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Grup de recerca en ecologia tròfica i del moviment dels vertebrats (ECOVERT)
Phone: 934021453 Personal Web
Biological and ecological studies of large marine vertebrates (Chondrichthyes, chelonian, cetacean and pinniped) focused on management and conservation of populations.
Armengot Martínez, Laura
EcologiadelsSistemesAgrícoles_ Agroecology
Phone: 934039871 Group Web Personal Web
Dr. Laura Armengot is a biologist, with a PhD in agroecology. Her main expertise is in the field of sustainable agricultural practices, including organic farming and agroforestry systems. She has worked in Mediterranean, temperate and tropical regions developing and assessing innovative management strategies for organic farmers in topics such as weed control, carbon sequestration and efficient use of resources.
The two main areas of my research are marine chemical ecology (natural products benthic invertebrates temperate, tropical and polar) and integrated coastal zone management (use of benthic invertebrates as indicators of environmental conditions in coastal management processes).
Azcárate García, Tomás
Marine Biodiversity and Evolution (MBE)
azcarate.garcia.t@gmail.com Group Web Personal Web
I am currently working at the Institute of Marine Sciences of Barcelona (ICM-CSIC) and the University of Barcelona (UB). My research is focused on the effect of ocean acidification on Antarctic marine calcifiers.
Marine Biodiversity and Evolution (MBE)
mbascuba7@alumnes.ub.edu Group Web Personal Web
During my early career, as graduated in Marine Biology and a master in Marine Ecology, I have mainly studied how environmental variability modulates biochemical and reproductive adaptations in different species of marine invertebrates. Furthermore, I am currently conducting my PhD thesis about potential effects of glacial melt and retreat on different ecological characteristics of Antarctic marine benthic communities.
Blanché i Vergés, Cèsar
Grup de recerca en biodiversitat i biosistemàtica vegetals (GReB)
Phone: 934024490 Group Web Personal Web
Conservation biology of plants, with special emphasis on the biology of small populations of endemic species and subjected to fragmentation processes in the Mediterranean region (demography, reproductive biology, population genetics). Databases of genetic biodiversity. Pharmaceutical botany.
Bonada, Núria
Freshwater Ecology, Hydrology, and Management(F.E.H.M)
Phone: 934031186 Group Web Personal Web
I am an Associate Professor 'Serra Húnter' at the University of Barcelona and the lead of the Freshwater Ecology, Hydrology and Management (FEHM-Lab) research group. My research interests mainly focus on the biodiversity, ecology, and conservation of freshwater ecosystems. In particular, I have been working on large-scale spatial patterns of aquatic macroinvertebrates mediterranean climate rivers and their responses to past, present, and future disturbances, combining community and population approaches. I have conducted my research mainly on of the world, where intermittent rivers are part of the daily landscape and have triggered many evolutionary adaptations of species.
Borrell i Thió, Assumpció
Grup de recerca en ecologia tròfica i del moviment dels vertebrats (ECOVERT)
Phone: 934039809 Personal Web
Biological and ecological studies of large marine vertebrates (Chondrichthyes, chelonian, cetacean and pinniped) focused on management and conservation of populations.
Bosch Daniel, Maria Concepció
Grup de recerca en biodiversitat i biosistemàtica vegetals (GReB)
Phone: 934024490 Group Web Personal Web
Reproductive biology of plants, with special attention to the tribe Delphinieae. Conservation biology (reproductive biology, genetic diversity and population) of endemic plants, endangered and/or rare in the Mediterranean region.
Cani, Alessandra
Grup de recerca en ecologia tròfica i del moviment dels vertebrats (ECOVERT)
a.cani@ub.edu Group Web Personal Web
I study the habitat use of marine mammals and sea turtles in different ecosystems, using oxygen and sulphur stable isotopes as intrinsic habitat tracers.
My research aims to better understand the resilience of species to global change in order to develop effective management and conservation tools. To do this, I combine the use of small-scale experiments, field data, large-scale data, along with a wide variety of modeling techniques, to better understand, predict and manage their dynamics and promote their resilience.
