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Martinell, J. In memorial of Jordi Maria de Gibert Atienza
Article: vol: 11 num: 1 Pag: 129-131 Geologica Acta. . (2013)
Martín-Durán, J.M.; De Mendoza, A.; Sebé-Pedrós, A.; Ruiz-Trillo, I.; Hejnol, A. A Broad Genomic Survey Reveals Multiple Origins and Frequent Losses in the Evolution of Respiratory Hemerythrins and Hemocyanins
Article: vol: 5 num: 7 Pag: 1435-1442 Genome Biology and Evolution. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/149468. (2013)
Martínez, C.; Ferrer, X.; Borràs, R.; Christel, I.; Cama, A. Records of Great Bustards Otis tarda in the Balearic Islands during the 19th century
Article: vol: 29 num: Pag: 70-74 Revista Catalana d'Ornitologia. . (2013)
Mata, L.; GrossoSilva, J.M.; Goula, M. Pyrrhocoridae from the Iberian Peninsula (Hemiptera: Heteroptera). Heteropterus Rev. Entomol., 13(2): 175-189
Article: vol: 13 num: 2 Pag: 175-189 Heteropterus, Revista de Entomología. . (2013)
Mate, I.; Barrull, J.; Salicrú, M.; Ruiz-Olmo, J.; Gosálbez, J. Habitat selection by Southern water vole (Arvicola sapidus) in riparian environments of Mediterranean mountain areas: a conservation tool for the species
Article: vol: 58 num: 1 Pag: 25-37 Acta Theriologica. . (2013)
Mateos, E.; Tudó, A.; Álvarez Presas, M.; Riutort, M Planàries terrestres exòtiques a la Garrotxa
Article: vol: 6 num: Pag: 67-73 Annals de la Delegació de la Garrotxa de la Institució Catalana d'Història Natural. . (2013)
Medarde, N.; Martinez-Vargas, J.; Sánchez-Chardi, A.; López-Fuster, M.J.; Ventura, J. Effect of Robertsonian translocations on sperm head form in the house mouse
Article: vol: 110 num: Pag: 878-889 Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. . (2013)
Medarde, N.; Muñoz-Muñoz. F.; López-Fuster, M.J.; Ventura, J. Variational modularity at the cell level: insights from the sperm head of the mouse
Article: vol: 13 (179) num: Pag: - BMC Evolutionary Biology. . (2013)
Mendes, P.; Eira, C.; Vingada, J.; Miquel, J.; Torres, J. The system Tetrabothrius bassani (Tetrabothriidae)/Morus bassanus (Sulidae) as a bioindicator of marine heavy metal pollution
Article: vol: 58 num: 1 Pag: 21-25 Acta Parasitologica. . (2013)
Mercadé, A.; Pérez-Haase, A. Aportació al coneixement florístic del Montseny
Article: vol: 77 num: Pag: 148-152 Butlletí de la Institució Catalana d'Història Natural. . (2013)
Mestres, F. Conociendo a Darwin a partir de sus escritos
Article: vol: 9 num: Pag: 21-24 Pirineos. Revista de la Consejería de Educación de la Embajada de España en Andorra. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/49438. (2013)
Mestres, F.; Vives-Rego, J. Behind and beyond of the cyborgs and robots ideas and realities: some techno-scientific and philosophical hints
Article: vol: 3 num: 2 Pag: 3-11 Imagonautas. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/49684. (2013)
Militão, T.; Bourgeois, K.; Roscales, J.L.; González-Solís, J. Individual migratory patterns of two threatened seabirds using stable isotope and geolocation analyses
Article: vol: 19 num: Pag: 317-329 Diversity and Distributions. . (2013)
Miquel, J.; Swiderski, Z. Spermatological characteristics of the Trypanorhyncha inferred from new ultrastructural data on species of Tentaculariidae, Eutetrarhynchidae, and Progrillotiidae
Article: vol: 336 num: 2 Pag: 65-72 Comptes Rendus Biologies. . (2013)
Miquel, J.; Vilavella, D.; Swiderski, Z.; Shimalov, V.V.; Torres, J. Spermatological characteristics of Pleurogenidae (Digenea) inferred from the ultrastructural study of Pleurogenes claviger, Pleurogenoides medians and Prosotocus confusus
Article: vol: 20 num: Pag: 28- Parasite. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/51003. (2013)
Miñana-Galbis, D.; Farfán, M.; Albarral, V.; Sanglas, A.; Lorén, J.G.; Fusté, M.C. Reclassification of Aeromonas hydrophila subspecies anaerogenes
Article: vol: 36 num: 5 Pag: 306-308 Systematic and Applied Microbiology. . (2013)
Molero J.; Rovira A. The hybrids of semisucculent and succulent dendroid Euphorbia species from La Gomera
Article: vol: 9 num: 2 Pag: 27-31 Euphorbia world (Journal of the International Euphorbia Society). . (2013)
Moreno, R.; Jover, L.; Diez, C.; Sardà, F.; Sanpera, C. Ten years after the Prestige Oil Spill: seabird trophic ecology as indicator of long-term effects on the coastal marine ecosystem
Article: vol: 8 num: 10 Pag: e77360- PLoS One. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/46943. (2013)
Murphy, C. A.; Casals, F.; Solà, C.; Caiola, N.; Sostoa, A. de;García-Berthou, E. Efficacy of population size structure as a bioassessment tool in freshwaters
Article: vol: 34 num: Pag: 571-579 Ecological Indicators. . (2013)
Múrria, C.; Bonada, N.; Arnedo, M. A.; Prat, N.; Vogler, A. P Higher β- and γ-diversity at species and genetic levels in headwaters than in mid-order streams in Hydropsyche (Trichoptera)
Article: vol: 58 num: 11 Pag: 2226-2236 Freshwater Biology. . (2013)
Navas, F.; Rosell, C.; Ferrer, X.; Montalvo, P. Colisiones con aves en aeropuertos. Primer paso: un buen diagnóstico
Article: vol: 372 num: Pag: 74-79 Avion Revue International. . (2013)
Ndiaye, P.I.; Bakhoum, A.J.S.; Sène, A.; Miquel, J. Ultrastructure of the spermatozoon of Parahemiurus merus (Linton, 1910) (Digenea: Hemiuroidea: Hemiuridae), a parasite of Sardinella aurita Valenciennes, 1847 and S. maderensis (Lowe, 1838) (Teleostei: Clupeidae) in the Senegalese coast
Article: vol: 252 num: 4 Pag: 572-578 Zoologischer Anzeiger. . (2013)
Ninot, J.M. Ramon Maria Masalles i Saumell, botànic blancafortí i mestre de naturalistes
Article: vol: 31 num: Pag: 19-33 Aplec de treballs. . (2013)
Ninot, J.M.; Ferré, A.; Grau, O.; Font, X.; Pérez-Haase, A.; Carrillo, E. Environmental drivers and plant species diversity in the Catalan and Andorran Pyrenees
Article: vol: 34 num: Pag: 89-105 Lazaroa. . (2013)
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