Biomarathon: Botanical activity (Botanical Institute of Barcelona)

The Botanical Institute of Barcelona is organizing two botanical activities this week as part of the IV Flora Biomarathon (from May 16 to 19)! This year the Spanish Flora Biomarathon has the purpose of combating “plant blindness”, understood as the disconnection of a large part of the population with botany, which prevents the appreciation of plant diversity, threatened within the Sixth Mass Extinction, and devoting efforts to protect her.
To participate, you only need to have the iNaturalist citizen science application installed and upload photographs of the plants observed during these days, in this way, the observations will be linked to the general project of the Biomarathon or to the corresponding territorial subproject (in our case, Catalonia). . You can see more information about the use of the application and stay informed on the Biomarathon social networks (Twitter i Instagram).
From the Botanical Institute of Barcelona and in collaboration with the Museum of Natural Sciences of Barcelona, two activities have also been organized that aim to publicize the use of iNaturalist and discover the plants that live in our closest environment. We invite you to attend, and spread the word among friends and family!
Thursday, May 16 - Get to know the wild flora of the Botanical Garden
Location: Barcelona Botanical Garden
Time: 11 a.m.
The route contemplated will be through the highest area of the garden, which is adjacent to the Paseo del Mediodía. In this area, participants will learn to recognize various species of wild plants that grow in the meadow areas of this part of the garden through the citizen science application iNaturalist and with the help of scientists from the Botanical Institute of Barcelona.
The activity will have an estimated duration of about 2 hours and the route is not expected to present difficulties for people with mobility problems, therefore, it is considered affordable for older people.
During the activity, it will only be necessary to have smartphones to use iNaturalist.
The meeting point will be the Botanical Institute of Barcelona (Passeig del Migdia cantonada carrer Can Valero)
The number of participants expected for this activity is a maximum of 30 people.
Registration: vía web or telephone (932562220, Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.)
More information: Museum Agenda
Sunday, May 19-Get to know the flora of Collserola
Location: Sierra de Collserola Natural Park
The meeting with the participants will be at the Baixador de Vallvidrera station of the Ferrocarriles de la Generalidad de Catalunya (FGC) at 11 a.m. From there there will be a route of about 2 km through different environments where participants will learn the plant biodiversity of the natural park and recognize its plants through the citizen science application iNaturalist and with the help of scientists from the Botanical Institute of Barcelona.
The route does not present any type of notable difficulty, so it could be considered that this activity is suitable for all audiences, including families. In fact, once the activity is over, which is scheduled to be around 1 p.m., participants will have the opportunity to eat in the area.
During the activity, it will only be necessary to have smartphones to be able to use iNaturalist.
The number of participants expected for this activity is a maximum of 30 people.
Registration: Registration: via web or telephone (932562220, Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.)
More information: Museum Agenda