Cardador Bergua, Laura
Eco-Evolutionary Responses of Animals to Global Change
Phone: 934021458 Group Web Personal Web
My research falls within the fields of animal biology, biodiversity conservation, and zoogeography. My main objective is to understand the spatio-temporal distribution patterns of animals and the mechanisms that drive them, considering extrinsic and intrinsic factors such as life strategy or behavior. The ultimate goal is to improve the ability to predict their responses to environmental changes. I focus particularly on the study of birds and biological invasions.
Cardona Pascual, Lluís
Grup de recerca en ecologiatròfica i del movimentdelsvertebrats (ECOVERT)
Phone: 934031368 Personal Web
Biological and ecological studies of large marine vertebrates (Chondrichthyes, chelonian, cetacean and pinniped) focused on management and conservation of populations.
Carnicer Cols, Jofre
FORESTREAM. Research Group on Forest and Stream Ecological Links: Watershed Management and Restoration
jofre.carnicer@ub.edu Personal Web
Conservation of biodiversity - Ecology of communities - Ecology of populations - Forest ecology - Management and restoration of the natural environment
Carreras Raurell, Jordi
FORESTREAM: Research Group on Forest and Stream Ecological Links: Watershed Management and Restoration.
Phone: 934021470 Group Web Personal Web
Floristic topics and vegetation typology research in the Pyrenees region. Fitocenology and CORINE habitats. Fitocenology units and its application in environmental assessment and management. Adapting to digital mapping of analog products and mapping methods . Mapping of vegetation and CORINE habitat.
Casals Blanch, David
Biologia de la conservació en ecosistemesmarins (MedRecover)
david_casals@ub.edu Group Web Personal Web
He mainly works in the “Seguiment marí” project which consists in a long-term monitoring of the marine biodiversity of the Medes Islands and Cap de Creus marine reserves. The aim of this project is to assess the conservation status of the marine habitats and populations from both MPA, to detect risk situations to the natural heritage and to improve previous knowledge about its species and habitats in order to facilitate a more sustainable territorial management. Previously, David participated in a project related with population dynamics of sea urchins in Port Cros National Park and participated in the reimplantation of red coral (Corallium rubrum) in the Medes Island reserve seized from poachers.
Ersoy Ferhat, Zeynep
FEHM (Freshwater Ecology, Hydrology and Management)
zersoy@ub.edu Group Web Personal Web
My research centers on understanding the response of aquatic food webs to global climate crisis and other environmental perturbations (e.g., eutrophication, salinization, microplastics), using approaches ranging from mesocosm experiments to biodiversity monitoring to investigate trophic interactions, energy transfer, ecosystem functioning and health.
Fernández Calero, José Maria
FEHM (FreshwaterEcology, Hydrology and Management)
josefernandezcalero@ub.edu Group Web
Fernandez Vilert, Robert
Marine Biodiversity and Evolution
Phone: Personal Web
Trying to understand the biological buffer systems of marine invertebrates that calcify to cope with the rapid environmental changes expected in the predicted global ocean acidification and warming scenario by applying genomics, transcriptomics, and metagenomics, along with metabolic ecology.
Ferré Codina, Albert
FORESTREAM. ResearchGroupon Forest and StreamEcological Links: Watershed Management and Restoration
Phone: 934021470 Group Web Personal Web
Research areas: Biogeography - Cartography and biodiversity databases - Conservation of Biodiversity Interest groups: Plant communities - Habitats - Vascular plants Research Group: Geobotànica i Cartografia de la Vegetació (GEOVEG)
Ferrer Parareda, Xavier
2017SGR1755 Ecologia evolutiva, comportament i conservació de la biodiversitat Retired
Phone: 934021458 Personal Web
Applied ornithology studies, birdstrikes with aircraft, urban birds, wind farms and birds, plague species and other environmental issues. Biogeography preferably animals. Little research on history of the spanish ornithology.
Biologia de la conservació en ecosistemesmarins (MedRecover)
lfiguerola@ub.edu Group Web Personal Web
Study of the Mediterranean habitat-forming marine species populations under the global warming effects, and engage citizen science to produce new knowledge for science and society.
Fortuño Estrada, Pau
FEHM (Freshwater Ecology, Hydrology and Management)
Phone: 934031188 Group Web
My research is focused on river ecology. I work to promote environmental volunteering and citizen science related to river ecosystems and give value to the data generated from the public at the level of management and conservation of Mediterranean rivers.