and conference with Jordi Serra Cobo and Marc López on bats and climate change.
Afterwards, 18 people will have the opportunity to visit the natural park of Sant Llorenç del Munt i l'Obac to observe the bats. Registrations for the departure must be made in person at the secretary of the Terrassa Hiking Center.
More information: https://parcs.diba.cat/web/l-informatiu/-/sant-llorenc-una-conferencia-i-una-visita-parlen-dels-70-anys-de-seguiment-dels-quiropters-de-l-avenc-del-davi-en-un-massis-de-conglomerats
Afterwards, 18 people will have the opportunity to visit the natural park of Sant Llorenç del Munt i l'Obac to observe the bats. Registrations for the departure must be made in person at the secretary of the Terrassa Hiking Center.
More information: https://parcs.diba.cat/web/l-informatiu/-/sant-llorenc-una-conferencia-i-una-visita-parlen-dels-70-anys-de-seguiment-dels-quiropters-de-l-avenc-del-davi-en-un-massis-de-conglomerats